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CardGames/AnimeDamage/MegaChamp's Random PS4 Streams


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Here's the YouTube version for those that care. I'm unsure how long it will last due to the game being stream blocked but my method voiding that. We'll see I guess.


Am I the best at this game? Clearly not. lol. But that's the case for most of the games I play/stream regardless. It's still damn fun to play and I seriously can't get enough of it. I don't know why I stopped playing this series but I'm back in it for good for sure now.



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  • 2 weeks later...

So I found out recently that I'm already more than halfway through the game. Plus... I've also hit the difficulty spike. Which means most bosses are pretty hard now. Considering that I literally don't know of another point to do so... looks like I'm doing it now. Yep. Another Tales of Berseria stream this Thursday that will start at 5 p.m. EST.


Have I gotten better at it? Not really. It's about the same. Although I suppose it could be funny to watch me bad at it. Oh well. I guess. I'm still loving the hell out of this game. Every time I think I lose interest something happens that rectifies it pretty quickly. Besides... the point I'm at right now... we're going back to the first area of the whole game so that might be good to show off. Hopefully. Maybe. I honestly have no idea anymore. Oh well. Come if you want or I can just enjoy it by myself as always.


One thing to keep in mind though... this will likely be the final stream I do of this particular game. Mostly because, at times, it's not the greatest to stream and I'll admit that. I still love the hell out of it regardless though. So I will be doing the rest of the game on my own after this until I get to my next PS4 game. Which totally isn't another Tales of game and technically connected to this game I swear.


So yeah. There you go. See you there. Or not. All good.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've always been the overly cautious type of person. So what that basically means... is that, in all likelihood, I'm stalling until this upcoming Thursday. Why? Because that's when Crown Tundra for Pokemon Sword/Shield releases. I plan on using that as a 'mini-break' of sorts before starting Tales of Zestiria. It's pretty much because I don't want to run the risk of being worn out on playing to many 'Tales of' games in a row. Honestly though, it might not even be that much of a 'break' because I don't know how long it will take me to complete all of it and how much effort I'll actually put into doing as much as I can in it. We'll see I guess.


Worst case scenario is a couple of weeks. Either way, as always, I'll let you all know when I'm ready to officially start playing Tales of Zestiria.

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So my little 'stall tactic' only lasted about 3 days. Is that long enough? Who knows. It really doesn't matter I suppose. To be quite honest... I don't think I'll 'wear myself out' on this series. Or I don't see how that can happen anyway. Regardless...




Tales of Zestiria is my next PS4 game. Apparently Berseria is a prequel to this game. I'm already seeing why. The weirdest part... is that this game actually came out first. I think? Anyway Zestiria takes place in the same location as Berseria except... 1,000 years in the future or something like that. So basically like FFX when Tidus went from Zanarkand to Spira (though obvious differences and not really Zanarkand but still)


I've heard this game is... bad. To put it nicely. But I've always been the type of person who seems to love all the games that most people hate. Not that I'm saying I'm not worried. Because I am. But we'll just have to wait and see I guess. Either way... as before... I'll be playing a large chunk of this game on my own to get a 'feel' for it and how different it is from Berseria (pretty damn different so far) before attempting any streams of this.


So far though... the MC's english dub voice actor is the same as Joe from Digimon Tri's. This is weird and cool all at the same time. 😱


(yes I know he also did Akechi from Persona 5 but he was a jerkass... so...)

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This week is going to be chaotic. Particularly tomorrow. For obvious reasons. Due to this I'm announcing this now. Even if it's once again blatantly obvious what I'm announcing.


Zestiria has increased tenfold after Edna joined. She pretty much instantly became the best character in the game so far and makes the game that much more enjoyable. Although I'll admit I'm still not the 'greatest' at this game I wasn't exactly the 'greatest' at Berseria either. So oh well.


Which means I plan on streaming Tales of Zestiria this week. To show off the greatness that is Edna. As well as the game in general. Especially since, so far anyway, the hate I've heard about this game is, unsurprisingly, unwarranted. As I've been enjoying it quite a lot so far. Is it as good as Berseria? No. But it's still pretty decent as far as I'm concerned.


The stream is the same time as always. This upcoming Thursday that will likely start at 5 p.m. EST. As always it's up to the individual if you come or not.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanksgiving is quickly approaching. Due to this I'm doing things differently. Mostly because holidays like this and the other ones next month are hard to work around for obvious reasons.


Tales of Zestiria may not be the best game and it certainly isn't as good (or as easy honestly) as Tales of Berseria but it's still good it's own sort of 'unique' way and I've quite enjoyed playing it. I'm quickly approaching the last section of the game though so if I don't stream it again I pretty much won't be able to. I don't like streaming endgame due to spoilers (unless it's a game I particularly like i.e. Final Fantasy Type 0 HD) so to avoid that I'll be doing another & my final stream of Tales of Zestiria this upcoming week.


Due to Thanksgiving being on Thursday the stream will be taking place on Tuesday. But still the same time as always. 5 p.m. EST. Currently I'm about to do the final 'trial' of the Shepherd for the group. Because being that on it's own isn't enough apparently. Regardless if you feel bored, or just want to come anyway, feel free to. At this point I'm used to 0 viewers now. lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

With Tales of Zestiria completed and done to my liking... I can finally move on to what's next. People are going to be assholes no matter what I do. My opinion won't change either way. The game isn't as bad as most claim and complain about it being.




Do you like Pokemon? Do you like Final Fantasy? Ever wanted the two series to perform Video Game Fusion? WELL CONGRATULATIONS. THERE'S A GAME THAT'S EXACTLY LIKE THAT. Yes. Something like this exists and is real. It just so happens that it's what up next for me and what I've already started playing.




(I don't have Day One Edition but it's the only box art shot I could find)


Yep. It's called World of Final Fantasy. No only can you catch Final Fantasy monsters (and other things) like they are Pokemon and use them on your head (quite literally) but it's also similar to Final Fantasy in terms of the battles and EVEN A CROSSOVER WITH A BUNCH OF PREVIOUS AND CURRENT FINAL FANTASY CHARACTERS.


What more could you ask for? Seriously what?






Okay. I'm all better now. I swear. maybe


So yeah. This is what's up next for me. With more holidays quickly approaching and probably being unable to do it at any other time... it's very possible I stream this soon. Possibly as soon as next week. We'll see.

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With Holidays quickly approaching... this is really going to be my only chance to do this. Mostly because holidays are busy for everyone (including me) and no one would watch anything during them anyway. But no one watches my stuff regardless so I suppose there's no difference. Oh well.


To be honest... it probably won't be the best or most exciting stream either. But again oh well. I'm seriously enjoying this game so far so that's really all I care about anymore. Needless to say... I'll be doing a stream of World of Final Fantasy this upcoming Thursday starting at 5 p.m. EST. If you want to see what Pokemon + Final Fantasy Video Game Fusion actually looks like... come see for yourself.

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Here's the YouTube version for those curious enough to see what Pokemon+Final Fantasy video game fusion actually looks like. Admittedly it's not the best or most exciting stream so I understand if you don't watch and/or skip this one. The game is still really fun and cutesy so I'm quite enjoying it regardless of not great streams or not. lol



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll be honest... I'm getting pretty close to the end of World of Final Fantasy and I'm still not completely sure I'll be able to stream it again. However I suppose I'm not really all that close to the end either.


So I may attempt another stream for World of Final Fantasy this upcoming Tuesday at 5 p.m. EST. On Tuesday because Thursday is technically another holiday. It will be my final stream of 2020 and also likely my final stream of World of Final Fantasy as well.


We'll see I guess. Keep an eye on the status updates for final confirmation.

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So yeah the stream broke. Not sure why this is happening again but with another holiday coming up there's no point in trying again and I just can't get myself to try again when it breaks. There's probably nothing I could do to make up for it either (unless a demo for a future game I'm looking forward to playing comes out that I can stream)


So World of Final Fantasy streams are over unfortunately. See you all in 2021 for more streams.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed that I wasn't able to stream World of Final Fantasy a second time. Because I am. But unfortunately I have no control over when my stream breaks and when it doesn't and then I was literally at endgame and there would have been too many spoilers shown. So there was literally nothing I could do about it. Hopefully it doesn't happen again anytime soon. Otherwise I don't know what I'll do about my streams.


Anyway... I finished World of Final Fantasy (Maxima) to my liking on Tuesday night. I didn't go for the Platinum even though it's listed as a 3/10 difficulty Platinum. Which, to me, is utterly wrong. The Platinum is too grindy, too ridiculous, and too dependent on RNG and luck and I wasn't going to put myself through that. So I just decided against it. I did what I could in the game and I'm satisfied with what I was able to do and accomplish.


Anyway... here's what's up next...




Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Remastered.


a.k.a. The Studio Ghibli game. Which it literally is so far. lol. It also seems like a fusion between Yo Kai Watch (also Level 5) and Persona. Or just a Ghibli version of Persona I guess. It's very pretty graphically so far though. Even the anime cutscenes are very crisp and Ghibli-esque. Of course I knew this beforehand.


Like always I'll be playing quite a bit of it on my own before attempting any streams. Possibly a large chunk of it. We'll see but I'll inform you all, as always, when I decide to attempt to do the first stream of it.

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Well this wasn't my original intention at all... but... I also feel like I don't have a choice. Because I'm literally almost 20 hours into the game and I haven't even streamed this game once yet. Well that and the fact that there's no way in hell I think I can stall until Tuesday. Plus I don't like doing 2 streams in one week. Which leaves little choice as far as I'm concerned.


I will be doing the first stream for Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Remastered this upcoming Saturday at the same time as always. 5 p.m. EST. This game has actually been quite fun at times and cutesy. It's somewhat similar to World of Final Fantasy and Pokemon as well with monster catching. Maybe you'll get to see it maybe you won't who knows. This part I've decided is 'good enough' to stream but that doesn't mean it might still not potentially be the greatest and/or boring so there's your warning. It's up to you if you come or not as always.


So far I'd describe this game as kind of a fusion between Yo Kai Watch and Persona series games. It's also basically Studio Ghibli: The Game. If you want to see what I mean and see it for yourself... well... yeah... you know what you'll have to do.


I'm not fond of streaming on a weekend at all, but like I just said, I feel like there is little to no choice here considering what I want to stream this next upcoming Thursday which I'll talk about on Tuesday of next week. So yeah. Hopefully I'll be able to pull it off without... interruption. We'll see I guess!! *sighs* 😑

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So in case you haven't heard or you have somehow forgotten already... there's a Balan Wonderworld Demo that's releasing for free on PSN this upcoming Thursday. This is a game I'm looking forward to... so... I plan on streaming the free demo this upcoming Thursday. At maximum the stream will start at normal time of 5 p.m. EST but I'll probably start as soon as I'm ready as I don't know how long the demo actually is (or how badly I'll fail at the game without a guide lol). So if you want to see what this game is like I'd recommend coming in around 4:30 p.m. EST but up to you in the end as always.


The game seems pretty interesting from everything I've seen of it. It's pretty much NEW Nights into Dreams. Hopefully that translates to the demo but we'll see either way I suppose.

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Here's the YouTube version for those who want it.




Once the full game is out and a full walkthrough is available... I'll do considerably better I'm sure. Either way I still had a lot of fun playing this (despite the drug trip moments lol) and this looks to be a good new platformer. Whether this becomes a new franchise or not though remains to be seen.


Anyway I might stream Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch Remastered again but honestly it's hard for me to really find spots that are 'good enough' to stream due to how much side stuff my guide wants me to do. So it's pretty much unknown if I'll do another stream for that. We'll just have to see I guess.

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I would have given more advanced notice... but honestly... I don't think it makes that much of a difference anymore. I've gotten used to treating my streams like super long YouTube videos anyway (because no one really watches my streams but I honestly don't care and it's pretty much normal for me at this point).


Besides... I legit don't know if there's any other 'better' part to stream and even if I keep playing there's no guarantee that I'll find a better part to stream anyway. Plus, honestly, Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch Remastered is good don't get me wrong. I've been loving it so far. It's just... it doesn't seem to be the best game to stream. So it's basically this situation where I'm like 'okay I guess I'll stream it because I don't know when else to do it.'


I also have... stuff going on next week so this is probably the only chance I'm going to have.


So yeah. Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch Remastered stream again tomorrow at 5 p.m. EST or whenever I feel like starting I guess (though I'd start earlier not later than that). Come or don't it's up to you in the end obviously.

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