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The Walking Dead (TV Series)

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This season is pretty slow, but a good part of it is for character development. T-Dog, and Dale are really the only characters that haven't had a major shift in there characters since the start of this season. I think the purpose of this season is to set up how some of the major characters will behave, and who they will or won't trust form this point on.

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Well tonights episode was pretty much all about Carl and him either butting into adult business or being a complete idiot. The prisoner is still alive because Carl busted in telling his dad to 'do it, do it'. He'd already stolen a gun earlier and went off into the woods all alone where he began teasing a walker by throwing rocks at him only a few steps away. Drops the gun, runs off, but leads the walker back to their base where it eats a cow and manages to mortally wound Dale. How come nearly every episode has been about someone acting an idiot. Carl certainly takes after his mother in that regard and now takes the #2 spot, just under his mom, for who I'd like to see get killed by a walker. Come on, let the dumbasses die already.

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This episode made me sad, I liked Dale's character. I blame Randall for this, if he had just gotten bit during last episode then Dale wouldn't have been off on his own. Carl needs a good boot to the face as well. How does getting so close to a walker seem like a good/fun idea. I guess this is the episode that changes Carl. I wonder if he's going to turn into another Shane or Rick.

I hope this doesn't mean they're going to let Randall into the group now.

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I hope this doesn't mean they're going to let Randall into the group now.

It looks likely they will let randall tag along now because if he was going to be killed off, I reckon it would have already happened.

I'm kind of glad Dale is gone because nobody really to hold them back on the humanity side of things now. Hopefully more action and an little less drama coming our way.

I reckon next to die is going to be Sophia's mum, Carol. We will see :)

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I was starting to think they killed off T-dog without giving him anymore screen time haha, even when his best bud (Dale) dies, he isn't even given any dialogue XD I wonder how long he'll last until he's forgotten or dies off without anyone knowing.

This pretty much sums up what I'm talking about haha:


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My favorite character right now is definitely Rick. He reminds me of Captain Reynolds from Firefly. Willing to do what it takes to do the job (in this case, staying alive) but also has a code of ethics that it's harder for him to walk away from than it is for some of the others.

Just one example... If Shane had been the one holding the gun in the barn, Carl wouldn't have had time to show up and stop the execution by wanting it to happen the way it did with Rick. He thought it would be the right thing to do to execute Randall, but he had issues with it, questioned the decision over and over, then decided (probably before Carl even showed up) that it was wrong. He just needed a little bit more of a push to put the gun away. Rick is definitely a survivor, but he's an honest one.

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Not only has AMC increased its order of Season 3 episodes to 16, the network has announced some very interesting casting news. Notable British actor David Morrissey (The Reaping, The Other Boleyn Girl) has been cast to play the role of The Governor.

If you’ve been reading Robert Kirkman’s original The Walking Dead comic book series, you’ve probably just done a fist pump and shouted, “Yes!” If you only know The Walking Dead world from the very fine TV series, I’m here to tell you that things are going to get . . . intense. Yes, even more intense.

Those who are fans of both the series and the comics know that the TV version differs from the comic in a few rather substantial ways. However, the AMC press release also states that The Governor is, indeed, the leader of the Woodbury survivors, and that he will be the major antagonist for Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and his group in the next season.

Source: http://thevoiceoftv.com/news-and-gossip/the-walking-dead-season-3-it-just-keeps-getting-better/

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I was starting to think they killed off T-dog without giving him anymore screen time haha, even when his best bud (Dale) dies, he isn't even given any dialogue XD I wonder how long he'll last until he's forgotten or dies off without anyone knowing.

This pretty much sums up what I'm talking about haha:


I was wondering if he was next as well, but I couldn't figure out how they'd get him. He doesn't do anything, so I just decided that if I ever find myself in a zombie apocalypse that I want the T-dog role. That way I can just set at base camp while all the crazy white people and the asian kid do all the dangerous jobs. Kind of felt bad for old T-Dog until I started thinking about it, but I'm starting to think he is gaining the most out of this apocalypse.

@Koby, how much does the comic differ from the show so far? I haven't gotten around to reading the comic book yet, because I didn't want to spoil the show itself. Doing similar research about next season did unearth a pretty shocking spoiler for this season, and another I had already guessed. I won't mention here though and ruin it for everyone else.

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@Koby, how much does the comic differ from the show so far? I haven't gotten around to reading the comic book yet, because I didn't want to spoil the show itself. Doing similar research about next season did unearth a pretty shocking spoiler for this season, and another I had already guessed. I won't mention here though and ruin it for everyone else.

I have no idea as I haven't actually read the comics either, was just copy/pasting what the news said.

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Now that I think about it, wasn't Carl trained to use a gun? I remember his mother telling him he better take it seriously. So why did he have to get so close to the walker?

I haven't read the comics myself, but there's a rumor that a character named Michonne will appear in the season 2 finale. What I find interesting about this is that Michonne apparently walks around with 2 walkers as pets. I'd love to see that lol

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Now that I think about it, wasn't Carl trained to use a gun? I remember his mother telling him he better take it seriously. So why did he have to get so close to the walker?

Ah, little boys always have to mess with stuff; like using a magnifying glass to fry ants. Carl definitely won the stupid award for that episode.

As for Randall, I'm kind of torn. I don't think killing him is the right thing to do, but they can't just let him go either. I guess keeping him prisoner would be okay, but then they'd have another mouth to feed, and somebody would have to guard him. I'm really interested to see what the group works out.

Also, my brother and I cheer every time T-Dog gets some screen-time. Because it's a thing that doesn't happen very often, haha. I like him though. It's too bad that he's just kind of there randomly.

One character I'm beginning to like a little more is Andrea. I haven't thought much of her after she went on that psycho kick with Shane, but her character is becoming a little more interesting. Like how she left the little girl alone, and gave her a chance to decide whether or not to commit suicide; I thought that was really interesting. And it put an end to that problem, unlike what everyone else was doing. I was kind of proud of her for that. Even though she was booted from the house, haha.

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I don't like Andrea either. She's got one of those personalities that just irks me. She's extremely cocky and well you saw how the whole ordeal turned out. Because she can't listen to anyone else she nearly killed Daryl and let a kid nearly commit suicide.

Anyhow I should have seen Shane's death coming after Lori randomly started apologizing to him. That's kind of a red flag something would happen. However I'm a bit confused about what went down at the end. Rick stabbed him and then was around Shane's body the whole time (although random zombie flashes were being shown) then Carl shows up... and Shane is now a zombie? So what if you die at all, regardless of the reason you'll turn into a Walker? Or did a Walker actually manage to bite him before he fully died (cause otherwise it'd mean a bite after death could still turn you into a Walker? And if so, when the hell did he get bit? I mean, did Rick leave Shane's body for a moment when the zombie flashes were shown or what? Maybe I just missed it, but I'm really confused on that part.

Either way I'm a bit shocked they took Shane out already. Figured he'd still be a threat well into next season.

Other then that, at least Randal is out of the picture as well.

Also, when do you think we'll see Daryl's brother make another appearance?

Only got one episode left this season iirc.

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I really liked this weeks episode. It kind of sucks that Shane is gone, but he kind of needed to go. He was to far gone for Rick to be able to bring him back. I thought everything was going to be ok between the two of them, at least for the night. Then pow, right in the heart. Looks like next week is setup to be a very interesting episode. I wonder how many characters will actually make to season 3.

What did you guys think of Randall and Shane turning? When do you think they were infected?

I had already figured out it would happen after the episode with the two police walkers. I think they were infected at the very beginning, and that is why the people in the cars on the highway didn't turn. I think it killed them at the moment of infection, but for everyone else it's like HIV. You live with it not knowing until you die. Then it kicks in because your immune system stops keeping it in check.

@Koby, if you remember back to the episode with the two police officers that turned without being bit. Shane stabbed one of them in the head with his knife, then later on used it to cut his own hand. At the very least he was infected then.

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@Koby, if you remember back to the episode with the two police officers that turned without being bit. Shane stabbed one of them in the head with his knife, then later on used it to cut his own hand. At the very least he was infected then.

Very nice observation. If anyone has followed the comics, you'll understand that infection with the walker disease doesn't "primarily" originate from the most obvious scenario, i.e. physical injuries via wounds but hints more towards a infection as you've described, though I think airborne infection is still a possibility.

**RECAP: Back to the first season --> Remember the Director of CDC; the ending prior to it's self destruction? The director mentioned something to Rick before he made his way up and out of the building. People believe the director actually figured out how infection occurred and people believe that he told Rick how it happens.** If this was ever explained, I'd love it if someone told me what that little secret chat was about, because I am dying to know what was discussed. If not, I'll be stuck believing what I want to believe.

Though it makes me wonder if you can be infected from just a small wound, like pricked with a needle; or if you can possibly be infected faster if the wound is much more severe. If we still keep human logic intact, then your body can only fight off an infection or disease if it has the capacity to, otherwise the infection will overwhelm your immune system.

If we take your theory on how Shane turned, then how would we explain Randall's turning? (Was that actually Randal that the second pair fought off? I thought it was a random walker in the woods...)

Also one episode back, I thought what Daryl did was pretty b/a, and also sad. I got a little bit teary eyed seeing him step up to the plate in Rick's place; the intro to this past episode was also pretty good, how they roamed the surrounding vicinity of the farm to beat the living hell out of any walkers unlucky enough to trespass on Hershel's farm.


Did anyone else kind of feel sad for Shane? I thought the way they set up that scene was a good tear-jerker. I mean I sympathize, Shane was a complete asshole but his actions were justified in his own way. He tried to make something good of a world that was completely wrong, a world completely destroyed. Then Rick comes and breaks up that world that he created; leaving Shane rejected, tossed aside - back to square one, nothing to something, and back to nothing. That would probably drive any man to become crazy. I felt pretty sad for him to go like that, I'll admit it was pretty emotional, though when he turned I saw that he was going to have a bullet his way.

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