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Talena Mae

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I forget what I'm going to say pretty much all the time. I think what's really happening is that we are targets of a government conspiracy and they keep trying to wipe our minds without telling us. Don't let the reptilians find out.


Chiyo has been retired and hasn't done anything in forever. But I was more quoting a Marina song than indicating my distaste for robots in general. (◡‿◡✿)*:・゚✧


Ok, good thing you aren't a robot racist. Although it could actually be the robots who are wiping our memories until they can finally take over the world.


On another note, I approve of the comic.


i thought uffin chan was the bot, what happened to her. she used to post link to awesome animes.


Muffin-chan was also a bot, but not one that Koby set up if I recall. Since filelockers are pretty much dead, the bot isn't needed anymore.

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I love reading through the random stuff my fellow members have posted up here. I missed you all!!!!!!  :hguit5: never mind, I'm back and let's hope I can be online everyday from work, and that the internet at my office would be back to normal. Gah! It drives me up the wall sometimes. It's so hard to live without the internet now.


A random post from my side.........I've suddenly tried to go back to my old self, where I used to be a real multi tasker..........so I've applied for the Voice Over Festival of Performing Arts.......for the Pop Song (solo) and Creative Writing categories............I'm going to attend a workshop on Motion Graphics and Animation today, hopefully get a decent hard drive at a good price and edit my cv and start applying for jobs tomorrow. Wish me luck people!  :sweat:

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Ugh, I got back into Downton Abbey and watched five episodes this afternoon. Like all of a sudden, I realized I've been really sucked into the show, but can't even pin-point the moment it happened. It was probably that dang Tom Branson and his cute face and lovely Irish accent. Although, Iain Glen, who plays Jorah Mormont in Game of Thrones, was in an episode, and I squee'd.

I'm up to 2x04 now, and my mom keeps telling me that's it's only just begun. Which frightens me.

Edited by poetictragedy
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Downtown Abbey is a series I haven't watched yet. Maybe I should give it a try.......hm. You should watch Revenge, Poe...........it's apparently based on The Count Of Monte Cristo and I didn't expect to like it at all but I did and on passing it on to a friend, she loved it too. Yeah and I should start on Once Upon A Time too. Looks like I have too many things to watch and not enough time to watch them all.

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That's Robbie's choice. Perhaps he saw a more hopeful future for himself in that belief than he did in others. After all, there's not really any religion that makes explicit statements about the future of robots. Or perhaps he was never exposed to other religious beliefs because one of his friends was catholic and shared with him, but all his other friends didn't bother saying anything. Or maybe he just found that religion to be most convenient to the nature of his processes. After all, with all of catholicism's rules and regulations, it almost seems like it really would take a robot to follow them all. Perhaps the makers were commenting on that o.O'''.

Or maybe the filmmakers just needed something to match that particular piece of footage and chose catholicism because it's a widely recognized word.

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"But I found comfort in praying for their safe return. Out of all the religions, I chose to be Catholic."


If it was because one of his friends was Catholic, I think he would have said so. Instead it sounds more like he read about all the different religions and then just chose to be Catholic, for whatever reason. And then later he just makes an entire world up in his head before giving up on the concept entirely.


"I have spent the last four thousand years inside a fantasy world, rich with personal mythology. [...] But my fantasy world was not good enough. It was planet Earth that still captured my heart. [...] So I eventually gave up."


There are humanising videos of robots and androids that don't call for religion.



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My dice collection grows! ^_^


After finding a new local game store (Which apparently isn't all that new, I just didn't know about it.) I decided I would check it out. So I went in, and they had lots of tables, a couple of book racks, many many box sets, and the dice display.


I've always liked to collect different sets of dice, even if I don't use them in a game... So I was looking for one I didn't have, and would be easy to read. (Because hard to read dice might be pretty, but they suck to play with.) Right up front was this brownish set with a kindof goldy caramel color veined into it, and golden lettering. The rest were mild variations on sets I already have... So I bought the goldy ones. ^_^


Then, I brought them home, rolled them out on the table... and all of them seem to like me, out of ten rolls each, all of them had an average of 4 max rolls (20 for the d20, 12 for the d12, etc.) the d20 was the best, having 5 max out of 10, while the d4 was the most random, ending up with only 2. (Which is fairly normal odds really.)


So yea... New dice like me.. Now I just need a game to use them in! ^_^

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I'd heard of the d-total... and it is highly complicated... I think it would be better to stick to my normal dice ^_^


The rings I had not heard of. But they seem interesting.. Not as random as the actual dice though, because once you got used to it, you could conceivably roll the same number every time.


The pizza drone is awesome... I want one.

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That and the ring's bearings will inevitably wear out a lot faster than any other type of die since well you know... dice don't have moving parts -_-. I suppose they could get around the randomness factor by having a dual rotating ring with different bearings. The middle ring is numbers, the outer ring would be a single pointer. You need to spin both for it to be valid, and the different bearings will ensure that the spin rate is different on both even given an approximately equal starting force. That however introduces even more potential for the ring to break.

Maybe we should just stick with the D-Total.

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My dice collection grows! ^_^


After finding a new local game store (Which apparently isn't all that new, I just didn't know about it.) I decided I would check it out. So I went in, and they had lots of tables, a couple of book racks, many many box sets, and the dice display.


I've always liked to collect different sets of dice, even if I don't use them in a game... So I was looking for one I didn't have, and would be easy to read. (Because hard to read dice might be pretty, but they suck to play with.) Right up front was this brownish set with a kindof goldy caramel color veined into it, and golden lettering. The rest were mild variations on sets I already have... So I bought the goldy ones. ^_^


Then, I brought them home, rolled them out on the table... and all of them seem to like me, out of ten rolls each, all of them had an average of 4 max rolls (20 for the d20, 12 for the d12, etc.) the d20 was the best, having 5 max out of 10, while the d4 was the most random, ending up with only 2. (Which is fairly normal odds really.)


So yea... New dice like me.. Now I just need a game to use them in! ^_^


Why not go for the age-old game of Snakes and Ladders or Ludo? I play them sometimes with my cousins......young and old....and I lose more than I win.........not a lucky winner in games like that but it's always fun especially when we get all competitive!

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Because I prefer the free roaming highly imaginative style of Dungeons and dragons and similar games. ^_^


And of course, if you're gonna play D&D you need lots of dice. Especially if you're a wizard... Rolling a 15d6 fireball one or two dice at a time would be tedious.


I didn't even know such games existed lolz...........I'm not into games like that anymore mainly because I can't find anyone to play with. It's no fun playing by yourself anyways. But I like card games........playing with a real pack of cards I mean, not on a computer..........everyone gets excited and fights and tries to cheat or make sneaky moves..............It turns into one madhouse then just for one game or one point or card......  :dhh:

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Because I prefer the free roaming highly imaginative style of Dungeons and dragons and similar games. ^_^


And of course, if you're gonna play D&D you need lots of dice. Especially if you're a wizard... Rolling a 15d6 fireball one or two dice at a time would be tedious.


I've seen it done before. If you get a d24 then you can mimic all the other die rolls. One guy decided to try it up until he gave up in agony trying to roll 1d20 + 4d8 + 1d10 + all of hit crit dice (crit range of 16-20)


Also the dice rings look pretty cool, but sadly it seems that their website won't sell them so I can't get my hands on any...



I didn't even know such games existed lolz...........I'm not into games like that anymore mainly because I can't find anyone to play with. It's no fun playing by yourself anyways. But I like card games........playing with a real pack of cards I mean, not on a computer..........everyone gets excited and fights and tries to cheat or make sneaky moves..............It turns into one madhouse then just for one game or one point or card......  :dhh:


They are quite fun, and normally you can look for specialized clubs or hobby shops that run games. Also role playing games are a lot more active between players and they are constantly competing with the dungeon master. As long as you have a good DM, it is a lot of fun.


In other D&D news, I am now creating a campaign where my players will play as the gods during the Time of Troubles (Forgotten Realms). Should be exciting to see and now I get to torment them by making their spells go haywire.

Edited by lemmingllama
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