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Talena Mae

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It changes who/what is to blame for the situation.

Science has shown that the sun is getting hotter, thus pushing the safe zone out a little more every time it goes up a few degrees. Long after those of us reading this are dead and gone, the earth will no longer be capable of supporting life because of this.

Most likely, long before that happens, our population will have increased so much that we will have already started sending ships out in the general direction of other planets that may become livable by the time we get to them. This is of course, after they solve the problems currently caused by long term space travel, including, but not limited to: Bone Necrosis, limited food stores, oxygen stores, recycling on the go, and fuel.

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Personally, the argument of who to blame in this context seems pretty useless. Who cares who did it, what're we gonna do about it?

Once the problem is solved, we can look back and bicker all we want about what the causes were and how to prevent it from happening again.

Also, embedding consciousness (or simulated consciousness) is very hard for technology which is innately a discrete thing. Consciousness (as we like to think of it) is a continuous thing although it may just be so many discrete points that we cease to see it as discrete. Even if consciousness is infinite, as long as it can be emulated with a discrete set of data we will eventually have passable AI. What would be more interesting is to see technology evolve far enough to handle countably infinite data. For that though, the entire theory of computing would need to be rewritten :(.

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How can you be sure of that? What if he actually ceases to exist when you look at him from one of the axes? Perhaps he's actually one dimensional and doesn't really exist in this world but is rather a computer program made up of a single binary string spanning the infinity of a single dimension?

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I found it! I found it!


At first I thought it was this one. But then when I looked again the eye patch was on the wrong eye. To find the anime I actually google image searched "anime eye patch girl" and one of the images on the page matched which took me to a forum thread that mentioned the anime's name :D.

Total search time: 6 minutes (took me a while to figure out that the eye patch was on the wrong eye). How'd I do :D?

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