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The Organisation


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Chapter 15

Oby snorted as she saw Vesh talking with Red. The inspector looked at her.

" Hello Oby, i heard you were unconcious?"

" Pfft, that tranquillizer was nothing," she lied. In truth her shoulder was still throbbing and she felt dizzy.

" Hey Oby," grinned Red. In response, Oby spat at his feet. Red's grin turned to a grimace.

" Take her away," he ordered the guards.

" Wait," inturrupted Vesh.

" What?" asked Red, irritably.

" If we are going to discuss things, I need to meet with the rest of my team. Allow me to see them," he said.

" Fine, go," said Red dismissively.

" Mae? Shazi?" gasped a shocked Razor upon seeing his comrades. Only 3 hours ago they had been together at school. It was evening now but everything had changed. Suddenly. he spotted Chaos.

" Bastard!" he exclaime and leaped at him.

" Raz wait!" yelled Mae in alarm. Razor laid into Chaos, punch after punch at his face. The guards tasered him and he was restrained by Shade and Shazi.

" Stop or you will be shot," said the guards.

" Get off me!" he exclaimed. Chaos got up from the ground, wiping his lip.

" Not bad Raz. You're way stronger than Leki," he smirked.

" I'll kill you!" roared Danny. CRACK! Shazi's slap stunned Razor.

" Leave it," she ordered. Danny cursed again.

" Fine," he muttered.

" Looks like your having fun," grinned Oby, entering the room.

" Hey sis," sneered Mae.

" Hey, stop arguing. For now we are on the same side." ordered Vesh, following Oby with Empathy at his side.

" Vesh! Empathy!" exclaimed Shazi, embracing them both.

" I would hug you but my arm kills," smiled Mae weakly.

" I'll check it out," said Empathy, lifting her medical bag.

" Me too please, that tranquillizer was killer," moaned Oby. Empathy hesitated. Shade nodded.

" Do it,"

Oby snorted.

" Where's everyone else?" asked Razor. Mae, Shazi and Shade tensed.

" Scott and Amber are dead," stated Chaos matter-of-factly.

" WHAT?" gasped Razor. Vesh rubbed his eyes.

" Shit," he cursed.

" How can you say it so casually?" demanded Shade.

" Cuz I don't care!" grinned Chaos.

" It's your fault bastard!" roared Shade.

" STOP!" yelled Vesh. Everyone fell silent.

" Good. Now I've lost enough comrades today and as much as I despise the Organisation, I know we must work together to save Kametsu. Now any suggestions?"

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*sneaks up behind oby and tickles her* We iz sorting this out once and for all *tickles more*

Oh and great story Razor ^.^

*laughs* I iz not ticklish!

NO! That sounds so definitive, I want to have some more fun before that! *pouts* xD

2Red, you iz sooo not getting mah soup anymore! >.>

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Night had decended on the city of Kametsu. It had been just a few hours but everything had changed.


Spec Ops have lost Leki, Scott and Amber.

The Organisation have lost Random but have gained Eve. However, they have lost their leader, Koby who has gone rogue.

Ballard, a police superintendent has put together a team of warriors, with the aim of taking command of the city.

Due to his interference, the Americans have come to town and everyone, except Eve, is in custody.

All this has happened in just a few hours.

In the next chapter a major character will die.

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Chapter 16

Mae sighed. She looked around the room and saw everyone was asleep. They had talked and discussed for hours without really getting anything done. She rubbed her shoulder, Empathy had done an amazing job and it was just a dull ache. Vesh had gone around an hour ago with Chaos to meet with the Americans. So much had happened today and Mae knew that more was to come.

" I wonder just how many more of us will die," she muttered to herself. Oblivia, feigning sleep, nodded in agreement.

12 hours later

" How long are we gonna be kept here?" moaned Razor. Yuna frowned.

" Its lunch and Vesh and Chaos still aren't back," she said.

" Speaking of lunch do we get any?" asked Shade. Suddenly, the door opened and Vesh and Chaos entered the cell, with 3 guards and Poe following them.

" We've had a nice long chat and come to a decision," she smirked. Mae noticed that Vesh looked weary and Chaos was extremely agitated. Poe continued.

" Our original aim was to eliminate the gang warfare that has engulfed Kametsu. However upon discussion with Inspector Vesh and Chaos, we have realised that the Organisation is to blame," she grinned. There was a collective gasp.

" I told you we don't need you," muttered Vesh.

" You might think that but your president called us in," replied Poe. Suddenly, Yuna lunged at Poe. A shot rang out. Yuna dropped to the floor, a bullet hole between her eyes.

" YUNA!" screamed Oby, she moved towards Poe but was stopped by Chaos.

Poe looked at her coldly.

" Under the authority of the United States government, I sentence all members of the Organisation to execution!"

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Chapter 17

Razor patted his stomach contently. The members of Spec Ops had been released an hour ago and had eaten a great lunch. As he thought about the Organisation, he sighed. He turned to Shade.

" This isn't right," he said to him.

" I know. This is our job." replied Shade, darkly.

" Why did the president even call in the Americans?" asked Razor.

" Kametsu is a strategically valuable area. The president is a corrupt bastard who's only goal is to get chummy with the U.S. You following so far?"

Razor nodded.

" So by allowing them into Kametsu, he's giving them a stake in it. The Organisation is a powerful criminal syndicate, feared the world over so if the Americans destroy it, they look good and they have an excuse to come into Kametsu."

" But why did they negoiate with Vesh and Chaos?"

" To keep up the facade of being 'friendly allies'." said Shade.

" But then why did they kill Scott and Amber?" asked Razor. Shade raised his eyebrow.

" You are right. I'm stumped about that,"

" We didn't kill any of you," inturrupted Krog.

" What?" gasped Shade.

" Are you sure?" asked Razor. Krog nodded.

" Poe specifically ordered us to avoid killing," said Krog. Razor frowned.

" Well if you didn't kill them......."

" Who did?" breathed Shade. Krog frowned.

" We need to find Vesh now!" exclaimed Shade.

" Like I'm gonna let you go anywhere!" yelled Krog. Razor narrowed his eyes.

" What do you mean?" he asked.

" Well, while you've been chatting, Zero Squad have secured all members of Spec Ops so they don't attempt a rescue!"

" Shit," cursed Shade.

" But don't you see, somethings wrong!"

" Just sit tight," replied Krog.

CRASH! The whole room shook.

" What the-?" muttered Krog. Suddenly, Razor kicked him. Shade knocked out the guards.

" Lets go find out what's going on," he said to Razor.

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Chapter 18

Iki sighed. As neither a member of the Organisation or Spec Ops he was typically alone with three weak guards. They're underestimating me, he thought. Suddenly, there was an explosion and Iki was thrown from his seat. He looked up and saw a gun on the floor next to him. He reached towards it but at the last second it was kicked away. The head guard faced him, with his back towards the door.

" Go check out what happened!" he ordered the other two. As they exited the cell, Iki caught a glance of a figure. The door re opened after a second and Iki was surprised to see blood on the outside wall. A woman walked in, with a finger on her lips.

" What you staring at?!" sneered the last guard. Suddenly a knife slit his throat and he collapsed to the floor, dead. Iki looked at the woman.

" I know you," he said to her. " You're Eve,"

" Hey," grinned Eve,

Shade walked down the corridor, with Razor behind him. Up ahead of them was the infirmary, which had a group of soldiers including Fang guarding it.

" Considering the amount of soldiers there, I think everyone else is in there," theorised Razor. Shade nodded.

" We are unarmed," noted Shade, as they ducked behind a vending machine.

" And they have AK 47s," replied Razor. " We are so screwed,"

Suddenly Iki and Eve appeared next to them.

" Hey guys," she greeted.

" Hey Eve," said Razor, he froze. " EVE!"

" Where you been Eve?" asked Shade.

" Shopping," smiled Eve. She handed Shade a gun that she had taken off the guard. Razor frowned.

" Where's mine?" he asked. Eve reached behind her and gave him a katana.

" I know how much you like swords," she grinned. Razor smiled.

" Lets do this guys," said Iki. Razor looked at him.

" Nice to know you're ok," he said. Shade looked thoughtful.

" What is it?" asked Iki.

" Something's wrong. Where's the rest of Zero Squad?"

" Probably checking out that explosion," replied Eve.

" HEY YOU!" All four of them turned around and were faced with Krog and Rezin. Fang looked in their direction and signalled to the other soldiers. Razor sighed.

" Shit,"

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