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As you're likely aware by now, Kametsu has been forced to undergo changes in order to continue to exist and keep its staff members out of legal trouble. There was no other possibilities to be had. So please refrain from suggesting ways to get around the situation, and please do not attack the staff for the decisions made. What is done is done.


No we will not be bringing back the content you're liking to be wondering/asking about. No we cannot access the content to back it up for you. No we cannot recommend other sites that participate in such activities. Please understand our situation.


If you have any suggestions for the community going forward, we're all ears. We're looking for ways to breathe life into discussions, continue to draw new members in and keep them around actively participating in discussions, etc...


To this regard we have many changes we plan to roll out within the coming month. One of which is usergroup levels in which you advance ranks based on various things such as account age, post count, and reputation points. This'll give you styled names in the online list as well as various perks such as larger Private Message box, access to other boards, less flood control on searches, ability to give out more rep points per day, custom titles, and more.


We're also looking into having the occasional Steam key giveaway contests to and various gaming activities where hopefully we can get enough people together to play some online games together, stream gameplay, write reviews, give recommendations, etc. We're also looking for news writers to keep up with the latest news on television, movies, anime, toons, and games.


I'm also pondering the idea of a points system with a shop for possible profile treats (just in the name of fun), and various other possibilities such as maybe the ability to pin a thread for a certain time, bump it, feature it, custom user style, or something. We had something like this years ago, so it may be fun to bring back provided such thing exists.


Also, we're going to be looking for ways to cut costs of the community and ensure the community can better maintain itself. What this entails, I'm not sure at this point, but for now, if you'd like to continue to show your support for the community: donations are welcome as always and much appreciated.


And if you have any further questions or suggestions be sure to voice them. Just please by courteous and realize this entire event has been extremely taxing and stressful and we've had to deal with hundreds of inquiries already across all social media platforms.

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15 minutes ago, dangerousvhs said:

My username doesn't begin with the letter A.

I'm not sure what you mean...

53 minutes ago, Alangado said:

Man, while I don't like this change, I want to wish this forum and comunity the best for the future.

Totally understandable. I don't expect everyone to be okay with this change, but I do hope that enough people cared about the community aspect enough to stick around with the friends they've gained from the community.


Kametsu turns 15 this year, and I'd love to see it reach 20 years old five years from now and we're doing what we can to keep the community going.

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...Hummm....Can't say I like what has happened so many worked so very very hard ,,very sad it see it gone in a flash....

I curse all "trolling copy write finger pointers* every single one of them....*

**I a little less than half first nations with an equal mixing of pure viking ancestry...the rest id french Canadian,,.the curse should work...***

I also can't say much else,,,,I just hope this place can hang on.. (honestly though............) **Still crosses fingers anyway **

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Don't worry guys, the anime focus sure as hell isn't going anywhere. This actually opens the door up for us to be able to do even neater things to make up for what we lost, we really think you guys are going to like this a lot once we start rolling out the plans.


You guys are what make Kametsu great. Nothing else. No amount of downloads could ever surpass that. A forum cannot even exist without each and every one of you and we sincerely hope you stick with us for the long run. This was an extremely stressful time for us to ensure we could keep this community operational, and we endured it for you guys because we just care that much for all of you.


You'll all have plenty more opportunities down the line to make suggestions to us as to what else we can do on this forum for you all. That's another positive aspect of all this too.


I sincerely believe the future is brighter for Kametsu now. I really do. We rise from the ashes anew, and become even greater.

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23 minutes ago, Beemo said:

Kind of unlikely since well over half the traffic this site received was for the download links.

Well the traffic was so high, that even if 90% of the daily traffic was for downloads, that'd still leave roughly 300,000+ pageviews a day that wasn't.


And there is a HUGE part of the member base that while being here for that, found something much more, and stuck around to actually be a part of the community itself. These are the kinds of people worth striving our hardest to keep around and it's because of them that we've fought so hard to keep Kametsu running smoothly for 14 years and 10 months. My friends and my family, I love these guys and gals who make it all worth it.


When you think that the majority of the people who aren't going to visit anymore were one-time posters, it's really not much of a loss. If anything the drop in visitors from people that contributed nothing to the community allows us to drop down to a lower-tier server, thereby cutting costs and making the community more sustainable.


Just FYI, since the birth of Kametsu, it's cost nearly $14,000 to maintain it between all the server fees, domain fees, licensing fees, subscription fees, theme renewals, plugin renewals, licensing renewals, etc. On average it's about $800 a year.

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6 minutes ago, khudea said:

You could have moved the main server in place, where copyright barely matters (like Russia let's say) and hide it behind some reverse proxies. That's how huge databases of illegal content usually avoid legal trouble.

No, we really could not. Our server provider didn't care about the reports, they just forwarded them to me and ignored them. The entire situation has absolutely nothing to do with where the server is located and 100% to do with where I am located. If it was unknown who the owner was and where they're at, sure. But since you don't know what transpired it's easy to throw scenarios out there. So again as the OP said, please refrain from suggesting ways to get around the situation. What is done is done. If you wanna make suggestions, make suggestions about what we can do moving forward on the course we've charted.

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So happy to see the community back again, thank you everyone for bringing back such a great forum and for all the hard work you've done ^.^


I missed clicking on the link in my bookmarks. It really has become such a daily habit for me over all these years lol, I felt lost not stopping by these last few weeks. I've been around since the days of Cartoon World too and can't believe that it was so many years ago already, time sure flies!


Even though it is extremely sad that things had to change. I am excited to see what new adventures the community will take us on in the future ^.^

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59 minutes ago, animeforever said:

So happy to see the community back again, thank you everyone for bringing back such a great forum and for all the hard work you've done ^.^


I missed clicking on the link in my bookmarks. It really has become such a daily habit for me over all these years lol, I felt lost not stopping by these last few weeks. I've been around since the days of Cartoon World too and can't believe that it was so many years ago already, time sure flies!


Even though it is extremely sad that things had to change. I am excited to see what new adventures the community will take us on in the future ^.^

For nearly 15 years it's been my home page and since the invention of tabs and the pinning of tabs it's been a staple in my pinned tabs. I too kept refreshing when it was down simply out of habit. Missed being able to browse the forum; even though we had Discord and IRC with hundreds or thousands of users in to talk to. It just wasn't the same and I'm glad many people are slowly returning to the community with open arms.


Of course it was to be expected that some people would try to incite issues and what not, but I'm actually surprised at how few actually have. Kametsu truly was one of the few online communities that wasn't filled with toxicity. Many communities I've tried to join in with were just so toxic that they seemed to simply thrive on tearing things apart rather than building it up. I'm very thankful that Kametsu was so full of nice people who are just wholesome to be around. People come and they go. There are many friends I've made through the years here that no longer visit the community at all, but many of which despite that I still keep in touch with through social media and other chat programs.


If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

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I was one of the first ones to see the forum back online (refreshed it multiple times a day since it went down), and one of the first to read this heartfelt, yet sad, thread. But it took me a while to pen my thoughts and post a comment. But here it is.


Unforgettable was that day, when I joined in with the rest of the Cartoon World crowd. 😊 Still remember it like yesterday. And though life caught up with, and I never quite managed to post actively, this place was my daily destination. Yes, I mostly wandered around the Downloads section. But this whole place was home, and managed as one. The posters, the administrative team, everyone welcomed us, and made us feel that nothing was lost.


This was the place to be for loves of art, animation, media and, well, life in general. 🤟


They say in the high seas that when one head is cut off, two more take its place.


From my experience, that is nowhere near true. It's hard, nay impossible, to replace what is lost here. More than the content, which was rare and so lovingly put together, it was the community. The discussions, the nostalgia, the talk about cartoons, tips about encoding, the fun atmosphere. 🤗 You can scan all corners of the globe, and you'll not find it. This was unique, it was unmatched. It will be.


The last year or two has seen many a places like this go down, forums and blogs, sites and subreddits. Each one felt like a stab in the heart, but this one more so. The amount of care and attention everyone poured here, to keep it going, not only made this the best cartoon resource around, it made it the only one worth being a part of. For me, this is a double blow, for it's not just Kametsu that is changing, it is Cartoon World, too, that is disappearing. 😔


Seeing the site go down, then the hopeful status updates that were so generously provided, and then seeing it back filled me with hope that everything would be back to normal. But typing in that URL and seeing that unfamiliar page rushed in familiar emotions, of seeing a loved one drift away, drift far away.


Like I said, those particular sections were not what made Kametsu what is, but they had their unique charm. A feeling nurtured by all the members, the uploaders, the donaters, the encoders, the moderators, everyone. 👨‍💼👩‍💼 Built up over the years, and sustained every single day. Even if some other site does magically step up, it will never be able to take its place.


For me, it's back to scouting for content on the various sites that I am part of, the few that remain in this day and age of mobile and instant gratification.


I will still visit, every now and then. In the hope that the original Kametsu community gains strength and grows strong. 💪 I will still visit, though not as regularly as before, sadly. But I will visit in the knowledge that Koby did everything possible to get things back to where they were. I am not aware of the complete details, but I can see they came prepared. And knowing Koby, and how much he loves this little corner of the web, I take solace in the fact that he did not take this decision lightly. It was, what he felt was best for this community, and it rightly was.


The content and connections may be gone, but the memories will remain with me till my final breath. 😢 This place was that darn good!


I will, once again, take the opportunity to thank everyone. Appreciate all the love, care and commitment you all showed in making this the best place of its kind, in making this feel home. ❤️ Free of toxicity, free of malice. I wish the best for the future, a future that I will try to be part of, albeit in a smaller capacity as before. Thank you, again, for so graciously hosting the Cartoon World crowd, the Cartoon World content. Couldn't have asked for a better place to carry on the party.


Here's to all the members and fine folks here, here's to decades more of awesomeness! 😇

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