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Gauging Interest in Forum Game Concept


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I mean, from the standpoint of someone who games regularly and/or has good hand-eye coordination and/or is fine with faster paces, those games are probably cake. But for one who is a more casual gamer and/or prefers a slower pace and/or is generally clumsy (me), the games are harder--especially considering how not fun they are for me. I played the luck game so many times for my meagre score that if I hear another cutesy song like that again any time soon, my ears are going to start bleeding.

And for people with limited hardware--having to use a laptop touchpad or whatever--the games are going to be frustrating. Or maybe they're not and there are some speed demons with trackpads. Either way, I'm not one of them, haha.


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I found what might be a good replacement Intelligence stat game (or at least an alternative). The problem is that I can't beat it -_-. I gave up on level 7 and said screw it (scored like 927 points). If anyone can prove that the game has an end, I'd be willing to add the game in as an alternative (or replacement) to the IQ test which maxes out at 145 :P. Alternatively, if the game never ends I could just assume a certain score as getting 145 stat and go from there...


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Even though the game has no end, it may still be possible to use this since the level skip thing resets your score. Maybe if I limited the levels played (like only play level 1 -> level 10 or less) and calculated the int score based on that score it could be used. What do you think?

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I can't vouch for the formulas at the moment because people's stats are too similar right now. Well, I shouldn't say similar. I mean, most people have a dex score in the 140s, and very few people have a higher speed score than that. Luck used to be what differentiated the hit/miss factors, but now that I de-emphasized it, the other 2 stats took over and equalized everyone. Basically, since we're all pretty much on the same level as far as how long we've played and what items/levels we've gotten there isn't enough difference in our stats to see people start dodging.

I won't modify the formulas until I see more differentiation speed/dex stats between defenders and attackers respectively and no corresponding increase in miss rate or a less than satisfactory increase in miss rate.

Now what *MIGHT* need tweaking is the dex game, but only zx0 broke it so far so I'm going to hold steady. I'm actually looking for a better dex game that wouldn't allow something like a 170 stat to happen so easily -_-. Just like I'm looking for a better int game that won't cap out at 145 :P.

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Now what *MIGHT* need tweaking is the dex game, but only zx0 broke it so far so I'm going to hold steady. I'm actually looking for a better dex game that wouldn't allow something like a 170 stat to happen so easily -_-.

EASILY?!?!? That took me 3 days of hard work to get that score. I really enjoyed the game, but it certainly was not easy! Once the fifth game opened up I was screwed. I really wanted to see if a sixth game would open, but never got there :(

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Compare how much work it would take for you to get a 170 on the luck game from where you are now or how much work it would take you to get a 170 on the strength game from where you are now, and you'll see what I mean. 170 should be unachievable except with hours and hours of work to completely master the games (I assume this was done by mute for the int). Since the int score caps at 145, all the other games should have soft physical ability caps around the same value. The fact that you could try for 3 days and achieve 170 means that the equation is currently not balanced.

I'm not trying to take away your success from you. Rather, I'd like to rebalance the equation so your score ends up in the 145 zone along with the rest of the stats. Yes, everyone else's score will go down, but like how it is with me in the luck game, it only takes 1 abnormally skilled person to throw off the entire score curve (under the current equations, my true high score for luck gets me a 220 attribute value). Perhaps I should just make a hard cap on all the stats at 145 to even things out...

There is another solution to this problem though. As long as the effort taken to achieve certain values is approximately equal across the games, I have no problem allowing attribute values over 145. What stops me is the int game currently hard caps there while none of the others do. That's why I'm thinking about how to score the planarity game to replace the int game. I tried a few times and found a pattern that appears to work for me since I got up to level 8 with about 1700 points without pulling hair. If I can balance all the games and remove the hard cap on int, aberrant values over 145 wouldn't be as much of a problem.

I'm not going to make a change yet though. I might later ask you to artificially cap your stat at 145 to preserve fairness, but at the moment I don't see too much imbalance coming from your 170 dex.

Another balance problem I see happening eventually is shop prices. Since I made leveling increase your base EXP gain, it seems like items have become too easy to purchase now! (opposite problem now >.<). I may change shop prices soon to compensate for this, but I need to see how I want things balanced :P.

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162 is still quite broken when the soft max is supposed to be 145 -_-.

Having lower tier items lose effectiveness adds even more complexity into the game x_x. Same with making an equation to calculate how much the stuff you're buying costs. Rather than add more complexity, I just increased the values. Actually, this shop rebalancing was coming from before the game even started :P. I kinda just chose random values for the shop costs, and I didn't think about it too much. With this latest update, I went in and calculated the attacks needed to obtain each tier of item/spell/heal/boost based on what level you were (assuming base EXP gain). I balanced everything to be about equal (so if it takes you 10 attacks at level 0 to obtain a tier 1 item, I wanted it to take 10 attacks at level 5 to obtain a tier 2 item). On each block of levels where an item range is applicable (T0: 0-4, T1: 5-9, ...) the attacks to purchase are about equal to start with and slowly decrease as you level toward the next tier.

The exceptions to this rule in how I balanced prices are healing and boosting spells. Boosting spells do not actually have a level limit on them. The level limit is enforced by boosting spell's high price ^-^. I made the price increase actually beat out the leveling increase so it takes more attacks to obtain them. Boosting spells are supposed to be late-game acquisitions anyway since they basically give you >T5 equips. For healing spells, I had the leveling increase beat out the price increase because those things were supposed to be fairly cheap. I still had to increase prices there though since it was at the point where someone level 10 could purchase a T5 healing spell pretty much every other attack...

The incentive to move up tiers as you level comes from the % increase getting higher or the # of stats boosted getting higher. In zx0's case though since he has a legendary weapon he probably won't be purchasing a new weapon until like T4 or T5 when he doesn't need the extra 5 EXP anymore and a new weapon would give him higher % boosts.

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