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Happy Birthday Taylor, Forever 19.


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Taylor Lynn Nicolle Hargrove, born January 31 in 1992 was the youngest of three. She loved the outdoors and dreamed of one day opening her very own no-kill animal rescue shelter. On April 08th 2009 she was diagnosed with Stage 4 Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor (DSRCT), an extremely rare form of sarcoma cancer, a death sentence (no one has ever survived longer than nine years after diagnosis, but the average life span is around two years).

After fighting hard and going through several rounds of chemotherapy (two different types), two surgeries, and several radiation treatments she was finally in remission. However it didn't last long. Six months later the cancer was back in full force but her body still hadn't recovered from the previous treatments. They continued chemotherapy again but she just couldn't take it and had to be sent home. When she got a little better she tried chemo again.

About 6 months later however she ended up hospitalized when one of her lungs collapsed. She ended up having to get a chest tube. However her kidneys and liver began failing. After what seemed like the longest month ever (at that time) the doctors gave up and said there wasn't anything else they could do and sent her home on Home Hospice. She was on all kinds of pain meds in an IV, including the highest dosage of morphine they could give her, but nothing was working to relieve the pain. However the first night home she started puking blood and thus back to the hospital she went.

On March 20th 2011, something I never dreamed of happening to my little sister happened. She passed away and earned her angel wings. Even though I knew what being diagnosed with DSRCT meant, I just never dreamed anything like that would happen to her. I really thought all along she'd be the one to beat it, but it wasn't so. Taylor was more than just my little sister. We did everything together. Played video games, watched anime, etc. Whenever I went out to do something she'd tag along and visa versa. She was my best friend and now she is forever 19.

Happy Birthday Taylor.

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That's so sad and I can actually relate since my Older brother figure also lost his fight with cancer, he helped guide me when I was 10, did countless things with me and even today he lives in my heart, I try to do things he wanted to do but never got the chance to..

So you have my best wishes and I wish her a happy birthday, I'm sure she'll be watching over you everyday.

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She had her wings long before she passed away.

Tay was great to talk too when I spoke to her. I didn't get to know her very well but she touched my heart with her humor, her quick mind and her bright outlook (I remember having a conversation with her about kicking Koby's butt and her replying "it's too high").

Happy Birthday Tay, I have had a candle burning for you all day today. I will never forget.

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Oh dear, happy birthday to your little sister, Taylor.

One of my dear friends had thyroid cancer when I was in high school, so she was at the hospital a lot. She was incredibly small for her age, but one of the most positive people I've known--she's still around, thankfully, still tiny as ever, and goes to school at UC Berkeley.

It seems that many people who end up with cancer end up being some of the greatest people to be around. I am so sorry for your loss, Koby. I'm sure she was a strong, wonderful person.

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...well, what can I say?

I never got the privilege to meet her here, but from what I hear she was and is a great person!!

Cancer is one hell of a killer, but reading from your posts during the time she was hospitalized, she was also one hell of a fighter. Happy Birthday Taylor, may you rest in peace!!

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Happy birthday Tay i still have you on my msn couldnt let it go i was playing once with her on PSOBB and the two of us had a blast making fun of koby and how he would run around while we were still fighting grabbing all the good loot and being an item hog

she was just way to young to die

rest in peace tay ill keep watch over your brother too no worries

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I've spent my life living around miserable, despicable human beings. I hated families, and communities because I assumed they all were like the ones I've experienced. Then, slowly, through the internet, I discovered new communities that were full of support and love. Complete strangers, coming from virtually infinitely different backgrounds and cultures; people from all over the world, with only a few common interests, seem to come together. Thanks to these communities, I have become a new person. I can honestly say that I'm a happier person because of them. The Kametsu community was and still is a big help for my transition. I regret never meeting Taylor in person; for someone I've never met, she has had more of a positive impact on my life through this community than the people in my day-to-day life. I value my friends greatly and I would be honored to have called her one. Koby, you are a good brother. Words are cheap but for what its worth I'm truly sorry you and your family had to go through that.

Happy Birthday Taylor.

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Happy Birthday Taylor...I wish I'd had the chance to interact with you but alas you were gone by the time I came here, but your presence has been noticeable nonetheless. You clearly impacted a great many lives in this community, and you clearly will live on for many more birthdays to come in all the hearts you have touched.

Koby, you clearly suffered a great loss with her, yet you have not let it shut you away from the gap, instead you keep her presence alive when you do things like this thread, which not only shows your love and respect for your sister but also that you have been dealing with a serious pain in a very healthy and sane fashion, and that is good to see and also honours your sister as well IMHO.

Take care and be well on this day of remembrance for you.

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