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Uniform Theme Added


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We added a new theme to the forum called Uniform styled by Ehren of IPSFocus and paid for by @ZeroPenguins. Hope you enjoy!
I'll be adding a few more themes courtesy of @ZeroPenguins at some point. Waiting on Ehren to push out some of his other themes.


I'm currently working on modifications to Asphyxia and once I'm done with that I'll get back to work on Seraphim. I have two more retro themes in mind after Seraphim to code as well before I begin on any completely new designs.


Rest assured we'll be adding some dark themes at some point to suit those complaining about our themes being too bright.

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1 minute ago, professa X said:

didnt know about this. i luv it! but the snow animation still burns my processoor!

You can block it like @JohnFlower showed, or you can reduce your window size down till the forum jumps to tablet view which doesn't have the snow. Anyhow I'll disable the snow on the 26th most likely.

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On 12/19/2015, 3:32:20, JohnFlower said:


gg christmas¬

yea. how did you get this to work


did this instead in adblock plus:


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45 minutes ago, JohnFlower said:

It depends on the theme you're using. ipsfocus themes have this christmas stuff built in. The default IPB theme and Asphyxia use a javascript file. I didn't check Vectron.


All you need to do is add it to your adblockers custom filter list.

Vectron, Default, and Asphyxia actually are using a plugin which should work on all themes without any code needed; however because Uniform has some pretty big differences in the html template it appears the plugins were broke for it. However Ehren has a much nicer and more up-to-date with todays standards coded snow script. Apparently there is some different options for different holidays through the year but I haven't checked out what each one actually does yet.

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