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The Walking Dead (TV Series)

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Yeah, they left Rick looking like a hasbin, while Shane takes charge and bashes open the barn. Great finish sequence there with Sophia. So do you think the old man will let them stay at the farm now? Or make them move on? Personally I think the later.

You should download the comics 1-90, in the comic Sophia is still alive, and Shane dies at the beginning.

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You should download the comics 1-90, in the comic Sophia is still alive, and Shane dies at the beginning.

From what I've heard, the TV series is going in a different direction. I will definitely have to check out the comics sometime.

Yeah, they left Rick looking like a hasbin, while Shane takes charge and bashes open the barn. Great finish sequence there with Sophia. So do you think the old man will let them stay at the farm now? Or make them move on? Personally I think the later.

When Shane went to open the barn door, he was taking charge. He killed the walkers because it's what he believed, but when Sophia walked out, he kind of seemed to regret it a little bit. On the other hand, Rick believed that it's not their property, not their call, but when Sophia walked out, it was kind of like a reality check for him. He was the one who stepped up and did what had to be done. You can't save everyone. At least, that's how I saw it. So I think Rick and Shane, in a way, will be able to see eye to eye a bit more.

As for the old man, I think he is busted. He's been knowing that Sophia was there. They said they were looking for a little girl, surely he must have known the little girl they recently threw in the barn was probably her. I think it will get a little hostile when the second part begins.

P.S. What is it with Rick and killing little girls? lol

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  • 2 months later...

Honestly at this point I really wish they'd just kill off Lori Grimes. She's really pathetic and irritating. All it took was Shane saying Rick was dead for her to instantly jump into bed with him. Then oops turns out Rick is alive and she instantly tries to act as if nothing has ever happened. Then she decides she and everyone else would be better off dead and contemplates killing her own son till Rick talks her out of it. After that it turns out she's pregnant and she's scared cause she doesn't know if it's Rick's or Shane's... so what does she do? She has Glenn pick up pills so she can abort the baby without telling anyone. Only to last minute decide to puke them up. Rick realizes something is up, sees the empty pill box and confronts her. Rick then goes to town to get Hershel after the whole mess with Shane killing everyone in the barn. Only Lori can't fucking wait for Rick to get back so she sneaks away on her own to go after him. She doesn't even know where the town is and along the way looks down at a map, hits a walker, and flips the car over.

At this point I was like 'she's a fucking dumbass, hopefully she dies like she deserves', but noooo they can't let this be. She's unconscious and the zombie is trying to break through the whole in the windshield. Only she miraculously wakes up and stabs in in the head, finds a pistol and shoots the other zombie and takes a walk by herself down the road. Shane shows up later, lies to her about Rick being back and takes her back to the farm as she buys into his lie once again. Next morning Rick shows back up at the farm and she pretty much flat out tries to tell him he has to kill Shane to protect her (when there honestly has been no evidence that she knows of to support the fact of Shane being dangerous beyond Dale's word).

I mean come on let her pathetic ass die already. Then the whole conflict between Shane and Rick wouldn't even exist (besides Shane thinking Rick is too soft anyways) and the conflict maker would be gone. Seriously Lori is nothing but trouble and she's making more of it with her slutty and stupidly retarded behavior.

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I have a list of characters I think should die, haha. And while Lori wouldn't be my top choice, she's definitely on it. Her character's just all over the place, and makes stupid decisions. When she crashed her car, I thought she'd abort/miscarry the baby, and it would be like, "Welp, so much for that." I was actually kind of disappointed that didn't happen. But on the other hand, it would eliminate the Rick vs. Shane drama.

Though I think where Shane is involved, there's always going to be conflict.

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I just hope nothing happens to Daryl, Glenn, Dale, or even Glenn's new girlfriend. They're my favorite characters of the show. However I still feel this whole second season has been a bit of a let down compared to the first. Perhaps it's because they've been stuck in one place and not really had to fend of zombies much being out in the country and all. I think it'll get more interesting if they were to move on, run into Daryl's brother, etc.

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I can't help but think they had a low budget for this season, but to be honest they just set such a high bar with the first :/ And thankfully it's starting to pick back up again. I agree with Koby, Lori (the super drama creator) needs to bite the dust as well as Carol.

Now my favorite Character so far would have to be: Shane for getting shit done and making the hard decisions, Glenn for being the cool asian and doing risky stuff, Daryl for being the all out bada$$ of the group and not creating any drama, and finely T-dog for not creating any drama as well (in the second season) XD

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Now my favorite Character so far would have to be: [...] T-dog for not creating any drama as well (in the second season) XD

Sometimes I forget that he's even there! Except for when he stomped that zombie in the first half of the second season. He barely has any screen time.

My favorite character is probably Glenn. He always takes the tough jobs, and always makes it out. I hope his luck doesn't run out any time soon. Though I like Rick too, for many of the same reasons Trend said he likes Shane. Interesting, no?

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Did anyone hear at the start of the last ep when Rick said to Glenn, "you were right"? What do you think that means?

I'm wondering if this means they're already infected with the zombie virus and will turn when they die even if they aren't bitten.

I think the biggest problem with this season so far is that they spent the entire first part of it building up to the climax over Sophia.

As for my favorite character, it would have to be Rick. I really like how he is trying to come to terms with what the world has become while also trying to hold on to his own morals. You can tell it's tearing him apart on the inside, but he tries to hide it so he doesn't worry everyone that's depending on him. I also like how we're starting to see the softer side of Daryl. Glenn is growing stronger as a character as well. I think that might be another reason why this season has been slow so far, because they are taking the time to show us how the characters are adapting to their new world.

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Did anyone hear at the start of the last ep when Rick said to Glenn, "you were right"? What do you think that means?

I wanted to know what that was about since I didn't remember it. So I went back to it.

Season 2, episode 9 @ 2:10

You actually misheard what was said.

What actually happened was Rick was asking Glenn if he was alright.

You alright?

He then asks Hershel the same thing but only says his name.

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Ive only seen season 1, so guys how is season 2 living up to the first?

In my opinion, season 1 can't compare to the 2nd season at all.

Season 2 isn't getting anywhere at all. I stopped watching it after it came back from the mid-season break (it's just so incredibly boring).

What I believe is happening is that the writers have drifted so far from the story in the original comics that they have nothing left to return to. So at this point, they're creating unnecessary character drama to pass the time, because they don't have a damn clue where to go next. I was about ready to quit season 2 after the first few eps, but I stuck with it, and the last ep before the mid-season break (ep 8) was actually good, but then after the show resumed, I kept saying to myself "why did I ever suffer through this shit?"

I abhor zombie-related shows and other things, but I actually enjoyed The Walking Dead. I just don't know what happened to it now :(

I can't help but think they had a low budget for this season

Well, you'd be right. Budgets have been cut for ALL of AMC's shows, even for AMC's biggest shows like The Walking Dead and next (and final) season of Breaking Bad.

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