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Is there any feature you loved on the old vBulletin forum that seems to be missing on the new forum? Is there an entirely new feature you'd like to see? Let me know what you think would make a nice addition or re-addition to the forum here. Make a list and I'll consider them.

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Being able to lock polls without locking threads, lul.

Some sort of social group feature or private forum--I will say that since I vanished for a time after we had private subfora for the sexes, there are likely issues with that set-up I am not aware of since I was absent.

Oh, and it won't matter much to me in the coming days since I'm moving all my furniture today, but I guess the RSS feeds are gone? Or am I just blind? And is there any way to adjust forum views--like the number of threads that show per page? I keep looking through the settings panel and fail to find it each time.

I'd also like free doughnuts.

ETA: Oh, and is there any way to delete all notifications that once besides deleting it page by page? It's not a big deal, just curious.

Edited by Emotional Outlet
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that would be awesome to have post count ranks like peon, knight. but in anime style

We already have that and have always had that on both systems. Just you're able to set your own custom title which stops it. Plus we only have 12 which go up to 1100 posts, and despite asking for more ideas for it throughout the years, no one has ever came up with something that sounded good.

Being able to lock polls without locking threads, lul.

Some sort of social group feature or private forum--I will say that since I vanished for a time after we had private subfora for the sexes, there are likely issues with that set-up I am not aware of since I was absent.

Oh, and it won't matter much to me in the coming days since I'm moving all my furniture today, but I guess the RSS feeds are gone? Or am I just blind? And is there any way to adjust forum views--like the number of threads that show per page? I keep looking through the settings panel and fail to find it each time.

I'd also like free doughnuts.

ETA: Oh, and is there any way to delete all notifications that once besides deleting it page by page? It's not a big deal, just curious.

- Good idea.

- Do people even actually use this? As far as I know, pretty much all groups aside from Girls and Boys room were dead... and at least in the Boys room nothing much was ever going on besides posting funny and/or sexy pictures. Not sure about the Girls room though, but one group alone doesn't really seem like a reason to add it back at the moment.

- RSS feeds should still exist. I doubt a software in this day and age that strives on it's SEO friendliness would do away with them. I see an RSS button in the bottom left but it just seems to go for the Report Center. Should be more feeds somewhere though, will look into it. I figure those settings should be somewhere too, guess I'll look for them.

FREE DOOUGHNUTS FREE DOUGHNUTS!! Damn. Last time I went to the doughnut shop it was nearly 8 bucks for a dozen. -_-

- As far as I know, the select all only seems to select all for that particular page unfortunately.

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I don't know if this is already available, but it would be great to see new posts like in the view new content button, but just for specific forums. For example when I click the 'view new content' I get pages of new posts in content distro 2.0, which I don't want to see!

If possible maybe some preferences for the view new content which each user can define.

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I don't know if this is already available, but it would be great to see new posts like in the view new content button, but just for specific forums. For example when I click the 'view new content' I get pages of new posts in content distro 2.0, which I don't want to see!

If possible maybe some preferences for the view new content which each user can define.

Click the 'filter by forum' button on the view new content page. It's the last link under Other on the left navigation.
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Back on the topic of rankings, a system where the superlatives in this thread can become a part of a user's profile and displayed with their posts (like under the Crusader nameplate or something).

Automation and beautification of the downloads list. To be honest I haven't looked at that list since the move, but I assume that it's still the same as ever (long list of manually updated links). It's functional, but not the prettiest or the most efficient thing in the world.

Any of those addons I posted.

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Actually being able to set a user title. I'm crusader + and I don't see the option anywhere.

User groups with private threads. (the old club things) They weren't all as active as they should have been, but at least 3 had nearly constant activity. And we always had such interesting discussions in the girl's only group.

Gil was kindof fun, but mostly pointless. Just make a limit on how often things can be changed.

Possibly cosmetic rewards for winning competitions... Not permanent rewards of course, but say, for a month, the winner of a SOTW could choose a colorful sparkle to be added to their name, or a temporary doubling of their sig size if such a thing can be done. The same could be done for other comps, though I'd say that, because there is a much longer time between them, Banner winners should get the reward for longer.

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Actually being able to set a user title. I'm crusader + and I don't see the option anywhere.

User groups with private threads. (the old club things) They weren't all as active as they should have been, but at least 3 had nearly constant activity. And we always had such interesting discussions in the girl's only group.

Gil was kindof fun, but mostly pointless. Just make a limit on how often things can be changed.

Possibly cosmetic rewards for winning competitions... Not permanent rewards of course, but say, for a month, the winner of a SOTW could choose a colorful sparkle to be added to their name, or a temporary doubling of their sig size if such a thing can be done. The same could be done for other comps, though I'd say that, because there is a much longer time between them, Banner winners should get the reward for longer.

- http://puu.sh/JMsD

- Considering.

- I'm not sure if IPB even still has their old Shop/Cash mods since most of what it could do is now available as is.

- That might be rather hard to accomplish actually besides creating a new group with that name style and badge. Would have to look more into the available mods to see if something like that already exists.

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Apparently I've set it so users have to have 500 posts before changing their titles, otherwise they're stuck with the regular member ranks I made (or in this case, their old custom ones).

- http://puu.sh/JUyQ

i take it youve fixed that right =P

and i agree with the RSS feeds i have a couple of desktop gadgets and having live feed access to the forums new posts would help moderation a hell of a lot

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Apparently I've set it so users have to have 500 posts before changing their titles, otherwise they're stuck with the regular member ranks I made (or in this case, their old custom ones).

- http://puu.sh/JUyQ

Well, at least I know now what the count is.

i take it youve fixed that right =P

and i agree with the RSS feeds i have a couple of desktop gadgets and having live feed access to the forums new posts would help moderation a hell of a lot

I would say that would help you guys in moderation.

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I would like to see a FAQ about IP Boards and Thread Prefixes ( Coloured Prefixes )









Download section Prefixes






Anyway you would figure what Prefixes the other setion of the foum could use ^^

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