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Man that sucks PhoLo [i can call you that, right? lmao]

So far today, I woke up hella motherfuckin' late, I way overseasoned my omlette on accident and I've been watching Law and Order:SVU since a couple hours ago.  This episode is about a child that beats on his younger sister and shoves the blame on his various nannies.  It's fucked up, man.

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Man that sucks PhoLo [i can call you that, right? lmao]

So far today, I woke up hella motherfuckin' late, I way overseasoned my omlette on accident and I've been watching Law and Order:SVU since a couple hours ago.  This episode is about a child that beats on his younger sister and shoves the blame on his various nannies.  It's fucked up, man.


It's cool, call me whatever you'd like. 

Wasn't that bad, kinda felt like a badass, for all those people knew, I could have been the winner of an epic brawl or something. 

Haven't seen that show in FOREVER but I tended to hate the child episodes, those were some seriously F'd up kids. 

Also, that sucks about your omelette. 

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Yeah man, I love me some fuckin' L&O:SVU but the child episodes just get under my skin because I've got a eight year old brother and a seven year old sister and you don't want that to be them, you know?  I record the new episodes only otherwise my DVR would be flooded with L&O:SVU lol

I had to brush my teeth after that omlette wow DX  Way too much garlic

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I used to be such a big fan of that show, i'd say seasons 4-7 were my favorites, it started getting a little too weird/crazy in the later seasons. 

I can understand that but it makes you try harder to be a better role model for your siblings right?

Kudos for even being able to make an omelette, i've never made one so...yeah. 


Hopefully the rest of my day goes smoothly, just need to finish a paragraph for my English class but screw it, i'll put it off until a few hours before it's due. 

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I miss Chistopher Meloni on that show.  He was so great there ;n ; but the new partners and detectives aren't so bad I guess.  My last straw on the detectives is when Mariska Haritay and Dan Florek bail though.  I kind of wish that they cycled through detectives and cast every couple seasons instead of for life or until otherwise.

Man, omlettes are literally egg pancakes that you fold over at the end lol  You just have to practice doing it.

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The only eggs I can make are scrambled because I'm a terrible chef, haha. I also don't eat eggs that aren't boiled (I only like the white), so whenever Java asks me to make him eggs, he knows better than to expect anything other than scrambled from me.


Was it someone on this forum who made an excess of chicken salt french toast or was that some other part of the Internet? Because sometimes that happens to me--I accidentally dumped a pile of spicy salt into my soup once and tried to scoop out as much as possible. Bluh.


I found out the person who told me the other day that just dumping the children's DVDs into any of the spinner slots is "close enough" is a high school senior and instead of making me more sympathetic to his poor work ethic, it just made me more annoyed with him. I am old. I need a lawn so I can tell people to get off it.

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Eggs are dumb. Ban them now because I don't know how to cook them proper!




Someone, either here or somewhere else on the Internet, made a bunch of french toast, but instead of using cinnamon, they used chicken salt by accident.


I hate feeling old because I am actually still young (I'm not even thirty, come on) and people still think I'm sixteen, so situations like this frustrate me, haha.

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I just don't like them at all and don't eat them unless forced by family members, hard to say no to grandma who lovingly made eggs at like 7 am but who doesn't know that you hate eggs. >__>


wtf? ew.


16? Well count your blessings that you must at least still look really young. No wrinkle hiding cream for you for plenty of more years. :D

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I'm one of those people who can't choke down food, even if it means the world would literally explode if I didn't. I had a bad experience as a child where I forced to do exactly that and I just can't now. I would be a terrible diplomat. It's nice your grandma made you eggs, though, haha.


I suppose being half Asian helps with that! But then it's also kind of annoying because some people are condescending to me due to that, and then I think about making them into Sims and killing the Sim, like some sort of 21st century voodoo doll. They're lucky I'm too kind of a Sim overlord to do that to my pixels, though. And that I'm not crazy enough to punch them in the throat in real life like I want to.

Tangentially, when I came back from the library today, my roommate informed me that Gertie vomited all over the place, presumably because she gorged herself on the soft food in the same way Willis gorges himself on the regular dry food we give them. Once a week he ends up choking because he just inhales his food.

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Sacrifice the world to avoid doing that huh? o__o;

She is indeed a sweet old lady, can't say no to grandma. =p


Did you say that thinking it was funny or was that just what was on your mind? I read that little bit, laughed my ass off, and then pictured it....and laughed again. xD

Screw it, I need to save that, somewhat bad day so far and this is a nice little pick me up. 


I'm going to assume those are the names of pets? I just pictured a person doing that and....yeah, those gotta be the names of pets. 

I should go to the library more often. 

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90% of everything I say is facetious, even when I'm annoyed, so it's okay to laugh. It's how I temper the burning flame within me. Sometimes people don't pick up on that and think I'm really angry all the time, when really I am just being hyperbolic and I spend a lot of time laughing at poop jokes. I thought about being a TI once, but then I stopped wanting to be in the military and I really don't like the smell of new people in basic training. (They smell like poop.)


But, yes, Willis and Gertie are my cats! They are always up to shenanigans.


Libraries are fun. I like working at the library, even though I don't read as often as I should. (I do a lot of Internet reading.) But they're closing down the branch I volunteer at, so I don't know what I'm going to do this summer. Our apartment lease is going to be up by then, so I'll probably figure something out by then.

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Well, either way, you've been solidified as a cool person in my opinion. =p

and i'd imagine they would smell like poop after basic training. D:


Well of course, cats and shenanigans go hand in paw. 


That sucks. I remember wanting to work at a library back in high school, I just figured it'd be a good quiet place to work, and I suppose it helped that I spent every one of my lunches in the school library. 

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Yeah, people straight out of basic tend to smell pretty bad, haha. The problem is because we take all the shortcuts possible in order to survive. I was never on laundry crew, but some of them told their methods of ensuring all the laundry would be done on time. It involved cutting cycles short and not actually completely washing the clothes. We did the same thing when it came to showers.


It never hit me how bad we all smelt at basic until I had to do entry control for one of the baby flights--they were in their first week, so they still had civilian clothes. It was like people were just pooping in the back of the dorm, even though I knew that wasn't literally the case.


It's not too bad--they're closing the branch for renovations, not because of funding cuts, which is what I was worried about when I first heard about it, haha. And all the other employees there basically told me they were willing to write me recommendations in case I wanted to slide over to any of the other branches or sommat.


And it's not very quiet! There's a lot of babies and kids hanging around because one of the things all branches of the county's library system is in charge of is the education of children prior to kindergarten/first grade, so there's a lot of classes and other fun stuff happening all the time. They also have classes for adults, which I never go to because I'm lazy and cripplingly shy.

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My weekend was pretty miserable. I had to work urgent care Saturday and Sunday. Saturday was pretty boring, and we had some tough cases on Sunday. I basically came home and crashed both days.


Today's been alright. I have Mondays off, so I spent the day catching up on TV and reading. Now I've got to do laundry and go to rehearsal, blarg.

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Signed up for fall semester classes. Like always I had an issue when signing up for a class. Long story short, I got it fixed after some one-on-ones and phone calls. Since I'm getting up there with my classes it's getting harder to get good times. Tuesday's won't be fun. Will be on campus from 11:20 to 5:40. My focus will be gone at 2 lol. On the bright side I won't have a class on Friday.

I also might have to take a summer class. This job I'm pursuing requires to have at least one during the summer. If I don't get job I'm dropping that thing like a rock. Last year I took a few summer classes and they were really intense.

Also I found out today that one of my friends has ringworm. I'm now paranoid every time I itch myself.

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