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When people only like one type of music...


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Yeah, it's annoying. I mean I can understand people not accepting other genres because....well "it's not their cup of tea" but at the same time...when they condemn it entirely it pisses me off.

Tolerance people. We're not asking you to buy the album, go to the concerts or Subscribe lol....just check it out. If you don't like it you don't like...nuff said.

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I know individual who will only listen to one artist, that is it.. he thinks everything else is crap and that ill wayne??? never heard him, is god. It is truly annoying. I will listen to all kinds of music, you name It and I'll give it a shot. There are certain kinds of music I don't like, but I will always try it out first.

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No....seriously. People like that I detest.

It's actually Lil wayne Repto, lol and you're doing yourself a favor in not knowing who he is.

He's a rapper....a mainstream rapper that's quite good according to all the rappers...but he is also annoying and by all means NOT one of the best rappers.

If your "individual" wants to listen to him and only him, well fine......but I'm good lol.

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Tolerance people. We're not asking you to buy the album, go to the concerts or Subscribe lol....just check it out. If you don't like it you don't like...nuff said.

This is my thought process completely.

As for Lil Wayne, he is a rapper (was typing this when coffeeNiK posted), not a fan, tend to change the station when his songs come on. Like most of you I will give a song a chance no matter the genre and if I don't like it I'll avoid it but I'm not about to say my music tastes are better. Everyone's tastes are different. Rap is probably one of those genres I would say isn't my "cup of tea". I hardly listen to it but I don't go around saying I hate it because there are a few rap songs I enjoy.

Edited by Serafinastar
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Lil Wayne isn't my favourite, but I like some of the covers done on his stuff--my fangirl crush on Sam Tsui notwithstanding, that is.


People who don't reach outside of their musical comfort zone are missing out on a lot, as well as people who dislike an artist for a couple songs and never expect the artist to change or grow. My roommate's girlfriend hates Linkin Park based on their older stuff, but when we were going to the mall for dinner or something, Java had in their latest CD and she was pretty surprised how different they sounded since the last time she heard them. She then went on to criticise it because reneging her opinion would be just dreadful, but I might be the only one who thinks it's rude to criticise the driver's choice of music. My dad really liked Linkin Park (god knows I heard enough of their songs when I was in middle school), so I've always had a pretty decent opinion of them.

Between Java and I, we cover pretty much the entire musical spectrum.

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People who don't reach outside of their musical comfort zone are missing out on a lot, as well as people who dislike an artist for a couple songs and never expect the artist to change or grow.

Great point....I can't tell you how when I first heard Slipknot I was like o_o omg what is this....fast forward a couple of years and I heard them again and now they are one of my favorite bands.

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He's (Sam Tsui) baller. The other stuff on that channel--KurtHugoSchneider--is pretty boss too. I'm listening to the Call Me Maybe/Payphone mashup right now and my brain is falling apart wondering why I haven't heard this before yet.

But yeah, there are better rappers than Lil Wayne, but he's not the worst. Granted, I like Nicki Minaj and Eminem, so I don't know the value of my opinion on rap, haha.

Edited by Emotional Outlet
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I listen to some rap, it all depends on the beat...what is boss? "pretty boss". a lot of time I will like a few songs of certain artist but not all. I usually pick a few songs off of a album that I like the most and make playlist out of them.... though I tend to listen to more instumental, classical and country than most.... I have really like One REpublic lately..... I am not a big USHER fan, but this one album he has is a lot slower and different than his usual, and I love it.

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That's cool man.

When it comes to Rap i listen to stuff that feels a little Urban.

Nujabes, the artist that made the sound track for Samurai Champloo introduced me to a lot of rappers that, honestly, no one listens to Substantial, Five Deez, Cise Star and Pase Rock.

These guys blew me away with their style and music. That's the type of rap I like.

*R.I.P Jun :<

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You're never too old to appreciate language and the things people do with it!

I've never had a problem with Usher--when I was in high school, he was one of my sources of miserable love songs, haha. That dude's been around for a while. You remind me of a girl... His Mistakes is full of so much angst, haha.


Their voices. I am dying. These medleys make me wish artists did their own sometimes.

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