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Murder at the convention... (Gore)

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Part 9: Eve

Eve wondered down the hall, She had just finished talking to Ren, Koby and Empy and was now going to get something to eat. As sad as the deaths were and as horrifying, Eve was bored.

Entering the dining room she looked around and sighed, no one was there so sitting at the closest table Eve waited for the food to be bought out. It seemed Mae had made sure no matter how long there were there they would be well taken care of.

As Eve picked at her food and when a hand lightly touched her shoulder she screamed and stood quickly knocking over the table.

"Eve, it's just me." Chaos stated laughing, "No need to get so excited!"

Eve turned red, "Oh shut up Chaos!"

"Sorry," Chaos rubbed at the back of his head, "That was rather mean of me, everyone seems to be on edge. Not knowing who may die next or who is killing everyone."

Eve watched at kitchen staff came out to clean her mess hugging herself " I just don't like this feeling, it is like someone is breathing down my neck... A darkness that wants to kill everything."

Chaos stepped close and rested his hand on her shoulder once more "It is alright Eve, I will-"

"Hey Eve, hey Chaos. What are you guys doing?" Leki walking up to them as Chaos jumped back if he had been stung.

"I will see you later Chaos." Eve rushed out the door and to her room. Once the door was closed and locked She banged her head against it "Damn you Leki! Always butting in!"

After hitting her head against the wood a few more times she turned around, it looked like Yuna was not there, and for once feeling grateful no one was around Eve headed into the bathroom.

Stopping dead Eve looked at the tub and it's contents. Yuna was there nude, her body was cut into little pieces the only thing left intact was the horror struck expression on her face. Everything below her neck had been cubed.

Unwillingly Eve looked up, the ceiling was splattered with blood the words "all shall die" written there. Eve screamed and remembered no more.

Eve rocked back and forth trying to come to grips with what she had seen, the police were as baffled as everyone else. Chaos was near talking quietly to Empy and Icarus. Eve stood and took a shaky step forward.

"Where are you going?" Chaos asked moving next to her.

"I want to talk to Koby." Eve took another only slightly less then steady. "I need to ask him something."

"I will come-"

"No!" Eve cut him off, "I want to talk to him alone."


Three black shadows slipped into the room and looked at the man sleeping.

Eve walked briskly down the hall and without knocking walked into Koby's room, it was a mess. His clothes were everywhere and his bed was a mass of sheets piled up in the center of it. Eve walked over to the bed remembering all the mystery movies she had watched and placed a hand on the bed.

The sheets were still warm, so grumbling to herself eve walked over to the bathroom door and knocked. the door creaked open and shivering at the memory of Yuna Eve looked into the bathroom.

She gasped a hand covering her mouth, once more blood splattered the walls ceiling and toilet. watching where she walked eve slowly made her way to the bath tub... Looking down there was more blood, but no body.

something dripped onto her head, and that was the last thing she remembered before darkness descended on her once more.

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