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Supergirl (2015 TV Series)


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17 hours ago, Koby said:

Surprised we didn't already have a topic about the show, but then I guess not really since discussion is dead here...

Reason 1) It's not Game of Thrones.

Reason 2) It's a real life 3D character.


I think the cringe factor would be too high for me if I watched this... 

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I just couldn't get into Supergirl. I've watched the rest of the Berlanti Arrowverse (except the second half of Legends of Tomorrow, it was starting to drag. People tell me it gets better but we'll see), and Supergirl just didn't have the same type of fun appeal as the rest, I suppose. On top of that they really didn't seem to know how to actually approach the feminist strong-female-character angle they were going for, and it just ended up overbearing and blunt instead of nuanced and interesting as it could have been.


That said I didn't get too far into the season, maybe it got better? Plus with the move to the CW and the increased ability to crossover with the rest of Arrowverse and a possible lessened restriction on the writing, there's possibilities. We'll see.



the arrowverse in general has gone downhill ever since Arrow S2 though. So I'm not exactly too hopeful.

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On 7/14/2016 at 1:31 PM, Moodkiller said:

Reason 1) It's not Game of Thrones.

Reason 2) It's a real life 3D character.


I think the cringe factor would be too high for me if I watched this... 


The cringe factor is actually quite low. The first couple of episodes were very procedural, but the studio quickly realized that if the show was gonna be any good they had to let the writers go all out. So it turned out a lot like the CW superhero shows, the Supergirl/Flash crossover especially was pretty fun. So far it's a pretty good show, and if you can get past the fact that Jimmy Olsen is taller than Superman, season 2 is gonna be just as good (especially since they actually moved the show to CW now).

Edited by Snapplemonkey
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Honestly after the first two episodes of season 2, this season has mostly been junk. The show writers are just using it to push their own political propaganda. They keep shoving stuff in our face about the LGBQT, Illegal Immigrants, etc... and have reduced Alex from a strong independent woman who actually could hold her own and had a reason for being on the show, into a sudden lesbian who acts like a love-struck twelve year old and the only reason she has for being on any episode now is to cry over things not working out with her new girlfriend Maggie who also has no purpose on the show other than to be Alex's girlfriend. They spend nearly 1/5 of every episode on this, and it almost never has anything to do with the rest of the episode and has no pay off.


I'm perfectly fine with gay characters, that isn't the problem in the slightest. The problem was how they suddenly changed Alex and how poorly written it is. They could definitely take some pointers from the Clarke & Alexia lesbian relationship that was on The 100 a few years ago (same CW Network). That relationship was done right, and it had a purpose, and it wasn't the sole reason for the characters even being on the show or getting screen time. The way Supergirl has been lately, they could just remove Alex and Maggie segments from pretty much this entire season, and it would not cut out any of the story progression. That is the problem.

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Koby hit the nail on the head. Supergirl had a slow start to the 1st season and got better and stronger from episode 7 to the end of the 1st season.


In addition to Koby's comments, Supergirl's acting was like watching a teenage girl throwing a tantrum about not getting her way. It was cringeworthy at best. The writing and acting went downhill. I'm hoping they have grown out of their BS propaganda and move forward to give us better writing and storylines without injecting their agenda driven crap, because the show has its merits and could be a great show with all the characters they have introduced.

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On 8/23/2016 at 3:05 PM, Snapplemonkey said:

and if you can get past the fact that Jimmy Olsen is taller than Superman, season 2 is gonna be just as good (especially since they actually moved the show to CW now).

That was the first thing I thought. Why the fuck is Jimmy Olsen this tall suave ultra muscular hunk? I honestly don't care that he's black it's not like L where his appearance seemed to add to his characterization (well it does but not as much) they could've made him and skinny and awkward and kinda like Virgil Hawkins in the Static Shock animated series but they made him mr long, tan and handsome as spongebob would put it. When I first saw Winn Schott I figured he was Jimmy Olsen is exactly how Jimmy Olsen should've been. Other than that the show seems ok so far I've seen the first 5 episodes. I've always had a huge crush on Kara and the girl they got to play her is really cute so at least I got that lmao:x

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