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TSA's Nude Scanners


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Across the country, TSA is replacing airport metal detectors with scanners that take nude photos of you -- violating your rights, zapping you with X-rays that could cause cancer, and slowing down the lines. And if you opt-out, they feel up your "sensitive regions."

The sad thing is when I told my mom about this she agreed with them and thought these scanners were great and needed. How is taking away our rights and taking nude photos of us in Airports good and just? Not just that but there are a lot of people who are uncomfortable with such things and I honestly do not believe it will stop the bombers, etc any. Every other measure they have done hasn't. Just like last month a bomb made it through Post Office and Airport security and was flown over seas to London or something and delivered before they ever even found out about it. These new scanners are doing nothing more than taking away our privacy and our freedom as Americans.

If you agree, please sign this petition: http://demandprogress.org/scanners/

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Umm...naked, I think they are referring to Skeletal level of analysis, This can be bad, although they would not be nude pics but a green or greyscale scan, but hey, this is not right then also, present measures are sufficient, if airport authorities use them effectively,I mean, metal detectors don't work, then use signature based detectors.

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Umm...naked, I think they are referring to Skeletal level of analysis, This can be bad, although they would not be nude pics but a green or greyscale scan, but hey, this is not right then also, present measures are sufficient, if airport authorities use them effectively,I mean, metal detectors don't work, then use signature based detectors.

From what I've read about them and heard about them. It is essentially a picture of you without your clothes pretty much. More or less soft-core porn pictures are taken of you while you are still wearing your clothes you walk into this little machine and it see's through your clothes to take a picture regardless of age or gender.

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Koby is right about the scanners they do show basically a black and white image of you without clothes on. The difference with the printer bombs was that they were shipped as bulk freight which doesn't really go through the same screening process. I have to admit myself that I have mixed feelings about the scanners. While they do add safety, the zapping of x-rays and loss of privacy that comes with them is hard to swallow.

As far as the x-rays are concerned they say it is equal to 2 mins at altitude which by itself isn't much, but when add to the flight time, at altitude, and a life time of travel it really starts to add up. Not to mention if the scanner fails to operate correctly it could deliver a far more unhealthy dose. Since the scanners are low in number and the pat downs take to long by themselves. I'm afraid if one does stop working within that safe window that TSA would be pressed to keep in service as long as possible subjecting people to unhealthy doses.

I also find it strange that the European versions show more of a general stick figure rather then the person themselves. Is this a sign that the land of the free isn't really free anymore?

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But seriously it takes the piss, in a survey (i cant remember who by) they asked thousands of tsa's employees what they thought. most of them enjoyed the scanners and there is various employees that purposefully save the images and take them home with them. also they set up contests to see who scans the person with the biggest boobs, penis, ass and who has genital piercings etc. it is a huge breach in human rights but thats what you get when a paranoiid government controls a paranoid country. But the thing that pisses me off is the fact that they also plan to subject EVERYONE to it regardless of age, gender and religious views...even kids. KIDS.

PS no offense meant at any united statians on kametsu who read this, but you know i am right.

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Well I don't know about this survey, but what TSA does say about the images is that there is no way they can be saved or off loaded from the system, so people don't have to worry about any pics ending up on the internet. That doesn't make any since though, say they do catch another underwear bomber. They will need to retrieve the pictures from the system as added proof that it was him. So this part of TSA's story has to be false. It would be hard however, to deny a naked picture of yourself with a bomb tucked under your sac. Guess they could use the Hilton defense "I'm holding it for a friend officer","It's a pack of gum", or "I have no idea how that got there."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Most common argument I hear from my neighbors these days: "We wouldn't need them if we just profiled every Muhhamed out ther, mrrhrrmmm!"

Problem is, they are now of every race and creed. Isn't one of the big fears today the fact that there are white muslims that look the same as everybody else?

Anyways, if it wasn't for the radiation I'd just say give me a metal pad to conceal my naught bits. Don't want to embarrass the security workers ;)

But radiation is radiation and no dose is good. If you're a frequent flier you may have a higher risk to skin cancer not to mention losing a bit of your dignity.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We Americans aren't used to shit blowing up on our own soil, so we went off the rails a bit after 9/11. People want to feel safe, but there can be no guarantees when your enemy can be anyone and they are willing to die to take you with them. There are only so many materials capable of being made into an explosive. I think they need to work on detectors for these limited number of chemicals and improve the metal detectors. The body scans are mostly useless. It would also help if people prepared properly. Don't wear clothes with a million metal buttons, have a pocket full of change or any of the other crap that means your going to get scanned 5 times.

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Well I don't know about this survey, but what TSA does say about the images is that there is no way they can be saved or off loaded from the system, so people don't have to worry about any pics ending up on the internet. That doesn't make any since though, say they do catch another underwear bomber. They will need to retrieve the pictures from the system as added proof that it was him. So this part of TSA's story has to be false. It would be hard however, to deny a naked picture of yourself with a bomb tucked under your sac. Guess they could use the Hilton defense "I'm holding it for a friend officer","It's a pack of gum", or "I have no idea how that got there."

I think what they meant by this is that they aren't saved. They can be saved, but they only do it if there is actually a reason to, otherwise they are deleted. I could be wrong, I don't work for the TSA and I don't know anyone who does, but that's just my guess.

As for my thoughts, I don't care...let them take pictures of me, somehow I doubt someone really wants that picture to take home.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The "bomb" in the printer was CONFIRMED not to be a bomb. Obama said, "no we know it is, test it again." At which point The English Government turned around and said, "oh yea, yea, its a bomb, yea sure..."

If you really want to hear the truth about these kinds of subjects, listen to Alex Jones at info wars.


Monday through Friday from 12-4 is live.

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Glad I'm not an American but with regards to the topic, I know that the American government means no harm by issuing the use of this tool/gadget but as stated, it has a lot of violations with regards to the Americans' privacy issues + some health issues. My opinion is that this gadget can only stop suicide bombings if the bombs are actually located inside the person's body (the usual scenario wherein the bombs are located in the bomber's body). I say this is a big help for the safety of the American society the only issue here, in my opinion is trust. If the government pays the medical bills of their future victims for the side effects of this gadget/tools then I say it's a good thing.

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