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How was your day today?

Emotional Outlet

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A damn shitty day. Not only did I oversleep, something I despise doing, but I discovered that when my dear technician of the year not only managed to destroy my HDD, he also managed to mismount my fricking cooling fan. How do I know this you ask? Well, when I plugged in my brand new and mighty expensive HDD and switched my computer on, the cooling fan decided to play kitchen chopping board with my motherboard, and pretty much tear a hole through it. I didn't even bloody know that was possible, but apparently it is. So I now have a brand new laptop harddrive for pretty much f all. -_-


On the upside, I discovered there is a distinct possibility that I get deported if I don't get a job in the next month and a half. Oh wait, that a plus?

Edited by Anras Rune
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My day was alright til I woke up properly lol, had to go up the hospital and see my mum, she's going into surgery tomorrow and yeah, a bit worried but it's pretty routine stuff so not expecting bad news or a phone call from anyone about something going wrong.


Had a surprisingly good night with my ex too, lots of talking and yeah, Idk, maybe a possibility we'll be friends, maybe...

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Well, being sick is still no good, haha.


Today was pretty mellow. Shelved all the children's DVDs and went in to do some maintenance on the regular DVDs. Yesterday the kids' DVDs were double stacked on the cart, so I got to spend most of my day yesterday doing that. Today one of the librarians noticed that the DVDs were in alphabetical order, and I took all the credit because the credit is mine. I did that.




I then spent seven hours piecing together the newsletter for both forum and downloadable version. /backflips into the core of the earth

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So today I visited my sister's apartment. I haven't been there yet so it was my first time. My dad and I helped hang up her 50 inch TV. Then watched all the Pope-ish stuff unfold. Cool that the guy is the first from the Americas (though to be honest I think ethnic/sex milestones are kind of pointless for most things). Then I also helped my dad set up a chair and a top part of a big desk. We're going to put it in my sister's old room. We'll probably set up the bottom part after we paint the room.

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One day we'll live in a post-racist and post-sexist world, haha. Until then.

I got an email yesterday from the librarian I work with saying that volunteers can't use electronics while they're working. While applicable to me in that it is a thing I should not do, I don't even take a break while I'm there, much less see my phone for the duration. I can't fathom why people would be driven so to wear headphones or putz around on their phone.

I've seen their hours, the other volunteers are usually only there for like 45 minutes to an hour. I do notice that some of them are less customer service driven than I am, and also some of them are total slobs, oh my god.

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My day is just getting started, and already it is awesome. Going to look at a truck in a few. My car decided it didn't want to play "drive to work and back" anymore, so it broke. Found a cheapish truck in the paper, and if it runs good, I want it. 1989 ford F150 extended cab. Back seat designed for luggage and/or legless midgets, full sized truck bed with matching camper shell. Low miles, and only 1 owner. Will update with pics later if I get it.

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How many legless midgets can you fit in the bed? And how does that convert to dead bodies? That's how we measure trunk space, haha.


Today was pretty mellow, just did more of the same. Java came back a little early in the morning to change and take another airman to a volunteer event, so he ended up dropping me off at the library way early. I shelved some books and children's DVDs before tackling the regular DVDs again. I'm pretty sure the other volunteers are extremely unconscientiousness and just shove DVDs wherever they fit (and sometimes where they don't fit at all), because I'm still finding movies in places that aren't even the correct first letter. Like I found Diary of Anne Frank in the A section and Paranormal Activity under N.


And just to throw some gossip around, I guess the librarian I work with was having an issue with one of her other volunteers. They had showed up the other night after their shift was supposed to have started and was just hanging around. When confronted about it (I guess it wasn't the first time they did that), they said they couldn't get a ride, it was already an hour after their shift so they were just there to pick up some stuff and hang out, &c &c. Whatever happened, it eventually culminated in them getting kicked out and "fired".


Oh, and I guess some of the hourlies thought the "no electronics" rule didn't apply to them, haha.


There was also an issue the other day where someone brought in a large group of kids--at least a dozen, if not more. One of the librarians said that normally they like for people to call ahead about large groups so they can be appropriately prepared for the classes. Later on, the person heading the group of kids approached the branch manager and was like, "She was very rude and condescending, you know, and I've called in before and they said I didn't need to call so I didn't call, and I just thought she was really rude and talked to us like we were stupid."


Later on, I heard the manager talking with another librarian and they pretty much agreed that they should have called ahead--and really, why wouldn't you call ahead? You have to do it for almost everything else--people need time to get set up. You show up with twenty people unannounced, don't be surprised if they aren't prepared to handle your group.

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That really sucks Rune, sorry to hear about it. Hopefully it all turns out well, or at the very least, not COMPLETELY horrid.

-And that's pretty cool, getting a truck and all! Do you need another liscence for trucks though?

--Haha, EO, It sounds like you're the only volunteer doing any work!?  It's pretty awesome that your library does classes and stuff. (I always thought they were just for books+studying) Does every library do that?

My day was pretty annoying today(or yesterday now). The night prior, my little sister was having bad allergies so I had to tend to her. This is after I just finished a night shift, so I was pretty tired. So after doing playing nurse, I eventually got to sleep around 2pm. A huge mistake, considering I have to wake up ~4pm at the latest. I ended up waking up at 5:55pm, 5 minutes before my shift starts. So I end up calling in late, taking a bus there and coming in late. They called me to the side, I now have a perma note in my file. "Late on 15.03.13", what excuse did I use? "Slept in".


Now, I don't have a car so I can't drive to work so I had to bus/train it in. I have my wonderful friend to pick me up/drop me off home though, so that's good. I'm really thankful for that, but I'm a little less thankful that they had forgotten about me. Their phone was also turned off. I was waiting around for hours in the rain. Argh!

This image pretty much represents how I feel now. I don't even understand it, but it is now me.


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/hits you with the beans


I like walking to work, and wish it were more socially acceptable to do so. It sucks they left you, my dad would do that to me when I was in high school, haha. I'd call him and be like, "It's been forty-five minutes, I'm still here." Eventually I got tired of waiting around at school and just crossed the highway (literal highway, it was four lanes of traffic going both ways) to the shopping district down the hill. I'd wait at the Borders instead.


Woe be to any person who fails to uphold an appointment for me these days. I get real antsy about that kind of stuff.


I don't know what the other volunteers do. A lot of them are high schoolers, so I can sort of sympathise with their lack of work ethic. Plus I work there during the morning (I get in about 10-15 minutes before opening), whereas most of the other volunteers are there later in the day.


All the branches in this county have classes. You can see what they have scheduled here. Most of the ones I'm present for are for tiny babies, which is why there is always tiny babies in my stories. I've never been to any of the ones more appropriate for my age, but they have some cool ones.


Tonight we're going to a friend's place for a St. Patrick's day dinner. It's early, but I don't care and neither do they.

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We didn't eat dinner with our friend because they rescheduled at the last minute. Instead we (Java, my roommate, and I) ate at the local pub and then picked up a castle craft project. We built a little castle with a tiny trowel and cement. And then they stayed up until four in the morning playing Minecraft.


Other than that, today has been pretty chill. Been reading and doing laundry.

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I designed and validated like 6 webpages since I woke up this morning(it's 10 pm now) html and javascript are flashing all over the place  like it's black ops now.  Not too far off from having a Russian guy's voice in my head telling me"Attribute error, unclosed element, unrecognised property....all must die,"

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I had to work urgent care this morning, which is something I hate doing. We were steadily busy though, so that always helps time go by faster.

After I got home, I basically vegged on the couch. I watched The Breakfast Club, Once Upon a Time, and The Walking Dead. I was also going to watch Vikings, but somehow I managed to see the new episode before it aired. Through Canadian TV maybe?

I hate working urgent care because then I feel I didn't have a weekend. T^T

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Had a pretty eventful day today.  My school has this big community service thing once a year where we can give back to the community. A lot of people that do it are part of fraternities or sororities since they need service hours. My club decided to do it because we're cool like that. Hundreds of kids gather and we are put into groups (you stay with your club so you aren't with complete strangers lol).  My club was joined with a fraternity. I forgot which one. They were really cool guys though.


We were tasked with taking down storm windows, clean them, and put them back up. Basically the girls cleaned and the dudes drilled.  We had to sign some I won't sue forms because we were using ladders and power tools.  Reason I brought that up was because I ended up getting myself hurt... On the last window!!! Yeah only person to get hurt. I was trying to get the part of the window that covers that screen part down and the whole window fell on my middle finger. It hurt and it bled a lot so I put a band aide on it and got one of the girls to kiss it for me (lol jk).  So yeah it feels weird typing I and K right now lol.


Anyway it was a good experience. The people fed us lunch. I can also put this in my resume so not a bad way to spend a Saturday huh.


I also cleaned today.  I've had these stacks of papers in my room for about 4 years now.  I haven't bothered throwing them away because I never knew if I would need them again or something, or I've just been lazy. I decided to go through them and it was a fun nostalgic trip from years past during school.


Lastly when I was cleaning my bathroom, I decided to take my band aid off.  I thought it was be ok and that it probably healed. I didn't want the band aid to get wet and icky either.  Well when I was drying my sink with a towel I noticed a streak of red in my sink. It was from my finger lol. It opened back up and got on the towel. I have band aid back on finger now.

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They say that the key to staying on a diet is letting yourself cheat a little sometimes.


Today was good... Though I guess it's yesterday now.... Won a copy of Megaman Anniversary Collection off of Ebay, and it shipped today, and it estimated to be here by the 3rd. ^_^


I also put up some shelves on the walls of the game room so I can put games and books on them.


Then Mal and I went to the bar to hang out a bit, and a deaf guy hit on me while she was in the bathroom. I've decided to post the end of the conversation, because I think it was funny.


him: "Do you have a boyfriend?"


Me: "No I don't."


him: "Why not?"


Me: "Because I think my girlfriend would object to that."


him: "..." (obviously there is no sign for ellipses, but he stopped signing for a minute.)

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I hope you didn't bleed to death, lolrawr.


I know it's just small talk, but I always thought it was weird when people would be like, "Oh gosh, you're not dating anyone? Wow, you're just really great and stuff, I can't imagine you ever being single".


Anyway, I've been sick for the past three days and dying at a different pace than I normally die. I'll spare everyone the gruesome details of my illness, but needless to say it has been pretty gross and terrible. I'm still riding out the last bits of it, but I had to take off from the library on Thursday and Friday. I think I'll be well enough to go in tomorrow, but we'll find out when I'm shelving books and then suddenly I just pass out and crush a small child beneath me.


One of my roommate's friends came by the other night, one I think he probably met through his girlfriend. She was just as rude as ever and I really didn't appreciate the fact that he even brought her over when I'm dying on the couch. I thought about saying something and writing off my meanness as a side effect of being sick, but even when I'm hallucinating about evil circles, I still have sense enough not to start shit with people and say insensitive things.


Which is more than can be said of his girlfriend and her harpy friends, I just want them all to step on LEGO bricks and stub their toes on tables for the rest of their lives.

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