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Do you support abortions?  

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  1. 1. Do you support abortions?

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AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease, but you can still get it from a bad blood transfusion or sharing needles (btw, AIDS can be transmitted from mother to baby during pregnancy). Sex may be the primary way of obtaining an STI/STD, but all it really requires is the exchanging of fluids. When the child is born vaginally to a mother with active herpes, the baby comes into contact with the blisters. The risk isn't that large if her herpes are dormant (e.g. she has no blisters present from the disease).

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  • 4 months later...
Guest Sasy's Girl

Abortion really does sicken me. And, its only getting worse and worse. Europe's population is dropping at an alarming rate because of all abortion's done. 3/4 babies don't see the light of day because their mother's couldn't take responsiblity. Hell, in France they PAY woman to have kid's. They pay for schooling, college... (lol, if its that way I'm going to France and havin' my kids)

I don't think its right that a woman can decide to let her baby live of die. Who is she to judge the fate of another? Its true, it's her personal body but its not right to talk the life of another. Especially when its a life that your body created. I don't know how woman can live with the guilt knowing they had an abortion.

Since 1973 , it is estimated that there have been more than 45 million abortions performed in the United States... lol. That's sad. You can't tell me those were ALL rapes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know if I've said my piece, so I will now.

I personally wouldn't have an abortion, I don't think. But I also believe it is not my place to judge someone for what they've done. If the person wants/needs to have an abortion, then let them. It's their body, and no one else has the right to tell them what to do with it.

It's between the woman and in some cases (though not all) the father.


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  • 9 months later...

possibly, BUT if they were sent to stem cell research people would possibly live longer, which in turn would only add to the problems of the world. people live too long and over population is a growing problem throughout the world. as far as abortions are concerned i dont really care its your choice to do whatever you want...so yea i guess im nuetral on that stand point...but if abortions are enforced they should not be used to help lengthen human life.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I agree that it is a needless sacrifice of life, but in the same respect, I can understand where a teenage mother with no education who just been raped (an extreme case I know), would want to erase every trace of that traumatic even.

I can also understand wanting to use stem cells to attempt to save not extend lives would be a positive aspect. Realistically, and semi avoiding the controversy behind the question, do I support abortions? no. On the other hand I don't support teenage pregnancy either, kids should enjoy their childhood and not use abortion as a substitute for the morning after pill.

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i personally do not believe that anything new should be developed to save lives either...now maybe thats just based on my belief in the strongest will survive and maybe that makes me a bad person but quite frankly i don't care. if something small and stupid like a little infection is going to spread into my liver and kill me because i don't know how to take care of my stupid ass i deserve to die for not living properly or not being strong enough to fight whatever is ailing me.

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Although this is a thread for about Abortions, I am responding to Badomen121211... sure, the strongest will survive, but if your looking at it from a species point-of-view, making each individual live for as long as possible is just another way of using science to allow our species to survive. Just because you use something like stem-cell organ growth to live a long time, doesn't mean it is wrong, in fact, our bodies were never, "Programmed" to die. There is nothing inside of us, that is supposed to make us die of old age, it is just the cells over-working themselves, needlessly, and dying loooong before they should. Which is not even a stem-cell problem, we could fix that without anything like stem-cell research. Survival of the strongest? Yeah, I believe in that, except I believe in what it ACTUALLY means, the strongest all-around. If you are too stupid to use science and tricks to stay alive, you are not strong, you are an idiot and deserve to die. Strength is not just physical, it is mental, and emotional. Even if we extended our life spans, do you realize that the human brain, due to the fact that we do not even have access to it'd full potential, can not cope with us living for an extremely long time. We cannot go on, living twice, or three times our life spans, without ending up killing ourselves because of the mental instability that would become a problem due to the extended life span. We would need to use other medical advances and whatnot to either expand our brains abilities, or to completely forget things from the past, which would basically defeat the purpose of living longer in many ways.... Also, stem-cell research is out to extend our life spans, yes, but it is also more in research to save the lives of people born with extreme disabilities or problems, such as giving a child born with a bad heart, a second chance at being able to keep on living.

On to the normal thread topic; Abortion is the best way to go, our planet is over-populated, our resources are running low due to it, and if you are not going to be able to take care of the child, or do not want to take care of it, abort it. Putting a child into an orphanage, or something of the sort is a bad move, most children do not get adopted due to the over-population of said places. It would just be you bringing another person into the world, that the world cannot support, at least if you abort it and allow it to be used for stem-cell research it may go to some use other than helping to destroy the world. Another good, FACT, is that abortion is safer than going through with pregnancy for the soon-to-not-be-mother. We kill living humans all the time, we kill criminals, we kill others in wars, we kill others on the streets, it is the same things as aborting someone, except when you abort them, you are taking the initiative to not deal with them when they may be dangerous. An argument back is that the child could grow up to cure cancer, my argument back is that if that is true, than he could also grow up to create a new strain of a deadly plague, and spread it over the planet to kill everyone, or even do it mistakenly. With every good possibility for a child's possible life, there are two or three, or more, negative possibilities that could come along with that good one. What if the child would be born with a debilitating disease, or other problem, that ensures that they will never be able to succeed at anything amazing, and in many cases, anything at all? Would you want to bare a child that is never, ever, going to live a good life, into the world? I doubt it, unless your a very cruel person, or because you are gullible enough to believe a religion that says it is wrong to kill a child through abortion, no matter what. Which is a horrible belief, for this reason, what if somehow one could prove, beyound a doubt that the child someone is pregnant with, is going to be the end of all life... if that person is a strong believer in their religion, they would have the child regardless, and thanks to that, we are done for. I know, extreme, impossible, end of the world never going to happen scenario, but it was to make the point.

I honestly could go on with why it is not right, or wrong, to have an abortion, but I believe I got my message across.

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I agree with abortion. As said by Amer, our world is becoming overpopulated and whether your beliefs conflict with abortion, we can't handle an over populated world. IT is best to not have children at all, instead of bringing them into this world. An over-populated world also brings about more, not less, crime rates and kidnappings. In that since, if the mother doesn't want her child in foster care, nor can she take care of it, the logical choice is to abort it.

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  • 2 years later...

Abortion is wrong.. You're killing a living thing, you don't even get to choose wether you live or die.. It isn't right. If you didn't want the child, then use a damn condom or get your tubes tied or get your husband/boyfriend to get a vasectimy.. So many other choices

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Personally I believe abortion should be used in a case of rape and rape alone... I have had a friend how fell pregnant because of a rape... Seeing how it tore her life and the life of her son apart... it seems logical...

Other then that if you don't use protection... it is your responsibility too look after that child...

On a personal note, I look after my sisters child now (he was also from a rape..) He is a good child... but she saw him as the man who abused her....

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Everyone has very strong opinions on the topic, as they should! As a teenager I was always a little wishy washy on the subject...I always knew I would NEVER do it myself, but I also knew I would always support a friend or family member who chose to go that route.

As it turned out, I had a friend in highschool who chose to get an abortion. She was very skinny, a very small framed girl who would have a difficult time delivering a baby and carrying to full term. We were best friends for over a decade and drifted apart shortly thereafter, I came to realize that she hadn't gotten an abortion because of her size, but because she refused to ask her mom (or go on her own or ask a friend) to get birth control pills. No condoms, no pills, just a lazy girl looking for a quick way out.

A few years later when I was 18 I had my first pregnancy - From that point on I knew I was going to be a mommy. When I started having my own kids, my views on abortion became more clear and stronger than ever before. They should only be used for EMERGENCIES (mother can't handle the pregnancy, baby is the result of rape or incest) and only in the first trimester and only if adoption is completely unable to be done.

All this talk about abortion vs. adoption is pretty ridiculous if you ask me. These babies will be BABIES at the time of adoption, parents can sit on waiting lists for YEARS waiting for a brand new little baby to come along, if new moms turned to adoption instead of abortion they would be helping these poor families become whole much sooner than they would have waiting on the adoption list. More group homes and whatnots are for OLDER children, babies that come into the system are much more likely to be adopted out.

I started brabbling there, probably got off topic but hey, what can you do?

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Ahh... I think it's stupid when people say they support it if (the woman) was raped but don't if she wasn't raped. It's pretty hypocritical. Either you support it or you don't. I hate rapist, despise them to be honest. I think they should all be given the death penalty. If you're going to get an abortion get it as soon as you can, first trimester or preferably sooner. I really do not support abortion though, you do the deed you live with the consequences.

I don't think a drop in the human population is worth worrying about. It doesn't need to be growing constantly. I really doubt we're going to end up aborting ourselves to extinction. Better "underpopulated" than overpopulated anyway.

I agree.

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Personally I don't see how people could be against it so badly first of all. Second of all, this isn't even a fair argument, it's pro-choice not pro-abortion.

Abortion should be legal under many different situations:

1. Rape is an obvious one, I don't think anyone with half a brain can deny that it's not fair to the victim to force them and a child to suffer.

2. If people are going to use that damn "should have worn a condom" or "should have used birth control" argument, I think they should remember birth control doesn't always work. Condoms can break, and sometimes don't work even if they don't break. Then if you're going to say "well don't have sex until marriage", this can happen EVEN AFTER MARRIAGE, and just because you're married does not mean you can support a kid, nor want one. Before anyone says "should have thought about that before having sex," we have sex for more than just children, and I think after your married you should be allowed to have sex for the sake of sex. People complaining about "that kid didn't get a choice" sometimes the parents didn't get the choice of getting pregnant or not.

3. Some people just shouldn't be parents, and it's noble of them to admit it. I don't want Joe the crack addict and Marry the prostitute raising kids, and it'll just cause more trauma for them, and before anyone says "put them up for adoption", I warn you now, I went through adoption so I would choose your words carefully on that one. >_>

4. Children that have a HIGH probability of being born with extreme deformities, I mean seriously, why would you force them a life of suffering, and I'm not talking about being retarded (however I would have a whole other speech for that) but you know those kids born with stuff that kills them within like 5 years or so.

5. People who have too many kids already. Seriously why do you want to create more people living on welfare the rest of us have to pay for? Chances are you'll be against abortion, then turn around and say you hate it when people mooch off the system.

Honestly, I'm all for women making the CHOICE, not abortion, but the CHOICE of keeping or ridding of a baby. An abortion only days after pregnancy, or even a week is only killing a creature with a few cells to its make up. It in no way has reached the cell complexity of a human yet. We don't cry when we step on an ant, or kill bacteria? Why weep over a few cells that just so happen to have human DNA?

Falling back to George Carlin, I leave you with this:

"Why is it with a human it's an abortion, but with a chicken it's an omelet? When did we pass chickens on the scale of goodness? Name one bad thing about chickens. You can't, cause chickens are decent people."

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a very delicate issue but i can't agree or disagree with abortion. As it has been mentioned, someone should not have to carry around the burden with them that they have been raped and impregnated as a result. The child would just then be a burden on the mother and a constant reminder of what has happened. This is not health for both the mother or the child. In the long run, if the mother cannot bury the fact that the child was a result of rape, then the child could be neglected and not treated the same as a child she would of had willingly. That being said, I say this would be the only acceptable time for abortions to be had, as any other time, they willingly had sex and knew the consequences and were willing to accept them if they came so it was brought on themselves and if they think they are unfit to raise the child, they could always put the child up for adoption.

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I do not support abortion. Something like that shouldn't even exist. Abortion=Murder, no matter if it was from rape or a screw up. In any case, people don't view it that way. Most people just want to get the problem solved quickly without thinking about other options like setting the child up for adoption. At least that way the child lives.

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Elsch agrees with Cynthia in this case. there are certain situations in which an abortion can be okay. what if that child is born into a life so horrible, that every day he wishes he were dead? who are the real monsters then?

and for those of you who think that if someone gets raped, then they should let the child live anyways, but send them to an orphanage. did any of you think about the life that child will have, before typing out those words? Elsch wants to cry just thinking of it! could anyone feel more unwanted and unloved, being in that situation?

all in all, it should be left up to the parents. they are the ones who will be raising it. if they are having sex without birth control, then that is their own fault and should definitely take responsibility for their actions. but if they ARE using birth control but for some reason it fails, well, they were atleast trying to be careful and not have a baby. maybe they cannot afford one? maybe they never wanted one in the first place. if you don't want children, does that mean you are never allowed to have sex? so I think there should be some situations where it's okay to have an abortion. as long as you do it , as soon as you find out.

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