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2-Dollar Fakes, or 2-Dollar Real Yu-Gi-Oh Cards?


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Just today, I was sorting out all of my Yu-Gi-Oh cards. I decided to sell all of the cards I didn't want, and the ones that I think are fake. But, how can we tell if one card is fake and the other isn't? Here's what I looked for:

At the back of the cards, It says in the bottom right corner: Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME.

- Some cards have it in English, others in Japanese.

On the back of every card in the top left corner, it says KONAMI.

- Some cards say YU-GI-OH! instead.

Apparently, on the front of every card, in the bottom right corner there should be a shiny silver square.

- Some of my cardsa dont have those squares.

Spelling errors on cards.

- Does this mean they are fake? Whether it be some or frequent mistakes?

Glossy cards.

- If cards are glossy, does this mean they are fake?

All-over shiny cards with shin stars all over them

-Are these fakes?

2-Dollar packets of Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards.

- Is it most liekly they are fake?

Fonts are varied?

- Some cards have different fonts:



Varied font sizes

Caps/No caps

Difefrent Fonts

So what do you guys think? Please discuss.

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Those definitely sound counterfeit to me. I've unfortunately come across cards like that a few times, and the lack of the silver box in the corner, the inconsistencies with yugioh on the back, and the lack of the Konami watermark on the back are dead giveaways, not the mention the overglossiness of some cards. The fonts I admittedly have not paid as much attention to, and occasionally (but not commonly) there can be misspellings on the card, one example being my legit limited edition of Chaos Emperor Dragon that came with a booster bundle at Target. $2 a pack are almost assuredly a scam unless it's either a Duelist Pack (which contains less cards per pack) or your local card shop or Target/Walmart putting some cards on clearance.

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Glossy cards.

- If cards are glossy, does this mean they are fake?

All-over shiny cards with shin stars all over them

-Are these fakes?

These two don't necessarily mean fake or not. I've gotten a few like these in boxes sold in stores. Some of these are fake though.

What you REALLY need to look for is that shiny square. If it doesn't have it, it's fake. If it does, it's most likely real(I won't say 100% it's real since I dunno, maybe counterfeiters are getting better, but I doubt it). The square is almost like a seal for them. Kind of like the shiny bits on say a credit card and some currency I've seen it on.

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I think it's fair to say you have quite a lot of fake cards. It's easy to see from the shiny seal square. If you can see the words/eye in the square from every angle, then you have a fake card in your hands. The real version allows you to see them only from certain angles.

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