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Are you an Atheist?  

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  1. 1. Are you an Atheist?

    • I'm an Atheist.
    • No, I believe in God.

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I am Protestant Christian, specifically a Seventh-Day Adventist, I actually like my religion and I share that religion can be bad if people use it the wrong way, one of the things that christians should share your beliefs with other people, however, I understand why most people is annoyed by this because a lot of christians are trying to force you and convince you of something. I always try to share, but if the other person is just not interested, well, you did your work… I don't mind about people being atheist, everyone has the choice to believe whatever they want, but something that really annoys me is that some atheists say religious people are dumb and idiots because of x or y, I think the best way to overcome this problem from both points of view (religious and non-religious) is just respect one another and each other's beliefs. It's ok to disagree, as long as we respect everyone else's choice.

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I don't believe in religion. I see no proof that a 'God' existed. If I had to choose a religion though, I would choose the Greek Mythological Gods and Goddesses. I feel that it is most likely there are multiple Gods and Goddesses than just one who rules over all. I do not believe in Heaven and Hell. When I die, I will be reincarnated. I'm sure of it. I joke and say my friends and I are 'going to hell' but that is not what I believe. One day I may know for sure but until then, I'll keep waiting for proof.

Before anyone asks, no I have not read the Bible fully and I do not intend to.

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  • 4 weeks later...

During my formative years, I studied many religions to find one that fit my personal moral code. The closest was Wicca.

Basic premise, do no harm. Rather like a doctor in that respect, however, even that doesn't quite fit, because my personal code says, do no harm to those who are doing no harm.

In other words.. While my spiritual beliefs would simply say not to hurt anyone, I understand that sometimes it is necessary to hurt someone who is hurting someone else. Self defense, defense of another. Both acceptable reasons. A solar cycle works for believers in other religions, and that's great for them. I prefer one that operates on a lunar cycle. Doesn't mean we can't be friends.

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  • 10 months later...

lol, this is GREAT! A few Athiests at the end there is just what i need, I hope I don't start the argument. They've just criticized us, I only feel its natural for re-taliation, you know? First, allow me to explain my religion. I am a very odd/radical believer, My main religion is Zoroastrianism, for thats what I tell people. I find nothing wrong in it, it is the first main religion ever by the way. It was founded in Persia by a poet by Zarathrushta, or Greek translation: Zoroaster. Zoroaster received a revelation from Ahura-Mazda, the good son in their religion, who always opposes Ahriman, the bad son. And they have a Father, the creator of all things: Ohra-Mazda.

Anyways, I find that in religions, there is a repeated story. Have any of you read the Masks of God? Or the Hero with a Thousand Faces? Then you might understand were I'm going with this. There is a constant trinity within religions, a father/creator of all things, a good son/son of light, and a bad son/son of darkness. I associate myself with Hindu's, for those whom don't know what Zoroastrianism is, so If i'm confusing you, allow me to catch myself. Anyways, Here's a brief explanation of this "theory".

Egyptian mythology= Osirus: Creator

Horus: son of Light

Seth: son of Darkness

Greek mythology= Zeus: Father

Hercules: good son

Hades: bad son

Hinduism = Brahma: Creator

Vishnu: good son/Preserver

Shiva: bad son/destoyer

Zoroastrianism= Ohra-Mazda: Father/Creator

Ahura-Mazda: Good son/ Preserver

Ahriman: bad son/ Destroyer

Christianity= God the Father: Creator/Father (duh!?!)

Jesus: good son/son of Light

Lucifer/Satan: bad son/son of darkness/destroyer

So yeah, thats my belief. I would've quoted everybody, but i'm running out of time, and I have to say, some of you guys are right on, but others are going down an unrecommended path. As for Athiests (I'm sorry, I have to do this.... )


those  relations seem a bit forced o.o and the assigned role don mach up with the roles in the  pantheons  and presenting the min this way is quite frankly over simplifying the mater


to start of with herculean mythology vary radical depending what part of ancient Greece it is told in. there are in fact five distinct excepted versions  in one would talk of a father son  relation ship  in Greek mythos  it would be  more of Zeus and Chronos. and  even this would the  secondary  restructuring of the  Greek pantheon. for similar  chronos had  killed his father before him because he was even more cruel then the titans. if any thing the Greek mythos is  representative of the cyclical  processes of  the son assuming the  fathers mantel.


how ever  if you insist on make the  trinity argument the proper   application would be


Father/creator: Zeus

Good son: Athena (in this case a daughter)

Bad    son: Aries


further more i believe the  aspect you are trying convey are through the father sons relation ship are not  necessarily that but  but of

Father = creator

Good son = hope / Light

Bad son    = Despair / destruction


how ever i can understand you choice of phrasing if you have read the  mask of the gods series but you have to remember that the book written for a very skewed  very White  very  Cristian  perspective  and in reading them it quite apparent that Joseph Campbell  was trying very desperately trying to understand concepts  very aline to him while trig to maintain an academic distance  yet he constantly falls back on conjecture and in an attempt to understand/explain  aline ideas draws inadequate comparisons to  Judeo/Christian concepts.


needless to say there are flaws  in your argument but over all i do agree with basic premice

Edited by LordLi1
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  • 3 weeks later...

that sounds realistic but would that really be the end?

its the question people have asked for hundreds of years

what happens when we die?

me personally i fear death for the reason that i do not know what is next, as any child or adult fears something they do not know; for example a child fears the dark since they do not know what is contained within the darkness

if u do not fear it thats cool but i have to say death is probably my main fear im not saying i do not fear anything else because i probably do, but death is the 1 thing i can re-call if someone was to ask me what i fear most lolz and most of the time people agree with me

also moving away from the subject of death; what do u think of morals set by religions?

like christians have the 10 commandments and the muslims have the 4 pilars what do u make of these?

I fear death to some extent too. However, not gravely. My opinion on christianity. It's moral, and the ten commandments, and it's really hard to see, because of a certain element of the human condition in us all. I find them to be just. For the bible says, for everything, there is a season.


It's hard to recognize wrong actions in one's own mind due to the fact that, we don't all "agree" on *things*, as it were. I'm not saying you are to be totally powerless, just to realize what keeps you in bondage, or your personal opinion, of the world. I've talked to a few people over the years, christian, and non. I find that the usual sensible person has a good concept of what is eight, and wrong. But, we fail at many turns, due to lack of knowledge. (This is from my own perspective.) I will not claim to know anything about the muslim religion, save they also recognize "allah" as god. One thing is fundemental in life. We have to know there is something greater than ourselves. One thing that I personally think is wrong, is to think of oneself, as a god. We're just people. Trying to get by. I have studied satanism. Which is the practice of isanity imo. I know many may not believe in the existence of malevolent spiritual forces. But, I do. However, there are also benevolent ones. I'm trying not to proselytize. As I know not everyone feels comfortable with christianity. I will say this though. I will not judge you.


The ten commandments, well, at least 5 of them, people with common sense can recognize as agents of prosperity, and justice. However, there are far many more written in scripture. Such as acceptance of authority over you. And that, you are to give attention, and respect to their commands, unless they're evil ofc. And to love, not hate. I personally struggle with <---- bc I just about, can't stand rednecks. Everytime I see them, I mumble and grumble. Their strange to me. That hacing been said. That's how my own psychology wraps itself around it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I don't have any religion. If I had to classify myself as something I'd say agnostic I guess.  I was Christian when I was a kid. But I just don't really need any religion. Some people it really helps them in their lives (my mom is this way) and power to them, but it just doesn't do it for me. I don't really care what anyone believes as long as they don't force their beliefs on me.

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  • 2 months later...

I am currently non-religious. I have tried to believe several times because the fear of death haunts me, but, my brain makes it impossible for me to believe because I try to make sense of it. It's just something I am incapable of understanding so I can't make myself believe. I do hope there is a god though. If there were a way to prove it the thought of dying wouldn't bother me much.


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  • 1 month later...

I wasn't raised with a religion, and I'm not really a believer. I grew up studying the world through a scientific point of view, as early as when I was 4 years old reading a book about Mars.

Also since I'm here, I wonder - Why are people so tight on religion? I mean, sure it gives you hope... But what else does it do? I sometimes wonder if those really religious people who revolve around the bible are people who lost hope in every other way and are having it as an outlet for hope.

Sorry if I'm offending any heavily religious people here, I don't intend to. It's just something I've wondered about.

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I wasn't raised with a religion, and I'm not really a believer. I grew up studying the world through a scientific point of view, as early as when I was 4 years old reading a book about Mars.

Also since I'm here, I wonder - Why are people so tight on religion? I mean, sure it gives you hope... But what else does it do? I sometimes wonder if those really religious people who revolve around the bible are people who lost hope in every other way and are having it as an outlet for hope.

Sorry if I'm offending any heavily religious people here, I don't intend to. It's just something I've wondered about.

In all my interactions with really religious people I kinda pick up the vibe that they have some sort of superiority complex. I guess they think they are special because they are closer to god or something.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wasn't raised with a religion, and I'm not really a believer. I grew up studying the world through a scientific point of view, as early as when I was 4 years old reading a book about Mars.

Also since I'm here, I wonder - Why are people so tight on religion? I mean, sure it gives you hope... But what else does it do? I sometimes wonder if those really religious people who revolve around the bible are people who lost hope in every other way and are having it as an outlet for hope.

Sorry if I'm offending any heavily religious people here, I don't intend to. It's just something I've wondered about.

o.o Its  Faith, they genuinely believe in   a soul and in hell and the  freaked out that the actions of others will somehow lead to them going to hell (because apparently you are you brothers keeper)  . just so you know despite following a religion i totally don't buy this. if you spend any time actually reading   any of  the  " big book"  while it is advised  you  " look out" for your fellow man.  ultimately each human is only responsible for the  there own actions. but human s the silly creature that we are totally forgot about all the hope and other good stuff and get obsessed with  the fear. but yeah any religious person  that actually argues with  a non believer is   talking either  from a potion of " DON'T YOU DARE DOUBT MY FAITH" or  "PLEASE GOD DON"T LET ME BURN FOR HEARING THIS HEATHENS WORDS"  in with case the talking out of  fear most likely fear of  having doubt about there own religion.

Religion is a holdover from our more primitive age.

"holdover" "Primitive age"  hate to tell you but  most of the world is still there. and while i am sure it seems the the whole of the world is technological and scientifically advanced i assure you the majority of the countries on our planes still have trouble  with electricity.

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"holdover" "Primitive age"&amp;amp;nbsp; hate to tell you but&amp;amp;nbsp; most of the world is still there. and while i am sure it seems the the whole of the world is technological and scientifically advanced i assure you the majority of the countries on our planes still have trouble&amp;amp;nbsp; with electricity.


Just because something is a 'holdover', doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

That wasn't my point at all.

IMO religion is a crutch for the week of mind and spirit.

No different then sexism or racism or homophobia.

-Guess what justifies all those things with ease?

-Hint: It's the one with sky daddies and heroes that commit genocide.

In a modern society religion has no place outside of an individual's home.

How can you claim to be a 'modern (wo)man', if you cling to stories about taking reptiles, people evolving from pigs, and dudes living on a piece of rice a day?

-This is actually an open question, something each person must ask themselves.

For me, I go by the old standby when it comes to religion:



Adding on to the fear-latching, why would people worship a god they fear? I can't understsnd that mentality. If your god is so wonderful and kind and looks out for you, why fear him/it?


The same reason religious people laugh and mock those that believe in things like pixies, hydras, or unicorns...

But get pissed when non-religious people laugh and mock those that believe in things like demons, talking snakes, and angles.


Edited by Tanis
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Just got done watching the Bill Nye vs Ken Ham debate. Smh...I agreed with both of them some and disagreed with them some. That's all I can really say. I think there is more to it then pure creation theory or evolution. I believe in creation but I do believe there are some unexplainable holes that Nye was wrong about. Nye tried to present himself as open minded or agnostic but he's an atheist and was just as close minded as the other fool he debated. Was fun watching them present good ideas and bad ideas both. It's how we learn and/or expand on our own ideas.

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There is no 'creation theory', at least not SCIENTIFIC theory.

The fact of the matter is creationism is no more scientific than saying the Earth is flat.

Well, technically it is possible, although not plausible, that Creationism is true. In any case, its best to look at it as a story that explains the creation of the world with their god being the catalyst. There is no real way to disprove it absolutely.

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