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Osirus Thone

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sex is good. but it's best to find the right person first (seriousely, you can wait a few more years, can't you?) it's better than doing it early and feeling dirty even when you do find the right person. or doing it and being paranoid about getting something (std's ...)

It's so much better when you do find the right person anyway. it just works, you don't have to think about it.

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Sex is meh to me. I used to always think that it would be bad to have sex with someone who wasn't a virgin, but that's bollocks to me now. I mean, if you go about the relationship you're having with another person correctly, they should be able to consider your feelings and try to have some fun.

But yeah, I think sex is quite overrated, though I've been dying to get laid for the past few weeks. : (

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  • 4 months later...
Guest Mithra
Sex is meh to me. I used to always think that it would be bad to have sex with someone who wasn't a virgin, but that's bollocks to me now. I mean, if you go about the relationship you're having with another person correctly, they should be able to consider your feelings and try to have some fun.

But yeah, I think sex is quite overrated, though I've been dying to get laid for the past few weeks. : (

Why can't you get laid? lol, I'm a virgin, but i've fooled around a few times. I don't think you should have sex until your 16, i think thats actually a law, but its ok to fool around. You know.......right?

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Sex is only a tool in keeping a relationship going well, getting kinky is what will keep the relationship fresh later on into it, but if you over do it (Ha-ha,... pun) you will destroy the relationship because it will become pointless, other than for the sex. That is the second most horrible thing that could come from sex (the first is a child of course.)

People who do not have sex are missing out, people who have sex all the time, probably have shitty relationships... you have to find that correct balance between sex and love, of course there is love-making, which is the best kind of love or sex... cause it combines both... people should try for that intimate, deep kind of sex as often as plausible, but do not let it rule you, people have to have some fun too. Too many people think of sex as what they want to get, but a relationship is what it is that you should try for, and sex, as i said i will restate, is just a tool that should be used in keeping a relationship fresh. As long as you play it safe, it is perfectly fine to have often though... if you are stressed out, go get a blowjob, it relieves a load (Ha-Ha... another pun) of stress.

Plus, being able to get those kinky urges out every now and again is always nice. Hell starting early is a good idea too, you will at least have practice for when you find a real relationship to work on, although I would say try to hold off until about... 12 or 13 before you start doing stuff like that.

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  • 8 months later...

I personally think that on, some topics, you people overthink them. I have a story to prove my point.

i met a girl when i was still a virgin and i waited six months after i decided i was "in love" with her to have sex. expecting it to be some great life changing experience. although it was enjoyable i was sorrowfully disappointed. especially when i found out two days later that after she took my virginity she went over to some other guys house and had sex with him.

Sex in my mind is really nothing special and after as of late ive adopted a very 60's attitude towards sex whenever, wherever, whoever.

but hey thats just me.

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My views on sex were always very strict. XD

I always believed people should wait till marriage.

Then I started dating my current boyfriend who was my best friend for 2 years prior.

We had sex after 3 weeks of dating, but he was the only guy I would allow myself to have sex with. I love the kid, and I trust him more than anyone.

First time was very awkward because we were both virgins, and had no clue what we were doing at all, but it was actually kind of funny. We had fun.

We do have sex every once in a while but only if we are in the mood and that makes it a little more special.

I don't get the people who have it with a lot of people and within a small time frame...

Sex is held to highly in our society. I actually almost had it with an abusive boyfriend I had when I was 14. I'm so happy I didn't because it wouldn't have been special to me as it was with my boyfriend.

People keep saying "how will I know when I find that special person?" "I just want to do it and see how it is" "why should I wait?"

Seriously calm down. Be patient.

I am glad I waited. I don't know if me and him will be together forever, but we love eachother and that's all that matters.

I'm sure it's much better with that special someone than just some person.

Personally I would feel jealous to have sex or just date with someone who wasn't a virgin.

That's means they gave themself away to someone else and that's something they can never get back.

A lot of girls at my school have done it with numerous people... I don't know.. I just guess I wouldn't be happy that way...

Oh and do not have sex without a condom or the pill, especially if you are my age. Condoms have to be one of the worst things ever (they feel like you are wearing a garbage back and someone if giving you a back massage), but you NEVER want to have a pregnancy scare.

I've had that about 5 times and it's not fun. Once I even had morning sickness (it was caused by a medication I was on, but I didn't know), and it's so agonizing and just not worth it.

I would say try to hold off until about... 12 or 13 before you start doing stuff like that.

So you mean like.. 7th and 8th graders?

I don't think they are responsible enough to start having sex.

Don't get me wrong, some of them are mature, but in this day and age that's hard to come across.

Plus shouldn't sex be saved for more serious relationships?

Especially if something goes wrong, they are just kids.

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Lets just say, I'm 19, still a virgin, it was by choice. Never found the right person yet.

I don't think people should have sex till they are at least mature enough to handle the consequences in case of pregnancy, and also even if they are mature enough, should be at least of age 17 or 18 (17 is the legal age here anyways).

My sister is 17, and already has a 4 month old baby, and she is one of the most immature, irresponsible people I know. My mom usually ends up being the one taking care of the baby. It's a sweet baby, and I feel sorry for it, because my sister doesn't let the dad see her (he still hasn't seen her and she is over 4 months old!). But anyways that is beside the topic of this discussion.. I'm rambling.

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Consequences of pregnancy = Girl gets abortion


Consequences of Pregnancy = slip her an abortion pill if she would not go through with abortion

Problem = solved

you cannot get another guy or if you are a girl, another girl pregnant... by your logic (most of the people posting) then they have nothing to be mature enough to handle, therefore you are saying they either, never should have sex, which is wrong, or they should have sex whenever they feel like it, which everyone should do anyway. Sex is not special, no matter who it is with, because no one is more special then anyone else (however there are people who are more skillful, and therefore will make the experience far better), and there is always someone better for you then who you have. So saving yourself is pointless, it is all in your mind... just tell yourself it will be special, and if you honestly believe the lie you are telling yourself, you will remember it as special. If you are expecting something great, and then it is not great, you will remember it as disappointing, and will later say stuff like, "I should have waited till I knew I had found the right one." when chances are, it wasn't even bad sex, it was just not the impossible Nirvana you were telling yourself for so long that it would be. Hell, those, disappointed, first times were probably relatively good had you not destroyed it for yourself by being a moron and expecting such obscenely good results.

I;m not saying go around fucking everything that moves, I am saying, if you are in a relationship, have sex if you are sure they do not have some sort of STD. Don't hold off, because you are just denying yourself a great, healthy, thing. Life is short, no one wants to die a virgin other then people who have religious obligations (Which, I dislike religion, but if a priest's job states he must abstain from sex, he should have the constitution to fucking do what he signed up for). a lot of people say they live life to it's fullest... the only way to do that is to have sex often (as in, it is part of living life to it's fullest), because that is a very, very good thing in life to take part in. Experiment with what you are doing, don't just do boring, "Dick in Pussy, Remove Dick From Pussy, Repeat..." (Pussy is interchangeable with Ass/Mouth, Dick is interchangeable with Finger(s)/Dildo/Tongue)

Of course it is your own personal choice, and if you choose to not enjoy your time alive, you are more then welcome to do so. (Those of you who are/did wait(ing) to have sex, seems like you might not ever know the joy of playing Rock Band while getting a blow job... come on... think about it... not much beats that, besides maybe equally awesome things to play/do while receiving your oral or possibly better?)

Also, what do you constitute as sex? Where does that line begin with you people? I personally do not think oral is sex, it is just fooling around/foreplay in my opinion.

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First person I had sex with was seriously disappointing. I wasn't expecting much considering it was a first time for both of us, but I was atleast expecting it to get better atleast after the first couple of times. But, it didn't, and she'd want it all the time, and I'd never be in the mood 'cause it never did anything for me. Seriously, sex is practically impossible to have unless you get some form of pleasure out of it.

Sex with the person I'm with now... Amazing. We've known each other like, three and a half years before eventually deciding to date. We've had it quite often while I last visited, and we're still not tired of it. I suppose the fact that we'll only be seeing each other every few months helps because it's not something we can have very often then, and when we do see each other, it's something amazing.

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i agree whole heartedly with amrehlu. the BEST sex ive ever had was with a practically complete stranger. of course beforehand i ran down the list of necessary questions ie "do you have any children, any stds, are you using birth control." and after that point we did it and after a week of non stop amazing sex she vanished into thin air (wish someone would have told me she was engaged). but if could go back i wouldnt change a damn thing because i would be more disappointed having not experienced that than when he actually left.

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  • 1 year later...

The main problem I have about sex is the labels it puts on everybody. If you don't have sex you are either "stuck up" or "a loser". If you have too much sex then you are "a Whore" or "a player". That is what society has taught me anyways. Where is the perfect balance? How do you know when you have reached your designaited stop at sex?

I have only had sex one time. It was my freshmen year in high school and of coure my peers were breathing down my neck about it. So I had sex at a party with a girl I met awhile ago but was never really friends or even around with at all. I regret my first was with someone who didn't mean anything to me but it was nice to finally have it done and over with. The problem is after I did there was like a seperation of opinions on my friends part. Some of them were like "I don't agree with what you did, but I understand why you did" and others were like "Why haven't you had more sex yet?".

That was a long time ago but it still always bothered me that people's opinions would change drastically in that short period of time. Sex is something I am very strict about now. I want to only share my experiences with people I care about.

Besides, sex is like math homework. I do it best when I'm alone in my bed.


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That is what society has taught me anyways. Where is the perfect balance?

You want to know where the perfect balance is?

Don't give a fuck about what they say and do it your way, that's your perfect solution. Seriously, why does a man live if he can't control his own life the way he thinks is right?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Sex? well a LOT of people just fuck and have one night stands.. it's just disgusting and degrading. But that's not what we are discussing.

It is a lot better to be with someone you love. I messed up in my life and slept with one of my bf's not long after but it was a huge mistake because not long after that he started treating me like complete shit but i stayed simply because I lost my virginity and pureness to him. So I lived in shit for 2 years. Got all my money taken from me and even got beaten in the end. I finally got out of it all though because his friend decided to take me home with him and I cheated, second mistake. But it was the only push my stupid self would use to get out.

In short DON'T BE LIKE ME. Save your virginity till marriage for gods sake or even a few years of being together. If you just fuck it will ALWAYS be a mistake. You will lose your purity and feel like shit the rest of your life.

I am with someone I love right now and we do get along quite well but my past relationships always bug him and me too. It is a bad thing for both of us. Sleeping with someone before you find the right person will always mess it up. So please for your own sake hold on to it. You may think its great and grand but it wont be in the end :(

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Sex = sperm = pregnancy = babies...I might have answered this differently almost a decade ago, but that's all I can relate sex to now. Birth control equals fail, just remember that.

I grew up being taught that "sex if for marriage", not that many people necessarily follow that rule. I always thought I would, but like others I just had a good time when I was a teenager, believing I was 'in love' almost every time. Now I'm married, people expect me to have sexy timez.

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Sex = sperm = pregnancy = babies...I might have answered this differently almost a decade ago, but that's all I can relate sex to now. Birth control equals fail, just remember that.

I grew up being taught that "sex if for marriage", not that many people necessarily follow that rule. I always thought I would, but like others I just had a good time when I was a teenager, believing I was 'in love' almost every time. Now I'm married, people expect me to have sexy timez.

What do you mean by birth control = fail? is it that it didn't work and you/someone got pregnant or just that they mess you up?

I'm on birth control atm and they have a gotten A LOT more potent. I can stop taking it for a month and never get pregnant. But all birth controls can cause a lot of problems. Lucky for me my first ones alright.

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Sex to me....

Hmm it is kind of hard to explain... I have not been with many people... but the times I have 'given my body' I did it because I thought I loved the person. (most of the times they have left me)

But I don't think sex is all that important, I find that an emotional connection is more important, sex is good yes... but it is not the only thing ^.^

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