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Talena Mae

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Doesn't matter, there are alergies (the ones I've mentioned before) that can trigger the same efffect as the guten allergy. Witch would be fine if I just had a gluten allergy, but that's not this case. : [

Edited by Zanco
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Or maybe, just maybe, he was wild enough to BUY/LEASE a place then have to organize every thing accordingly... NAH! I think what Mute Point has the POINT here. AHAHA-HAHA-HA-OOOOooo...


! THE FUCK!? I just realized I'm missing a " ' " in "Rock n' Roller"... D : My whole life is a lie!

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A lot of "proper" grammar rules are from Latin. Splitting infinitives in Latin was impossible because Latin infinitives are one word (sedere, legere, amare)--in English, infinitives are usually two words (to sit, to read, to love). There's no reason you can't split them. You can't end a sentence in Latin with a proposition because of the way the language is structured--use of case endings made it impossible. However, you can easily reorganise most words in a Latin sentence without losing the meaning because you have case notations, declensions, conjugations. Not so with English--reorganise too much and you end up with word salad.

In the same way modern English has more or less lost the use of words like "ye" and "thou", "whom" is going much the same way. I'm all for proper usage, but it's not going to make my head explode if you use "disinterested" when you mean "uninterested".

Video is relevant and super good.


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A lot of "proper" grammar rules are from Latin. Splitting infinitives in Latin was impossible because Latin infinitives are one word (sedere, legere, amare)--in English, infinitives are usually two words (to sit, to read, to love). There's no reason you can't split them. You can't end a sentence in Latin with a proposition because of the way the language is structured--use of case endings made it impossible. However, you can easily reorganise most words in a Latin sentence without losing the meaning because you have case notations, declensions, conjugations. Not so with English--reorganise too much and you end up with word salad.

In the same way modern English has more or less lost the use of words like "ye" and "thou", "whom" is going much the same way. I'm all for proper usage, but it's not going to make my head explode if you use "disinterested" when you mean "uninterested".

Video is relevant and super good.


Why couldn't you just leave me a Polar Bear? That's all I wanted. Now I don't know what the hell I am. ... Thou only hath thy self to cast blame apon, ye killer of guitar shreading polar bears!


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You can still be a bear with a guitar. Rock all day long and go to bed at a reasonable hour.

No I didn't get a chance to go though everything and had to move all my stuff in plus I got to do some renovating before I can setup a room.

I don't know if I hate packing or unpacking more. When we moved it got to the point where we were just shoving things into garbage bags to sort through later at the new apartment.


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