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Talena Mae

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So I'm going clubbing on Thursday. I've never been before so I'm not sure what to expect! Clubbing has been one of those things where I'm like meh doesn't seem like my thing, but a lot of my friends want me to go. I'm like alright I guess I'll try it once just to say that I did it.

So any of you peeps gone clubbing before? Specifically like Latino clubbing. So there's stuff like Salsa, Bachata, etc not stuff like twerking and grinding (I hope).

In the end, I don't even like any type of dancing lol so this is going to be a challenge I can't be looking awkward the whole time! I'm going to have to go in there! Emerge from the egg! Wait I don't want to do this!!! Waaaaa! tumblr_m9gckmwinS1qzckow.gif

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I've never been clubbing and I have all the grace and movement of a street lamp. I went to a convention once that had a rave type dance happening but that seemed to mostly involve me bopping around uselessly and random dudes trying to grind up on me.

I guess what I'm saying is I have no idea. Good luck and godspeed, lolrawr. Come back alive.

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I've never been clubbing and I have all the grace and movement of a street lamp. I went to a convention once that had a rave type dance happening but that seemed to mostly involve me bopping around uselessly and random dudes trying to grind up on me.

I guess what I'm saying is I have no idea. Good luck and godspeed, lolrawr. Come back alive.

Random guys will always try to grind up on you. Often so will random girls. It's part of the experience! Also included in the experience is punching people in the face when they get a little too friendly, and everyone laughing hysterically when they realize that their buddy's nose is broken. Not to mention seeing drunk people forget where the exits, bathrooms, and chairs are. Good times.

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If your drinking, Drink from Bottles so you can keep your thumb on the top so not to get spiked ;) Don't leave your drink unattended. You never know what an idiot will do. I used to be a heavy clubber/raver back in the day so take note lol unless you want a freebie. Of course it depends on the place you're at but I'd opt for thumb on top always.

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Does the same apply to Latino clubbing? The way my friends who went clubbing in Buenos Aires, Argentina described an atmosphere where I really wouldn't feel the need to be that cautious with my drinks ._.'''. Oh also, going by what my friends said regarding their experience in Buenos Aires, you don't want to arrive to a Latino club early, and dance is a kinda big part of the experience.

Those are clubs in Buenos Aires though... You're going to one in the US I assume so I have no idea if the same rules apply xD.

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So I'm going clubbing on Thursday. I've never been before so I'm not sure what to expect! Clubbing has been one of those things where I'm like meh doesn't seem like my thing, but a lot of my friends want me to go. I'm like alright I guess I'll try it once just to say that I did it.

So any of you peeps gone clubbing before? Specifically like Latino clubbing. So there's stuff like Salsa, Bachata, etc not stuff like twerking and grinding (I hope).

In the end, I don't even like any type of dancing lol so this is going to be a challenge I can't be looking awkward the whole time! I'm going to have to go in there! Emerge from the egg! Wait I don't want to do this!!! Waaaaa! tumblr_m9gckmwinS1qzckow.gif

It's a good fucking time, just enjoy yourself and don't hesitate to ask some girl to dance with you. Latinas will dance with any one. Just don't accept any drinks that are from guys. If a girl does it though, it means she wants to dog on 'ya. So just enjoy yourself, drink a little, dance, and try not to say any thing that'll insulte any latinas. They will get their friends to beat you up if you insulte them. Hm... What else? ... If some one yells any word related to genitalia, scram it back. It's some thing latinos love to do and they'll love you if you say it back. OH! And if your prone to headachs, then DON'T go. The people are going to be louder than the music. Otherwise just have fun, don't worry about stupid shit like getting laid or weather you've had enough. Just do what feels right and have a boat load of fun. ONE MORE THING! Be sure not to dance with any one's wife. Just throwing that out there.

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Random guys will always try to grind up on you. Often so will random girls.

It'd be less creepy if it were girls instead of guys.

Ladies. [/Demetri Martin]

Being careful with your drink should be a given, regardless of where you are. It doesn't matter how safe you think you are. People will be terrible no matter where they are. That's how people in the middle of North Dakota who think they're in a safe neighbourhood and can leave their doors unlocked get robbed.

Zanco, are they louder than Iraqis because those people practically yell all the time. One of my Iraqi teachers would tell us her (raised in the US) children would often tell her to lower her voice when she's talking to her friends because she's so loud.

Edited by Emotional Outlet
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Will be honest, male or female; do not leave your drink unattended or with somebody that you don't trust (yes that could be a friend). Heard many horror stories just from my college years (mostly from spring breakers). So don't think if your a guy you are free from it; cause there are some females and males that would love to do stuff to you that you will not enjoy.

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@E.O.: I couldn't tell, I've never meet any Iraqies before, but in my personal Latino opinion I'm going to say yes. Just cause we're loud as FUCK!

One more thing, does any one here play League of Legends. I need moar peeps ta' play with! Shit, I'll even teach you how to play if you're up for it, I just wanna play with people I know. : [

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I found like seven threads in the gaming subforum asking if people play the game, so I merged them all here.

I wish life was like the Sims and laundry came out of the dryer pre-folded for me.

Ohmaigarsh! I could just kiss you right now! UGH! Hell yeah! League o' Legends!


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Can we talk about pointless labels for a minute

Gray-asexual, which is the lack of sexual feelings for all except a few, demisexual, which is where I can oly feel sexual feelings for those I share a profound emotional bond with, and pansexual, which is the loving of all genders, no matter what.

The first two--isn't that kind of behaviour found in most every person, regardless of sexuality?

Like they're suggesting heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual people have sexual feelings for everyone of the appropriate sex and that's why they need a term like "demisexual" or "grey-asexual"?? Which isn't even true???????????????????????????

The question marks denote my confusion.

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I think they stand as a mark of certainty for those who stand behind the idolistic views of the West where every thing needs to be labled with proof of existance or else there will be total chaos regarding that subject. Now in my opinnion I find the entire queary as Governal propaganda created to simbolise a sence of "Utopia" and universal well been, so they can find some way to make a quick buck off their inhabitors by flailing around this uncertainty of the world, thus making people want to buy a thousand shirts, jewlery, and even auto-moblies to sponsor theyr new found lables for the previously unkown. Witch basically means that the Government in the United States of America has a secret team of Propaganda experts that do nothing but invent blaten termonalogy for things that don't even need/want to be defined, just to put it on shirts and Nascar Cars. I mean seriously if a million kids will buy a tee-shirt saying "Team Edword", then what the fuck is going to stop them from buying a shirt that says "I'm Demisexual, and proud!"? It's all just to make some damn money to slow down the federal debt from raising so high. Next thing you know they'll be raising taxes on these shirts to make even more money, even though they're the one's that are making them in the first place. ... Or maybe people just want to lable things.

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Actually, in my experience labels, rather than being to validate some idea, are a way to encapsulate an idea (this idea is coincidentally called abstraction) in computer science. This way, with the idea encapsulated you are able to use the tag for the idea and convey the full meaning of the idea in just a few short syllables compared to a full blown explanation as long as the other party is aware of the tag. Ideas with labels don't exactly need to be validated, validation comes from a proof of existence given other factors. That's not included in an idea's description. Labels simply shorten description and provide an easy means to communicate.

Here's a short example from computer science:

;; Returns thing reiterated quantity times with combine done to thing.
(define together-copies-of
(lambda (combine quantity thing)
(together-copies-of-helper combine (- quantity 1) thing thing)))

;; Returns thing-1 and thing-2 reiterated quantity times with combine done to both.
(define together-copies-of-helper
(lambda (combine quantity thing-1 thing-2)
(if (> quantity 0)
(together-copies-of-helper combine (- quantity 1) (combine thing-1 thing-2) thing-2)

The code's kinda foreign because it's in Racket (scheme) but it's lightly commented and mostly in readable English (you may disagree on that point). I used this little snipit specifically because I thought that the functional paradigm has some of the best examples of abstraction. Each function is effectively a little piece of abstraction. A label if you will. I can invoke very complex ideas by combining labels and working with them abstractly.

Here's a short more worldly example:

Lets say some small community doesn't yet know the words male and female (or girl/boy and other common phrases to describe the different sexes). You can imagine interactions sometimes going something like: "Help help! that person with breasts and large hips over there is being assaulted!" or "So I was talking to my friend with the penis and balls... no not that person with no breasts, the one with short black hair. Anyway the person with short black hair, no breasts, and a penis is named Jim." (<- note names are also labels). Rather than having to describe the secondary sexual features of the different sexes all the time someone stands up in a community meeting and proposes that the community all agree on a standard way to refer to the different sexes. Much arguing goes on as they try to come up with terms and rules for who falls into what term. Eventually they get something down which says "males are those with <insert list of male secondary sexual features here> OR (this is logical OR that is not exclusive) a Y chromosome. females are those who exist in the complement of the male set." And so life goes on...

In both cases there is NO validation that goes on in the labeling process. In the computer science example I can comment and label all I want, but if the underlying code to the label is incorrect the label doesn't care. It's just a label. Similarly with the community who didn't know the words male and female. They attempted to define a shortcut, but the shortcut does not define the individual. The label is simply wrong if it somehow missed someone who should've been a member. Especially for most real world labels (asexual, bisexual, unisexual o.O, etc.) you can think of labels as shortcuts for the rules for sets.

By discussing things in this abstract way complex ideas are encapsulated and spoken of easily to other parties. That's why it's so important for abstract ideas to be standardized. In order for a label to function correctly it must:

1) correctly define the rules necessary to include all objects that should be in the label AND exclude all objects that should not be in the label.

2) be accepted by ANY party that wishes to use the label so that use of the label does not get confused.

In practice, labels rarely come out perfectly. To begin with accepting all members you wanted to with a label and excluding all members you didn't want in the label is hard. Especially if you're trying to define something about people where there are possibly an infinite number of exceptions. Then, getting everyone to accept and understand your definition of a label is hard, and eventually the definition becomes warped as people misuse it.

Labels can become misused though. As lots and lots of labels start piling up, you eventually have to start combining labels to create super labels which describe things even more abstractly. This is the natural progression of abstraction though since such combining gives rise to even more complex discussions. All language pretty much is like this now that I think about it. Words can be considered labels. Most words are defined using a combination of different words. This type of building is similar to abstraction. You go from saying "measurement of someone's middle" to saying "someone's girth" just as you went from saying "size or amount of something" to saying "measurement of something". Such evolution isn't necessarily a bad thing although it can become confusing. What it definitely is not is the government trying to some how squeeze money out of you o.O'''. At least I don't see that connection...

Anyway, I'm tired. I did too much homework as evidenced by this post -_-. Sorry if I was needlessly detailed with this, but my mind was kinda in computer science mode tonight :P.

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Speaking of shirts, I think women's sizes in clothing are complete nonsense. I can't just pick up a pair of pants and be like, "I'm a size 4 so these will fit". Because they can either be too big or too small somehow, so I have to pick up like five different sizes or make Java run back to the rack to pick up the right size for me. And I have to play this guessing game to see if it will make my butt look weird what body type the clothing was made for. /First world problems

I'm all for random labels and identification. I understand cis and trans*, and I can deal with people who want to be referred to by a certain set of pronouns. I can even understand people who identify as bisexual but heteromantic or any combination thereof. I believe sexuality is fluid and I can understand struggling with your identity--but when people start doing stuff like "I'm FTMTF" or "I'm a plural system--I'm also a flying dog and a toddler and if you identify as a pizza then that's a valid identity", I start wondering if I haven't accidentally wandered into an alternate universe and I need to get home before I start identifying as otherkin too.

Like the FTMTF thing--we begin with a biological female. This person feels they are a biological male who identifies as a female and wants their outside to match their inside--I'm guessing, anyway, because that seems needlessly complex way to say you're a cis female and/or you're confused about your identity. Or that you want to be happy as a female, but there's so much stigma about it that it makes you uncomfortable.

This seems to be an expression of the actually common feeling of being both uncomfortable with femininity but still wanting to, and struggling to, fulfill that role. A lot of good honest female dialogue is just made shitty by identity politics, and nobody would listen to this chick if she didn’t frame her entire point as being FTMTF. If someone said, “I don’t really feel like I can relate to this whole societal idea of what a female is but I really want to!” Not many people would give a shit.

There's an "official" Tumblr for it, but I can't take it seriously when one of the people who runs the blog says things like this:

My name is Yuki. My age is immortal~* (^-^)v Nice to meet you all♪(´ε` )

Anyway, I guess my point is

I’m actually a pansexual, aromantic ftmtf glitterboi lesbian.

It’s taken a lot of courage to get to this point, I hope you can all accept me. As you can see, it was so hard to accept myself, I just added more labels instead.

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I’m actually a pansexual, aromantic ftmtf glitterboi lesbian.

It’s taken a lot of courage to get to this point, I hope you can all accept me. As you can see, it was so hard to accept myself, I just added more labels instead.

what the fuck is a glitterboi? :|

The whole social justice merged with labeling to all fuck thing is ridiculous imo. For example, I'm pansexual, asatru and cis female. Does this...mean that I deserve a special snowflake badge? Nope, not really. I've had people literally tell me that I'm a victim because of my religion and I don't agree with that in any way, shape or form. Just because in the past, people that believe in what I do have been oppressed doesn't mean that I feel oppressed. Do I feel oppressed when people start talking about Jehovah? Nope. I just really hate the victim mentality a lot of social justice warriors and overlabelers have picked up.

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I don't know what a glitterboi is. Tumblr tags tell me nothing and Urban Dictionary says, "A term used to describe the most powerful suit of power armour on Rifts Earth" and "Another term for a raver".


Not very enlightening.

Social Justice Warriors just make up acronyms and words and get pissed off when people don't know what it means. Like I could spend all day Googling shit like "FAAB", "dandy-femme", "bloodmouth", and "singlet privilege", but everyone apparently uses their own personal definition of every conceivable word. Ask 100 Social Justice Warriors to define a term for you and you'll get 60 different definitions; 20 people telling you to do your own research; 10 people who are immediately triggered and have an emotional breakdown; and another 10 who just start frothing at the mouth about how you're oppressing them and you're supporting the patriarchy/matriarchy/cis-archy/white people-archy.

Anyway, kitty.


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