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Say it. Get it off your chest thread! @_@


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So I got a job interview phone call today for some bed place, go me right? Yeah I thought so too til I told my gf, we were rping at the time and I kinda stopped to say it, I was trying to tell her about the fucking job when she basically got frustrated with me and just told me to post, I didnt get to say a single fucking thing...feel the love right? Fucking rping seems to mean more to her then I do sometimes I swear...Getting sick of this shit....

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You know what's fun to wake up to? Drama over not being able to find a fucking piece of paper. I'm so done with this place but I can't even move out because I haven o nowhere else to go.

@DA: Sometimes people really get into what they're doing, especially with RPing. I know it was insensitive of her but maybe next time you could wait a little to share your good news, when there's a bit of a lull in the action of the RP.

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You know what's fun to wake up to? Drama over not being able to find a fucking piece of paper. I'm so done with this place but I can't even move out because I haven o nowhere else to go.

@DA: Sometimes people really get into what they're doing, especially with RPing. I know it was insensitive of her but maybe next time you could wait a little to share your good news, when there's a bit of a lull in the action of the RP.

Yeah I guess you're right on that but still it was insensitive, doesn't matter now though. Your predicament sounds like what my dad used to do when I lived there with all his stupid yelling cause he couldn't find something

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What's awesome is trying to spend a quiet night at home only for two factions of morons to run into each other in the dark and start yelling and fight. The guys sounded like they were fucking being tortured the way there were going on screaming and shit and then I took a peek out the window to see they have kids with them! Fucking kids?! It was the moment when I wished I had a gun to walk out and tell em all to fuck off and grow the fuck up.

Edited by Dark_Angel13
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I HATE it when girls find themselves with a nice guy who treats her well, but she refuses to date him because "He just isn't what i'm looking for.", and then they find themselves with a total asshole who treats her like shit and they constantly make up excuses for why he "Isn't that bad."

Seriously, what are girls like these looking for, do they like being treated badly? What part of the female psychology makes this okay?

Now to be fair, I am sure boys are just as bad in regards to dating girls based on their looks and not personalities, I just notice when girls do this more because I am a guy.

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Well, I don't know how far your experience goes or whether it's limited to people within your age group, but it's something you're going to see all the time. People are always going to be with questionable folk--take my roommate and his harpy of a girlfriend. I don't know her well (I don't want to know her well at all ever), but she consistently makes the worst first impressions possible.

Java mentions that it's possible they're just more familiar with the person and sees beyond the obvious, less desirable traits. I mean, I can come off as stuck up or a prude to people who don't know me--when really I'm just quiet and don't always have something to say. I get uncomfortable around more abrasive personalities, a lot of which I encountered while in the military, so I kind of lock up and withdraw.

But I'd say be careful about Nice Guy Syndrome. One of my friends wrote a piece on it that I really enjoyed. I quoted pieces of it, since it's pretty lengthy.

Chivalry is often declared to be dead or unwanted. Why? Due to the misconception that women don't want "nice guys."

First off, who doesn't like to be treated nicely? Let's take a step back real quick, what is chivalry? [...] Chivalry is a way of life, a personality, and not merely the name behind actions of kindness. Simply holding the door open for women, does not make you chivalrous, just possibly kind and considerate. Showering a woman with gifts(particularly one you are still trying to get to know), or pushing to pay for everything isn't chivalrous... that's bribery.


The typical problem we find here is, most men who claim themselves to be chivalrous, are not so to all women (for petty reasons such as physical appearance, attitudes, failed past relations, rumors, etc.), let alone showing basic common courtesies and respect to a fellow man. Consistency.


Those of you saying things like "chivalry is dead," "women only want the assholes," "they don't like nice guys," you are not being very chivalrous. You are merely being spiteful and taking shit too personally. If you are attempting to be chivalrous, but have this notion in your mnd expecting to get treated differently because of it (for example, oh I was nice to her, she has to/should be/better be nice to me), get over yourself. No one appreciates you "being nice" to them if you are simply doing it for affection, attention, for yourself, basically. It's a surefire sign of your insecurities and your immaturity.

If a particular person tells you they don't want you to do this, that or the other for them (pay for their meal, help them carry something, etc) then simply do not do it for them. RESPECT their human rights and decision. Chivalry is about giving not taking or wanting (including wanting/forcing to help). You offered to help and that's all that is important.

Ever hear the phrase, "You can take a horse to water, but you can't force it to drink?" Same concept, don't FORCE and SHOVE your "kindness" down someone else's throats. If they don't want it, don't give it and DO NOT get bitter at them. Being chivalrous does not mean you have to go out of your way to do something nice either. Chivalry is not a doormat, if you can help you opt to do so without hesitation/regret/expectations, but if you can't (be it that you are currently unable to due to circumstances, or they simply don't want your help) don't bend yourself over backwards to make it happen anyway at the cost of self/self-worth.


To sum things up, chivalry is a way of life/personality trait, not simply nice actions toward a woman. Chivalry includes being respectful and courteous to your "fellow man" (male or female). Chivalry is standing up for what is right, and not what is popular. Chivalry, like justice, is blind to appearance, sex, race, etc. Chivalry is WITHOUT EXPECTATIONS OF RETURNS. Chivalry is Honest. Chivalry is not quick to judge, but rather taking it's time to understand. Chivalry is love.

Sometimes I get a little wary of people who are going way out of their way to be nice to me--it's a little suspicious and I've dealt with a lot of people who act nice to me just to get into my pants. They get mad when I make my position clear and call me stuck up at best--"Oh, you want an asshole, not a nice guy" &c &c &c. I've had friends who never said anything about their feelings towards me and had been angsting about how I didn't notice them.

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Well, I don't know how far your experience goes or whether it's limited to people within your age group, but it's something you're going to see all the time. People are always going to be with questionable folk--take my roommate and his harpy of a girlfriend. I don't know her well (I don't want to know her well at all ever), but she consistently makes the worst first impressions possible.

Java mentions that it's possible they're just more familiar with the person and sees beyond the obvious, less desirable traits. I mean, I can come off as stuck up or a prude to people who don't know me--when really I'm just quiet and don't always have something to say. I get uncomfortable around more abrasive personalities, a lot of which I encountered while in the military, so I kind of lock up and withdraw.

But I'd say be careful about Nice Guy Syndrome. One of my friends wrote a piece on it that I really enjoyed. I quoted pieces of it, since it's pretty lengthy.

Chivalry is often declared to be dead or unwanted. Why? Due to the misconception that women don't want "nice guys."

First off, who doesn't like to be treated nicely? Let's take a step back real quick, what is chivalry? [...] Chivalry is a way of life, a personality, and not merely the name behind actions of kindness. Simply holding the door open for women, does not make you chivalrous, just possibly kind and considerate. Showering a woman with gifts(particularly one you are still trying to get to know), or pushing to pay for everything isn't chivalrous... that's bribery.


The typical problem we find here is, most men who claim themselves to be chivalrous, are not so to all women (for petty reasons such as physical appearance, attitudes, failed past relations, rumors, etc.), let alone showing basic common courtesies and respect to a fellow man. Consistency.


Those of you saying things like "chivalry is dead," "women only want the assholes," "they don't like nice guys," you are not being very chivalrous. You are merely being spiteful and taking shit too personally. If you are attempting to be chivalrous, but have this notion in your mnd expecting to get treated differently because of it (for example, oh I was nice to her, she has to/should be/better be nice to me), get over yourself. No one appreciates you "being nice" to them if you are simply doing it for affection, attention, for yourself, basically. It's a surefire sign of your insecurities and your immaturity.

If a particular person tells you they don't want you to do this, that or the other for them (pay for their meal, help them carry something, etc) then simply do not do it for them. RESPECT their human rights and decision. Chivalry is about giving not taking or wanting (including wanting/forcing to help). You offered to help and that's all that is important.

Ever hear the phrase, "You can take a horse to water, but you can't force it to drink?" Same concept, don't FORCE and SHOVE your "kindness" down someone else's throats. If they don't want it, don't give it and DO NOT get bitter at them. Being chivalrous does not mean you have to go out of your way to do something nice either. Chivalry is not a doormat, if you can help you opt to do so without hesitation/regret/expectations, but if you can't (be it that you are currently unable to due to circumstances, or they simply don't want your help) don't bend yourself over backwards to make it happen anyway at the cost of self/self-worth.


To sum things up, chivalry is a way of life/personality trait, not simply nice actions toward a woman. Chivalry includes being respectful and courteous to your "fellow man" (male or female). Chivalry is standing up for what is right, and not what is popular. Chivalry, like justice, is blind to appearance, sex, race, etc. Chivalry is WITHOUT EXPECTATIONS OF RETURNS. Chivalry is Honest. Chivalry is not quick to judge, but rather taking it's time to understand. Chivalry is love.

Sometimes I get a little wary of people who are going way out of their way to be nice to me--it's a little suspicious and I've dealt with a lot of people who act nice to me just to get into my pants. They get mad when I make my position clear and call me stuck up at best--"Oh, you want an asshole, not a nice guy" &c &c &c. I've had friends who never said anything about their feelings towards me and had been angsting about how I didn't notice them.

Yeah, guys who go out of their way to be nice to girls only because they are interested in them are just as bad as the ones who purposely treat them terribly.

By nice guys, I just meant a guy who treats everyone equally nice, including a girl he may be interested in.

Anyways, who's Java? That's quite an interesting name.

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this motherfucker that i kicked out of my life muscled his way back in so he could try to talk to my matesprit and see why she likes me :| and then he kicked me around for being a terminal homstuck then actually asked me to join his forum???

he was literally like "there's more of your kind there"

so i literally blocked his stupid ass.

buuuuuut he has my number from a long time ago so he keeps texting me and being flirty because i turned him down a couple of times and now he thinks he can just be like that whenever he wants. there's only one quadrant for assholes like that and it's not a good one u wu

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Yeah, Java is my husband, haha.

That is such a weird thing to do, though. "Wow, your interests are so stupid and you're stupid for liking them. Wanna join my forum so I can beat you up some more?" Why, yes, I would certainly love more of that.


I hate that creepy tenacity, though. There was one guy who was into me while I was in the dorms--I was nice for a while, but was quite firm in my stance that nothing was ever going to happen between us. I don't want to be so rude as to tell someone that I'm not attracted to them and want no sort of physical contact with them, but now I wonder if I should have gone through the effort of sparing their feelings.

Anyway, he would text me like, "oh, I know you want me" and "I'm so cute, you can't deny me" and other garbage. I'd just be like, "oh-kay" and ignore it. Apparently some people take this as an invitation to keep trying in the most creepy ways possible.

Eventually he was like, "I'm gonna knock on your door and we can hang out" and I told him nonononO. And then a few minutes later he knocked and I turned off my lights, locked the deadbolt and chain, and quietly sat on my bed until he went away.

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Augh that guy does it too. It's so annoying wow. And I was ruthless when I told him to leave. Absolutely ruthless.

And in other news, one of my best friends just suddenly reappeared in my life after not talking to me for months so i can help him with his relationship shit. tbh i honestly don't mind it because i'm just happy that he's alive at this point

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Wow those guys sound creepy and really stupid if they can't take a fucking hint but then again some guys are like that. They think woman turn them down because they like them, cause that makes so much fucking sense. That and some guys are just way too fucking persistent and even when you flat out tell them they don't seem to get the message because their apparentely brain dead and there only thoughts are SHE LIKES ME URGH....fucking idiots...Just more people who need a good ass kicking to get a message across

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I don't mind people showing up after months, or even years, of no contact. I kind of do the same thing because crippling depression.

But yeah, I can't think of a time I turned someone down because I liked them and I was trying to be coy, since I am the worst at playing coy. I do many things that don't make sense, but that's generally not one of them, haha.

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