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Signatures becoming too big.


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Yeah you heard me. Almost everyone now days seems to be breaking the signature rules and adding too many images or hiding extra stuff in spoiler tags, etc.. (spoiler tags or not you can't have 5 million images. Also be weary of the actual bit size too not just the size of the image. Some people are on dial-up and having to load someones animated .gif image could take them up to 30 minutes. So if possible please limit the use of heavy animated images and signatures saved as .png (as .png is usually bigger in size when you can get near same quality with jpg or gif usually).

It's not just about size in terms of loading for slow users but also the amount of space it takes up on the page. You get like 15 people posting on a page and 9 out of 10 the signature of each person is bigger than the actual post they make. Usually taking up half or more of the screen at a time.

Signatures don't really have to be a lot of whatever. Most of what you'd put it in can just as easily be added to your profile page.

I'm now going to go and edit offenders. If I mess up or erase something you didn't want gone, then too bad, should have followed rules then you could have decided what to have. =P

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aww come on! you could of atleast let me save it first >.<

i wouldve been happy to remove it

I knew people would feel like that.. but it's a lot more hassle trying to contact everyone. I just edited at least 60 accounts and that isn't even all of the ones that need editing. That is only just from the members who have logged in within the last 24 hours. :/ So yeah it's a lot of work, but a lot of things have been allowed to slide around here and the place is becoming too lax and sloppy.

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haha, i told you not to hog other people's bandwidth, raz.

anyways, i'm sorry for the oversized sigs. i didn't even know there was a limit to sizes. i just presumed people wanted them to look small and tbh, getting 5 soras into a 350x150 image doesn't look very neat.

oh well, guess i'll have to make something that fits into smaller spaces then ...

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  • 5 weeks later...

Just be sure to keep your signatures within the rules. I don't have time to go contacting everyone I see about it and wait and hope they do something and fix it and check back. So if I see one out of the rules I'll just edit it myself without notice or warning.

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I hope my signature area isn't breaking any rules (if it is I apologize). When I first joined I remember reading a thread Koby made about sig sizes. I always make them a bit smaller because of it.

Here's the thread if anyone wants to read it... http://forums.kametsu.com/showthread.php?t=126

That's sort how I am. I just found a nice size that follows everyone's rules (or at least, everyone I've met). No real reason to go over 350x120.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's always good to have a website that loads fast. I work with web pages too, and there are always complaints about the pages loading too slow. But at some point there isn't a whole lot that we can do to make it load faster.

*sigh* We can always try though... Way to go for making that executive decision!

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