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Duel Legends (Story)

Nero D. Ace

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Chapter 7

“For the last fucking time ...”, Kro yelled, exasperated. “I'm not a hitman!! I just went to the professor's house to get something translated!”

“You mean this?”, Shade fingered the coin.

“BE CAREFUL WITH THAT!!!”, Kro screamed.

“Keep it ... down, or I'll put ... that that gag on again.”, Iki looked up sleepily. “Ow, my head ... hurts.”

“I told you not to drink that much.”, the bartender shook his head. “The caffeine goes straight to your head.”

“Caffeine ...?”, Kro blinked his eyes in confusion. “You mean you weren't drinking beer?”

“Who needs beer!?”, Iki climbed the table. “... when you got gallons and gallons of Pepsi?!!!”

“Get down from there.”, Shade glanced towards Iki, then faced Kro again. “Come on mate. You think we're chumps? Why would anyone travel all these miles for a translation?”

“THAT'S WIGHT!!!”, Iki spoke again. “Y!!!! followed by Zed, and ... I dunno the rest.” He fell down again.

“Thank God he's finally out ...”, the bartender muttered.

“It doesn't concern you ...”, Kro muttered. “Let me go and I won't press charges. Now ...”

At that moment, the door of the bar blew wide open a small cylinder rolled in.

Kro's eyes flew wide open. “A BOMB!”, he yelled. “Take cover!!!”

The cylinder's lid came off and started releasing smoke everywhere till the entire bar was covered in a smoky fog. Then, a voice came from beyond.

“When innocents are in danger ... When justice is undelivered ... When Crime roams free ... he appears in the most troubling times. No one knows who he is, or why he dares the deeds of rescue that he does but they all know him as one name. They know him as ...”

A figure dressed in a mixture of capes and underwear burst through the door and proclaimed grandly :- “CAPTAIN .... JUSTICE!!!!!”

Kro looked at the figure in shock. This was his way out. Someone had finally come to put an end to the baffoons.

“More like Captain Craptastic.”, Shade muttered.

“How dare you call me that, you criminal! Prepare to face the mighty arm of the law!!!”, the figure stepped forward and tripped on his overflowing cape.

Iki woke up from all the commotion and looked at the guy. “HEY! It's Danny. Bartender, drinks are on him!”

“SHHHHH!”, Danny hissed. “You'll blow my cover!”

Great, Kro sighed. Another psycho.

“Now you villainous Shade!!!”, Danny got up and faced Shade. “Duel me and release your prisoner!”

“Where's the sherriff, Danny? Don't tell me he sent you again?”

Danny took off his mask. “Guess the cover's blown. Thanks a lot, idiot. You realise how hard it is to get into this getup? Wearing tights over pants is harder than it looks.”

Shade sighed. “Just great. Now what are we supposed to ...”

Another cylinder came through the door.

Shade looked at Danny appreshensively. “Seriously? ... More smoke?”

Danny replied nervously. “That's ... not mine.”

“IT'S A BOMB!!!”, Kro yelled again.

“What is it with you and bombs?”, Iki got up again. “Bomb this, bomb that. What are you, some celebrity or sumthing?”


“Oh, well ... in that case...”, Iki got up, picked the canister and threw it out the door again. “Not lemme sleep.” as he lay down on the floor again.


“What part of 'lemme sleep' dontcha unserstand?”, Iki got up testily.

“YOU IMBECILES!!!”, a smoking figure came in the bar. “What if that bomb had landed a foot closer to me? I would have been fried!!!”

“JIN!!!”, Kro growled at the newcomer.

“Kro kro kro ...”, Jin grinned evilly. “Finally, the time has come for payback. I shall re-obtain the title that you stole from me!!!”

“I won it fair and square, Jin.”


Kro turned to Shade. “Untie me. I must defeat this man and protect my honor as Champion.”

Before Shade could deny his request, Danny went up to Jin and punched him in the gut.

“Take THAT, you dastardly villain!”, he put his mask on again. “Captain Justice has saved the day.”

Danny assumed his victory pose.

“You're wide open, Underwear-boy.”, Jin said.

“Eh ... Ooof!!”

Jin retaliated the punch with a kick straight in Danny's face, causing to fly to the back of the room and crash into the wall.

“Oooooh, now you're gonna get it ...”, Danny brushed the dust off his suit as he got up. “DUEL!!!”

“Danny, that's not such a good idea ...”, Shade started.

“FINE!”, Jin interrupted. “I eat kiddies like you for breakfast. Let's duel.”

At that most dramatic moment, Iki woke up one more time.

“Huh? What'd I miss?”

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^ Then its probably the watered down one, the things that got changed was that:

1, It can't be special summoned

2, By giving 1000 LP it can destroy any opponent monster

3, It can increase its power via LP reduction but instead of till 1 its now limited to 500 and since it can't be special summoned this ability can only be used when its normal summoned.

4, Its immune to spells/traps/effects etc. only during the summoning stage.

As you can see, the 2nd and 3rd effects literally contradict one another.... :beat_brick:

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phew, had to re-watch some of Jaden's duels to get in the mood, but here it is ...

Chapter 8

“You're going down ...”, Jin mumbled as he engaged the Duel system.

“OH YEAH?”, Danny retorted. “Well ... you're going even downer ... to the bottom of the earth ... and ...”

Iki cut him off. “Shut up, Danny. You know you're no good at trash talking. Just try not to lose in your first turn this time.”

“That only happens in your case, cheater!”, Danny shouted back.

“I don't cheat ...”, Iki started to say.

“DUEL!!!”, Jin yelled as both he and Danny were surrounded by the Duel barrier.


“I'll go first ...”, Jin announced as he drew his first card. He looked at it and grinned. “Prepare for a world of hurt, BOY!!!”

“To start things off, I'm going to summon ... Giant Germ in attack mode!”

Giant Germ is a Level 2 Fiend-type monster with 1000 ATK points and 100 DEF points.

“Then, I'll put a face-down and end my turn.”


“HA! You call that a move? Even some of my weakest monsters are stronger than that!”, Danny snorted as he drew his card. He looked at it. It was one of his Elemental Heroes.

Perfect, he thought. I got a lucky draw this time.

“I summon Elemental Hero Stratos in attack mode!”, Danny announced as the magnificent Hero monster rose from the ground.

Elemental Hero Startos is a Level 4 Warrior-type monster with 1800 ATK points and 300 DEF points.

“And that's not all ...”, Danny continued. “When I successfully summon this monster, I can add another monster card straight from my Deck to my Hand, so I bring to my hand Elemental Hero BladeEdge!!!”

The dueling Deck on Danny's Disk automatically shuffled and released the said card.

“Next, I play the Spell card 'Ancient Rules' which allows me to Special Summon a Level 5 or higher monster during THIS turn from my hand, so I Special Summon this Elemental Hero BladeEdge!”

Elemental Hero BladeEdge is a Level 7 Warrior-type monster with 2600 ATK points and 1800 DEF points.

“Now ... BATTLE TIME!!! Stratos, take out that fiendish Germ!!!”

Stratos raced across the field and drove a punch straight into the Giant Germ's stomach, destroying it instantly, and dealing 800 points of damage to Jin.

“Heh heh ...”, surprisingly enough, Jin grinned. “FOOL! When Giant Germ is destroyed by battle, you take 500 points of damage!”

“I WHAT!?”, Danny stared in shock as a burst of germ molecules slammed into him, robbing him of 500 LP.

Shade groaned. “Stupid Danny. I told you to put down face-downs in case of things like these.”

Iki nodded. “You said it. I thought he would have learned better when I took him down with my Blue Eyes.”

“SHUT UP!!!”, Danny yelled. “I still got this. I got more LP than that bastard, anyways. Now, time for a DIRECT ATTACK!! GO ... BLADEEDGE, OBLITERATE HIM!!!”

“Not so fast ...”, Jin held up his arm. “Whenever, Giant Germ is destroyed, I can also summon two more Giant Germs in attack mode. So, behold ... TWO MORE GERMS!!!”

Sure enough, two more monsters appeared in BladeEdge's path, blocking the direct attack.

Danny gritted his teeth, but smiled. “Why not? I'll still deal more damage. I suggest you start bringing out stronger monsters, or I'll pulverize you! GO BLADEEDGE, take down that Germ!”

BladeEdge steadied himself for an attack, then rushed at lightning speed, ready to drive his sword into the second Germ.

“I activate my Trap.”, Jin announced.

Danny groaned. “Not again!!!”

“YES!”, Jin grinned. “It's the trap card 'Ray of Hope', for me at least. Whenever your monster attacks with 1500 or more ATK points, I can use this card to halve that ATK power.”

BladeEdge started losing his speed until he only had 1300 ATK points left. He crashed into the Germ, destroying it but dealing only 300 points of damage to Jin.

“And now ... time for your Germ treatment.”, Jin laughed gleefully.

“You sure walked right into that one.”, Iki said.

“Sure did.”, the bartender agreed.

“Yup ...”, Shade said.

“WILL YOU THREE SHUT UP!!!”, Danny yelled as he removed the germ holograms from his body. “Grrr ... I end my turn with a face-down.”

“Danny using face-downs?”, Shade looked surprisingly. “Now that's a first.”

Danny ignored him and ended his turn.

DAN : 3000 LP

JIN : 2900 LP

Things are getting VERY interesting ... Jin mused. If all goes well, this will be over in just a few more turns ...

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psst, Ancient Rules let you summon a normal 5 or up monster, Bladedge is an effect monster, might wan't to edit it to Neo's or something, other then that awsome chapter, love how Jin is portrayed, also I have an elemental hero/evil hero deck if you need some ideas, again great chapter!

i know but my story, my rules. lol

besides, the elemental heroes have really rare cards that are above level 4 and aren't a fusion monster.

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What kind of card base do you use? lol xD

From starters jin looks like a fiend user, should be interesting considering he's the same as me.... :P

Your comedy antics in this story just keep getting better and better, and i like nothing more than some good fashion comedy in a story! haha

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@Iki; haha well you do have a point, and again let me know if you need help with the elemental deck

@Bardon; I did say on the sign up page that my deck had alot of the same cards like yours but it was still accepted, mine has a few different things and I been using this deck for about 2 or 3 months now and was able to make it to the semi-finals of a tournament

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Chapter 9


“For my turn ...”, Jin announced as he drew a card. “MUAHAHAHAHAHA! This will be over much ... much quicker than I had anticipated. You seem to have quite a taste for heroes, is that right, boy?”

Danny nodded proudly. “There's absolutely NOTHING that my heroes and I can't beat.”

“Except for my Blue Eyes ...”, Iki piped in.

“and my Stardust ...”, Shade added.

“SHUT UP!!!”, Danny yelled.

“Anyyyways ...”, Jin looked at the group apprehensively. “Since you control a monster on your side, I can summon this guy with just ONE tribute. Say hello to your dark counterpart ... EVIL HERO MALICIOUS EDGE!!!!”

Evil Hero Malicious Edge is a Level 7 Fiend-type monster with 2600 ATK points and 1800 DEF points.

“WHAT!!!!”, Danny's mouth fell open. “Those are the same exact stats as my Bladedge!”

“It's BETTER than that pathetic Bladedge.”, Jin corrected. “Now ... Malicious Edge, destroy that weakling Hero Stratos.”

Malicious Edge closed in towards Stratos with an evil glare in his eye, raised it's claws high and ...

“I activate MY trap ... Hero Shield!”

A mystical shield appeared in Mailicious Edge's path, and prevented it from touching Stratos.

“By using this trap ...”, Danny continued. “I can prevent one of my Hero monsters from being destroyed and have the shield destroyed instead.” He smirked proudly.

“Uhhhh ... Danny?”, Iki spoke up.

“I know i'm a genius, Iki. Traps seem to be my forte, I must say.”

“You DO realize that you still take battle damage?”


Sure enough, the Malicious Edge stopped in it's path and then turned towards Danny, a wild fire in it's eyes.

“Yikes.”, Danny yelped as the holographic projection slashed his throat away. “They make these things WAY too real.”

Jin frowned. He was hoping to remove one of Danny's monsters, but no worries, his time would come.

“I place 4 cards face down and end my turn.”

That should put him in a panic.

“FOUR CARDS!!!”, Danny started sweating.

“Relax, man.”, Shade said. “Take a deep breath. You can still win this ... hopefully.”

DAN : 2200 LP

JIN : 2900 LP


This is hopeless, Danny thought. I can't make an attack. For all I know, he could have Mirror Force under one of those, and if he does, all my monsters will be wiped away and the best I'll be able to do is defend and then ...

“DANNY YOU SHITLESS LITTLE TWIT!!!”, Iki yelled from behind him.

Danny looked back, surprised. He had never seen Iki get angry like this. “Wh ... Wha?”

'For ONCE in your whole miserable life, just ONCE, can you have a little faith in your deck?”

Faith in my deck? Easy for him to say ... he ALWAYS gets the card he needs.

“If you don't believe in your own cards, how can you possibly expect to win, EVER?”, Iki continued.

Danny's hand quiverred over his deck, as he prepared to draw.

Believe in my deck ... believe ... my cards won't let me down ... just believe ...

“I DRAW!!!”, Danny yelled as he plucked the card from the deck. He looked at it and smiled. “Looks like my deck hasn't let me down after all ... I play the Spell card 'HEAVY STORM'!”

“NO!!!!!”, Jin stared in shock.

“YES!!!”, Danny said as a storm appeared on Jin's side of the field and destroyed all his face-down spell and trap cards, sending all of them to the Graceyard.

Looks like the tables have turned again ... and I'm far from done.”

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LOL this just keeps getting better and better! xD

@Jin: Yeah i kinda mistook the name for someone else, forgot it was you! :P

Anyway so you managed to go that far with the deck?! Now that sure sounds kinda awesome considering we both have nearly same decks....

Now if only there were a tournament at my place then i probably would've beaten the hell outta the so called players here.....sadly my country is not quite popular in terms of having international game tournaments like beyblade, yugioh, pokemon etc. :/

I'm probably one of the very rare players here who'd actually be considered a player to begin with...... =P

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