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Blood shot eyes~ A working title~

Talena Mae

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NOTE: This story is subject to all copyright laws in Australia and the U.S, any unauthorised publication of this document in part or in full will be dealt with, with the full force of the Law. ~Talena


Jessica was being pulled along by her friends’ one on each arm, her long brown hair in a pig tail flowing behind her and blue eyes sparkling with impatience, a frown on her lips. She had been in her room studying her spells for the upcoming tests when the door slammed open and both girls took her by the arms telling her it was time to watch the up coming tournament. If she could do all her spells on a trained mercenary she would pass, she could get her staff. All of the Healers had to know basic spells of healing, extra defence, speed enhance, mind strength, revive, all heal, strength plus, accuracy and bull hit. Jessica was far from the best healer in her group but she had a quick mind and that enabled her to get through to where she was. As was the practice since the school was founded that all the Mercenaries would have a tournament to celebrate the upcoming new graduates so they were informed. The Mercenaries would walk into the stadium with their wives or healing partners and battle one another for the title of champion. Then the ending battle was all of the graduating Mercenaries and Healers would fight against the two best mercenaries of the night.

The one thing Jessica was worried about was if the mercenary she were assigned to refused to keep her, for if he did not bed her within a year she would be passed onto another mercenary, and some of them could be cruel. Her third year friend Amanda who had her left arm was one healer who passed from man to man. She was beaten pretty bad by a few because in the fighting she could not keep him alive, but once the fighting was over she went back and revived him, only to be beaten nearly to death when he came back to himself. Mary on her other arm was with her mercenary still, one day out of graduation she was bonded to Clinton Smith, and the rumour mill was saying he asked for her. With her friends’ giggling, away to each other Jessica was trying to remember all the movements, luckily her friends did not know that she had the little practice staff with her at all times.

Unlike the twig like wands the mages used, the staffs made to the size of the healers’ chest and stomach; it was thicker also with ribbons hanging from each end. Amanda and Mary stopped and Jessica not realising walked into them, they pushed there way to the front of the crowed lining the balcony then shoved Jessica before them. Sitting down, she looked around at the stadium in a bit of shock, torches were placed everywhere to fight back the approaching darkness, at opposite ends of the fighting circle there were two stone archways covered with what looked like vines. Near the circle was a table with three men already seated all older mercenaries by the look of the tattered armour and battle scars on their faces. Close by a mage was leaning against one of the pillars her wand at her belt.

Straightening she walked over to the men then bowed low to all three, pulling out her wand the pointed it at the man in the middle. After a brief nod, she was surrounded in a white light, a few moments later, it faded and she walked back to the pillar.

A wizened voice boomed over the arena as great torches were lit to shine light into the arena in preparation for the next match, “Ladies and gentleman! Healers, Rangers, Mercenaries, Magi, and citizens alike! Welcome to this years Healers Graduation Ceremony! Where Mercenaries duel on the Healers behalf to show their thanks in proving that they are fit enough to due their duty and protect you!” The crowd road it is approval as two people appeared under great archways of carved vines.

“Our first match, my good people, may very well cost us a new stadium as our up and coming mercenary, Jyro Skelts, faces off our own living legend, Scott Channers!” As second roar filled the stadium as every unbonded Healer looked toward Scott and a collective sigh spread throughout as a well-built man walked out from the shadowed arch. He had short dusty hair that had look of being cropped with an angular face; his eyes were the colour of steel and seemed to see right past you as if you did not matter. A puckering scar was drawn across his neck as if someone had once slit it open. Jessica felt her breath catch when she caught his stoic expression that made him look more like a creature of granite than flesh, but growled at the sight of his current Healer clinging to his arm in a skintight uniform.

Jessica heard her friends whispering to themselves about him as she watched the Ranger referees enter the arena and the three judges left the centre of the field to sit their own respective holdings, “Mm... I would not mind being his healer. I hear he is payed even more than the Lord Marshall himself and has never lost any partner in a fight,” muttered Amanda to Mary.

“And even if he wasn't paid well, he's definitely cute enough to make up for it,” Mary giggled. Jessica just sat their quietly, listening to them talk and giggle while watching Scott's Healer, Mariam, take her position on the field. She wished she could be partnered with him, but her wish was just as unlikely as every other unbonded healer in the stadium was.

“Hey Jessica, you know Mariam is allowed to be with him for a few more weeks before he is re-paired for the god knows how many times,” Amanda whispered to her as if reading her thoughts. Jessica blushed silently as the referees took their places and the wizards’ voice boomed over the audience again.

“Looks like they are ready to start the match, and there's the signal!” She shouted as a red arrow shot into the sky and exploded. The two swords men rushed at each other, Jyro with his sword at waist level and pointed towards Scott and Scott with his sword still in the sheathe but holding the grip backwards for a reverse draw. As the distance between the two warriors closed, the audience seemed to silence themselves as the two Healers quickly tried to get the buffs ready to cast. At the last possible moment, Scott slid to the left of Jyro, creating a red aura around himself before arching his sword out of it’s sheathe and towards his opponent. A small ball of fire flew form Scott’s' sword and hitting Jyro in the chest, before he had a chance to move the sword was thrust onto his chest plate then quickly removed.

Jessica looked at Jyro's healer as she was working over time, that hit must have half killed him, as heal spell right after heal spell was cast so quick that her staff looked like a blur of movement. A cry went up from the crowd and Jessica’s' eyes flew back to Scott, his opponent was charging at him, Jyro's weapon arcing from his head down across Scott's chest. Mariam in a hurry to get away from the attack tripped over her own feet and exposed herself to everyone watching. Jessica gave a little snicker then gasped as she realised that Scott was without protection, she grabbed her practice staff, no bigger then her hand, and cast a healing spell over the gasping Scott. The spell worked and he quickly glanced up to where Jessica was. She turned a deep red, giving away what she guessed he already knew. Scott glared at Mariam still trying to cover her body and in a blur of quick hits had his opponent on the floor.

Jyro swung his sword up seeking to slice Scott in half, but Scott sidestepped so quickly Jessica gasped. Meriams' Quick movement spell had worn off, for him to step so quickly and with little effort was remarkable. Looking at Scott closely Jessica noticed a little twitch in his eye, so with out thinking she sent another heal spell and a bulls hit. Scott’s eye stopped moving and quickly he spun, his sword hilt pulled close to his waist and with each rotation a green light kept getting brighter and his arms moved up. On the last rotation, Scott had his sword in one hand and his other parallel to his body. Jyro went flying through the air landing at his healer's feet at the same time Scott went into a crouch for the next move. Scott rushed forward his sword dragging on the ground, gold light encircled him, and a chain wrapped itself around the sword.

The voice amplified by magic called out around the stadium once more. "What an exciting match, the winner of round one... Scott!" The crowd screamed as Scott was released from the bindings, turning he walked over to the archway stepping over the disgraced girl.

"Oh god Jess did you see that?" Mary asked her jumping up and down "He was brilliant, he moved so quickly and that fire ball he used. Wow!" Jessica nodded at her friend, too shocked that she cast healing spells when it was not her duty. She looked down at the fighting circle to see Mariam looking right at her, with her armour back on fully she was extremely red and from the looks of things somehow knew Jessica cast the spells.

"To think he is only a fifth year, to earn that much money and be one of the best fighters out there." Amanda rambled, "You know, he must be gay or something."

"He is not!" Jessica replied heatedly, placing her hands on her hips and looking up at Amanda, her soft face growing hard at the idea that the person she so wanted to be paired with was gay.

"Oh are you sure, he has not bonded to any healer for five years Jess. Even if you ask at the whore houses they will tell you he is no visitor of theirs." Amanda wiggled a finger at Jessica, "How could any man with that many healers and whores after him not bed a single one?"

Jessica kept her mouth shut, just because he had not done it here did not mean he did not do it elsewhere, or that his self discipline was that strong he could do without having sex with someone. Mary grabbed Jessica by the arm and pointed to the drink stand over the other side of the crowd, nodding Jessica let Mary pull her through the crowds of people. As they walked passed some closed doors Jessica heard a raised voice.

"How could you let some want to be cast heal on you?" they recognized the voice as Mariam, "I was getting around to healing you I just..."

"You just fucked up, instead of trying to show how good you think your body is, try showing how good your skills are." Scott countered cruelly.

Mary pulled Jessica away before more could be heard, a small smile on her lips. Mary was saying something and Jessica turned her attention back to her friend.

"-Clinton won't be fighting in this tournament, he said there was no way in hell he would fight against Scott, not with his first babe on the way." Jessica stopped in her tracks stunned. Mary had gone a shade of red and was playing with a tuft of grass with her foot.

"Mary that’s great, congrats!" Jessica hugged her "Oh when are you due?"

"Not for a while yet, Jess" she replied holding her friend "But we are both looking forward to it. Clinton doesn't want me in the circle is the real reason he is not fighting, he is so used to my skills he wants no other."

"That is sweet of him, I hope I get someone like Clinton, he is so nice to you."

"Yes he is," Mary said letting go, "now let’s get a drink before Scott’s next fight."

They walked over to the stand, bought two cherry sherbets, and took a seat at the table. After a little bit of idle chatting Jessica asked, "Mary if you think Clinton is so good, why do you get into a flutter when Scott is mentioned?"

Smiling Mary looked at her friend "He is the best of the best Jess, think of it, the second year after he finished school he was promoted to the second in command, and because he still does field training and missions he is well payed. Not to mention he is handsome even if he is a little cold and distant, every healer has said the same thing, when he talks it is straight to the point, no side stepping with him. I love Clinton, but I romanticise about Scott."

Jessica looked at Mary too stunned to move, a tap on her shoulder made her jump. Looking back, she looked into Amanda’s smiling face. "Come on you two it's time for Scott's second fight, he is up against Pat Miller and it's going to be one hell of a fight, let's go!" Amanda grabbed them both by the arms and started pulling them back towards the arena and to their places, once again pushing Jessica to the front. They arrived to see Scott coming out of the arch again, looking more cold and angry then before. The Red arrow released and exploded, so quick was Scott with his attack that both Pat and his healer were caught off guard. Scott had pulled out his sword and in the same sweeping motion slammed it into the ground, sending an Earth attack straight through the circle. Pieces of the paving went flying into the barrier that protected the spectators, but the barrier was weak and parts of the shrapnel went into the crowd. Jessica ducked as one part large enough to knock her head from her shoulders, and turning followed its path through the sky landing harmlessly behind everyone. Jessica spun in time to see Scott push Mariam away from him and storm into the darkness of the archway, not waiting for the announcement.

Jessica was stunned by the power of the attack, like most people, she fell to her knees, such strength and skill to wield his weapon thus, and not hurt anyone was a shock for all. No wonder he was the best, and pushing Mariam away like that took some guts. Everyone said that she could be a right bitch when she was denied what she wanted, and it was obvious to all that she wanted Scott. Jessica smiled and looked to her friends’ on their knees behind her; they were both grinning like fools. Amanda jumped up and started clapping and stamping her feet, laughing Jessica stood and started applauding with her. Soon the whole gathering went wild and the Announcer call out "Another outstanding victory for Scott Channers, ladies and gentlemen please don’t move another exciting match is coming up as soon as the work team gets our circle back together!"

Amanda pulled Jessica close so only she could hear what was said "Jess did you see that, Mariam tried to hold him! She put her arms around him and pressed herself against Scott, I couldn't see his face but he pushed her away." Both girls laughed as the fighting circle was repaired and barriers were put back into place and strengthened, someone would be in trouble for the weakness, it was the graduating mages that should have been holding the barrier in place, when they find who caused the weak spot they would not be graduating this year. The Rangers were patrolling the city so no one would think to rob and attack while everyone else was enjoying their time at the stadium.

"Are you glad we pulled you away from studies for this?" Asked Mary in all innocence "How would you feel if you had missed the excitement?"

"I would have been upset, thank you both for kidnapping me and forcing me to watch." Jessica joked with them, hitting Mary softly on the head with her practice staff; it sent all three of them into laughing fits again. The healers around them looked as though the three had lost their minds, seeing to looks on the faces around them just made them laugh even more.

The next match was also over rather quick with Darren Quill nearly killing his opponent and his healer Tess, the Rangers were forced to restrain him just as they did with Scott in his first match. During the half and hour break the girls used the restroom and went for a walk around the quiet streets Jessica let them do all the talking, she thought she had done enough for this night. She also could not get over the look of calm on Scott’s' face, it was if he was just out for a stroll not at all would one think he was about to nearly kill god knows how many people.

Still lost in her thoughts she walked into something, and fell with and unlady like thump. Looking up she felt her face go red. Standing there looking down at her was Scott, his hand on the hilt of his sword a stony expression set on his face. Jessica quickly scrambled to her feet and bowed low, “I-I’m sorry my Lord, I wasn't watching where I was walking.” Daring a glance up she watched Scotts' retreating back, as it looked like he was brushing his armour down. Jessica turned pale then red again. Running up after Scott, Mariam shot a laughing glance at Jessica and followed him.

Amanda and Mary rushed over to her and both put there arms around her. When they asked if she was ok and only got the word 'tall' out of her, they both burst into laughter releasing her to hold their sides.

Amanda gasping through her tears rasped “Jess everyone looks tall when your on your butt.” Jessica laughed along with them, seeing the humour in what happened but a feeling of being insignificant still crept over her. After they had laughed themselves out, they all made there way back to the stadium. Both of them using Jessica as support to get them there, Looking behind her Jessica saw Scott closing the distance between himself and the three of them. Jessica thought she saw a brief expression cross his face as he passed them looking her up and down, letting Amanda go. She reached behind herself and nearly fell over. The back of her dress had ridden up, exposing the bottom half of her backside. Turning a deep red, she quickly pulled it down; grateful no one else was around to see. Rounding the corner all three stopped, Scott was there talking to Clinton.

“Pity Clinton, I was looking forward to fighting you.” He said glancing at all three of them. Clinton looked over to find his bond mate still clinging onto Jessica and rushed over concern written all over his face. He took Mary and held her tight, then stepped back to look her up and down.

“What’s the matter Mary, are you ill?” He asked

“Not to worry Clinton, she had a laughing fit at me and as you see, still has yet to get over it.”

“Laughing,” He looked doubtful “what the hell was she laughing at?”

“Well...” Jessica replied looking to where Scott had disappeared around a corner, “I was walking and not watching where I was going, I walked into Lord Channers and fell over.”

A grin spread over Clinton's' face, “I would like to know how he does it.” He mused aloud

“W-what do you mean?” Jessica inquired a blush covering her face once more.

“That, how he makes all the ladies love him when they haven't even met him.”

Jessica glared at Clinton and continued her way to the arena with Amanda following her chuckling softly. As it was the final match of the tournament, all of the graduating healers had to make there way to the area right next to the circle. Jessica hugged Amanda and followed her peers, wishing she were able to skip this part. Being so close to such a strong Mercenary is a trial in itself; Jessica swore that she would not act like the other girls. She was going to stand up straight look him in the eye then look away, he was just a man after all.

The announcer called out to the expecting crowd; “Now Mercenaries, Healers, Magi, Rangers and all of our spectators, I would like to offer first our congratulations to tomorrows graduating students.” A round of applause followed as Jessica looked up to see her friends waiving at her, she smiled and looked back to the fighting circle, she could still see the cracks form the Earth strike Scott did. “Thank you all,” said the announcer, “now introducing first Former tournament winner and our first finalist Scott Channers!”

The girls around Jessica started whispering to each other, the closet one to her stating she was glad she wore her best dress. Scott walked out of the archway with Mariam once again clinging to his arm, as Jessica watch she could she the muscles in his right arm bunch up, relax and bunch again. She could not help but think that Mariam should run and run fast, that is what any sane person would have done. She snapped back to herself as the announcer called out once more.

“And our runner up two tournaments in a row, please let’s have a hand for our very own Darren Quill, and this years graduating fighters!” After the space of a heart beat, the clapping died away and the voice was back “As our graduating Healers enter the field, please give a round of applause to encourage them in doing a good job on their graduating test. The test is simple, each graduate will be assigned to a graduating Mercenary and will have to do her best to buff and heal him during what is going to be an all out death match.” A gasp ran through the graduating Healers, as the judges randomly placed each Healer with a mercenary.

All of the Mercenaries were allowed to fight in the tournament, but this final fight was also the graduating test for the mercenary’s students and healing students. “Scott and Darren are to be this year’s graduation test. The two who fought from the beginning of the tournament testing the skills of other mercenaries are here to challenge these would be mercenaries in their ability to work as a group.” Jessica saw some girl with strawberry locks assigned to Scott, who then glanced down at her. The girl's face went a brighter red than her hair.

Jessica found herself paired with a man named John, who was trying to graduate for the second time. He told her not to worry about anything around her he would protect her well. Feeling a lump in her throat at those words, Jessica was hit by a wave of nervousness.

The announcer cleared his voice and began talking, erasing any thoughts that Jessica was having, “Graduates, please take your positions, fighters ready?” the sound of wind being sliced ripped through the stadium as a hundred swords left their sheathes. “When the arrow explodes, you fight.”

An arrow arched into the air and time seemed to slow down as each fighter tensed into readiness. Suddenly, a red light appeared over the stadium, a loud roar filled everyone’s ears, as the clash of steel on steel, and blade on armour pierced the very soul of person there. Before Jessica had known what happened, John was bleeding from multiple spots and dead bodies laid strewn around him, the once green grass around the edge of the circle turning brown from the blood that flowed from everyone.

Fumbling over herself, she began casting healing spell after healing spell over John, trying to ignore the death around her and screaming protests her stomach was making over the smell of blood and death. Magi ran in and out of the arena, teleporting the dead and their respective Healers to the hospital tent. John charged forward and she quickly followed him, trying to heal as she ran. All the while, the idea that school training was never this rough filtered in and out of her mind. Jessica thought she saw Scott, his body glowing dark purple charge towards them, but in the end would never be sure.

She blinked and looked around; she was suddenly in the hospital tent. Looking to her side, she saw John lying face first in the dirt, a large hole where his heart and lungs should have been. Feeling her eyes growing wider and wider, she stepped backwards away from him, a scream forming in her mouth. However, before she could, she felt the relaxing presence of an Arch Healer enter her thoughts and the scream died in her throat. As she watched, the same Arch Healer slowly rebuilt John from the inside out. Numbly, her mind recognised the spell as a mass healing spell. Sitting onto a bench to shake, Jessica watched John turn a merry pink colour and he began coughing up residual blood in his throat. Getting up, he looked at over at her and smiled.

“Good job kid, if I was judging, I would say you graduated with flying colours. Just try not to panic so much, ok? This wasn't nearly as bad as the real deal.” He patted her on the head and walked out of the tent.

“The real deal, He means that these missions that I hear so much about are worse than this?” A shudder shivered down her spine at the thought and made her wonder what in the Pit had possessed her to become a Healer. “How could I pass, I let him die. My spells were slow and I couldn't even keep John alive, I may as well give back my staff now, little good I will be to anyone.”

“Now I wouldn't say that dear.” The Arch healer said sitting close her smiling gently. “You out lasted most, and besides in the heat of the moment you were right behind him, healing as you should be.”

“But my Lady-” Jessica started

“No 'buts' Jessica, trust me I was out quicker then you were when I graduated” The Arch Healer smiled fully now, her age lined face transforming giving her a warm glow “go out and watch the rest of the fight, its something you don't want to miss.”

Jessica stood and bowed to the Healer, her heart feeling lighter. Rushing out of the tent Jessica spotted her peers sitting at some benches drinking and chatting, she made her way over and sat down with Sandy and was passed a drink. Sipping it, her eyes were drawn to the fighting circle; Scott was still there as was Darren and someone Jessica had never seen. Darrens' healer was Muffy, and it looked like she was losing her strength. Darren dispatched an unknown person getting a few injuries in the process; Muffy could not heal him and collapsed at his feet. A mage teleported in and touching her shoulder vanished, Jessica heard Darren curse and mumble something about a lack of stamina. Jessica’s' eyes were then drawn to Scott; the man truly was a monster. He was standing there his sword sitting on his shoulder, a slight smirk on his lips. The strawberry girl was nowhere to be seen, and Jessica wondered if the same thing happened to her just like Muffy.

On even footing now Darren and Scott stood still, one of the healers said that in fighting one waits for his opponent to make a move. A feather was slowly drifting to the floor and both men tensed, Jessica wished the feather was not so light the anticipation was killing her.

The feather slowly touched the ground, and as quick as a flash both men were locked sword to sword in the centre of the ring. Scott knocked Darren back and before he could stand Scott raised his sword so it pointed at the night sky, and with a coldly detached look, a blue light surrounded him. Slowly Scott pointed the weapon at Darren; a blue crystal shot from his sword and pierced Darren through the chest. Two magi appeared in ring each touching Darren and transported him out of the circle; Scott slammed his sword point first into the ground and knelt with his head bowed.

“Gathered people; our tournament is finished with Scott Channers the winner once more!” The rather tired voice boomed. “The Arch Healer Hillary will now present your Champion!”

A mage appeared with the woman who healed John; as soon as the mage left, Hellary stepped forward, glow after glow engulfed Scott as he knelt there. When the last of the healing spells had faded away she pulled out a sword from her robes, Scott rose to his feet leaving the sword in place as would it stay until the next tournament took place.

“Scott Channers you fought well on this night and we thank you for honouring us with your skills once more, I offer you this sword in thanks and trusting you will continue to use it to help in our fight.” Applause filled the night air as the weapon was placed into Scott’s' hands. He bowed his head and the Arch Healer vanished, drawing the sword Scott went through a quick series of movements before putting it away once more and moving into the shadows of the archway.

“We thank you all for coming but the hour grows late and our graduating parties must retire” Called a now hoarse voice once more. “Safe trip home and we hope to see you all tomorrow for the Healers graduation!”

The Sunrise saw Jessica out on the roof doing her morning exercises, as her teachers said; a strong body makes a strong mind, even if she could not fight like a mercenary at least she could defend herself until help came. Finishing her last move, The Snap, she jumped into the air with the fake staff-twirling landing in a crouch with the staff sweeping away from her body. She stood up straight and stretched her back this afternoon was the ceremony. Jessica had time yet to do some more exercises and then head down for her meditation, suddenly the door snapped open behind her spinning on the spot she saw Mariam stepped into the sunlight. Once Mariam's eyes adjusted she spotted Jessica looking at her, no one else was around. A smile spread across her face as she walked over to the girl, pulling out her staff.

“Morning,” Mariam said giving her staff a twirl. “Out early aren't you?”

“Morning to you Mariam, no I am normally out at this time its quiet.”

“Care to practice with me?” Mariam asked looking side ways at Jessica, “I could use a good work out.” Not waiting for an answer Mariam swung her staff aiming for Jessica’s' head, but Jessica guessing the other girls intentions ducked under the blow and aimed her staff towards Mariams' Stomach. Soon the sound of wood cracking against wood filled the air and each girl deflected blows, Mariam swung and hit Jessica across the face. Using the momentum of the hit Jessica turned the same way bringing the staff across the back of Mariam's head, cursing Mariam healed herself and stood to continue her attack when a commanding voice bellowed.

“Stop, that is enough!” Both girls turned to see Scott step out of the doorway heading right for them, Jessica bowed low. “Mariam, this is your last day as my healer, I have spoken to the Lord Marshall and he agreed that you are not the best healer for me.” He looked coldly at them both. “Seeing this display shows me all the more how unsuitable of a possible bond-mate you are for me, pathetic.” Scott spat at Mariam.

Jessica straightened at the information, it was unusual. Normally there were no partings until the day exactly one year after first meeting, when the healer would move into the room next to the mercenary and follow him all day. When he slept was the only time she had to get her belongings, as the rooms were be-spelled with barriers and a healer would cast her own spells before she left. Scott must be something special for them to allow him this change.

Scott looked at Jessica, “Your moves are slow, but considering you were up against a seventh year opponent, to get in one hit was a good achievement, keep up your practice soon you will be quicker.” He turned and walked off Mariam followed with her head down.

That was something Jessica did not know, how could Mariam be a seventh year and not bonded? Maybe all the mercenaries saw through the body and did not want her in the end. Nevertheless, Jessica could not find any pity for her; she rubbed her face and looked at the sun, the thought of him praising her made her blush slightly until the town bells rang outgiving out the time. Panicking, she rushed in through the door, her fight lasted longer then she thought. She would only just be in time for the purification baths if she hurried. Running blindly around the corner she hit something and landed on her back the steps digging into her.

“We meet again,” said a voice above her, sending chills down her spine “one would think you enjoy falling at my feet.” Jessica blushed and quickly pulled down the light armour that had risen high enough for Scott to get a good look at her under clothes, standing up she rushed off calling out a quick apology on her way.

Jessica was the second to last at the teleportation pad, a mage touched her on the shoulder and transported to the hot springs, then the mage touched someone wanting to go back and disappeared. Looking around Jessica felt herself start to relax, a sixth year graduate walked over to her.

“Jessica Stevens, Ranger Stevens Daughter?” she inquired.

“Yes that is me but please, don't mention my father.” Jessica pleaded, her father was one of the elite Ranger troupes, he bonded to Pearl Henry his mage and after a few months, Jessica was conceived. Pearl was also a top mage but in this life style the men were more important then the women. “I got here on my own and that’s how I would like to be remembered, father had nothing to do with my getting here.”

“Sorry to cause offense Jessica, please if you would follow me your pool is waiting.” The girls led Jessica around all the other pools and a bit feather back then the rest of the people there, and then gave her quick instructions on how to bathe in the pool.

After the girl had left Jessica stripped and cupped her hands in the warm water, splashing it down her body. She then looked into a mirror, taking a moment to admire her petite, athletic body. Then she slowly stepped into the pool, enjoying the feel of the warm water on her legs and sat down slowly. The calming air around her nearly caused her to sleep, but pulling herself out of the lull, Jessica washed her body as instructed. Starting at her head, Jessica washed her hair until it shone, then worked her way slowly down her body.

Once Jessica was sure, she was clean and smelling of roses, she stepped out of the hot spring. She quickly towed her body dry, stepping into her ceremonial light armour. All the Healers hoping to graduate had to wear them, if the girl did not graduate this year she could keep it for next. She had a medium pink uniform, the tights she was to wear with them, a lighter pink then the armour. Starting with the tights she pulled them on hurriedly, time was not her friend now. Her boots came next; they were the same pink as the armour and came up to her knees. The armour was a tight fit; made to her body, unlike the too tight one Mariam wore.

It cupped her small round breasts perfectly with little clear straps for over her shoulders; it flared out a little over her hips with a split in the front that left her feeling exposed. Looking down she knew it was not the case, but she still felt naked. Looking over to a table with a mirror, she saw several gold plates laying on it bearing the emblem of the Healers. Walking over to the table, she sat down on the stool, brushed and plated her hair. Looking satisfied at her reflection in the mirror; she walked over to a Magi standing nearby and was teleported to the Graduation Hall.

Blinking her vision into focus, Jessica began walking up the steps towards the Graduation Hall, parents all around celebrating the graduation of their children. Sighing to herself, Jessica knew her parents would not be among the crowd of on-lookers. As she approached the arched doorway, a Master Healer handed her a seat number. Looking at the number, she found her seat in the back corner of the auditorium and sat down. As Healers filed in on side of the room, Mercenaries began filling up the other half of the room. Jessica watched silently as healers and mercenaries chattered amiably with each other and many hoping they are partnered with their crushes.

As the noise in the room began to rise steadily until all the noises just seemed to be a dull drone that pounded away at the inside of Jessica's mind, the teachers of both the Healers Hall and the Mercenary College made their way to a stage that was taller than her easily. A loud shout echoed over the room, making everyone bounce and notice the teachers a top the stage waiting to start the ceremonies, parents seated behind them on a raised platform. Seeing the humorous impatience on their faces, the students hurried to their respective seats as if the Lord Marshal had just made a surprise appearance.

An old woman, walked forward from the group of one other healer and two mercenary lords, leaning heavily on her cane. The woman, Juliene, was the Grand arch Master of Healing in the Kingdom. She cleared her voice and started the ceremony, “Ladies and gentleman! Today is the day we mark the closure of your time here in these hallowed halls and the day you start your next adventure in your chosen professions!”

Applause came forth as Juliene paused for a breath and turned to face the parents, her voice strong yet soft. “Each of your children here has done their best to be the greatest people of skill, honor, and integrity that have ever walked before us in times past. For this, you should be most proud.” A second applause followed as she turned to address the students.

Chuckling lightly herself, “Now then, I have an orb here that was created during times long forgotten that have been pairing our fighters and healers since before our history was written.” She gestured to a glowing red orb that had black mists swirling around the insides, “When I cast a healing spell upon this orb and Roan strikes it with his sword, the orb will begin pairing you off by teleporting you all out of this hall to your designated barracks. For the next few weeks, you will each be sent on simple missions to see if you two are as compatible as this infernal ball thinks. If not, a reassignment will be given after a year, so do not fret if neither of two gets along.”

Roan, the Grand arch Mercenary, pulled his sword out while Juliene waited patiently for him to strike. Taking a deep breath, Roan raised his blade well above his head and struck the ball with enough force that it split almost in twine. Juliene swiftly brought her walking stick forth and healed the ball, repairing every single crack and crevice formed. The room fell silent as the orb began to pulse from a red to an orange. Everyone in the room watched closely, while the instructors backed away from it. Jessica thought she could feel the tension in the room as the orb pulsed a strong yellow colour. Around her, she felt people rising up as if to flee and felt her doing the same, when suddenly the room exploded in a blinding flash of white.

Jessica rubbed her eyes gently to clear them and found herself alone in the Graduation Hall with the Healer that gave her the seat number. Turning to her she was about to ask where everyone had went, when the healer just shook her head and motioned for her to follow. Shrugging, Jessica followed her out of the Hall asking, “Where are we going and where did everyone else go?”

Her guide kindly replied, “They were assigned partners and are currently at the barracks situating themselves.”

She ran up along side of her guide, shocked, “What do you mean they all have been chosen? What about me, didn't I get chosen?”

“I guess that's what it means. I don't know, but this has happened before in the past so I wouldn't worry.”

“People haven't been paired before...?” The idea of spending the rest of her life alone waiting for someone’s bond-mate to die was the most depressing thing she had ever thought of next to remembering the look of death on John's face and having to deal with that for the rest of her life. Rounding a corner, they headed towards the Masters Square where only those who were veterans of many fights and many more missions were allowed to go.

Her earlier depression forgotten, she began to look around at where those who earned their mettle in battle were allowed to go. Shops, restaurants, and other specialised areas were everywhere as her guide led her towards the Manager Compound. The Manager Compound was a series of buildings where reports on everything went. From imports to school grades, everything was filed somewhere in those buildings.

Juliene was standing outside one of the buildings and began walking towards them as they approached. Jessica began to get worried again because to her nothing good would come in the Grand arch Master herself was involved, 'Was I not good enough to be a Healer where my grades not good enough?' Thoughts like these circled her head and almost missed being asked how she was feeling.

“F-fine.” She lied and Juliene nodded knowingly towards her.

“Come on then, sweet thing. Your partner is inside.” At that, Juliene turned around and began walking towards one of the smaller buildings marked “Assigning Office”. Jessica hurried to catch up to her and then opened the door for Juliene, who hurried inside. Jessica promptly followed and gently closed the door. Turning around, she found herself being stared at as if she was the enemy that needed to die by Scott.

“Jessica, this is your partner Scott. Scott, this is Jessica.” With that, Juliene left them. Scott's eyes narrowed to tiny slits and promptly went inside the office labelled “Lord Marshall”. Jessica, nervous as what was happening, sat down on a bench and waited.

“What game are you playing with me Stewart?” Scott shouted loud enough for Jessica to hear him through the door, “Giving me this girl who can do no more then the simplest buffs and heals.”

Jessica heard a mumbling reply then “I don't care if she is top of her class, you are not sticking me with this girl!” Jessicas' breath caught in her throat, she was right in the end she would grow old waiting for a mercs bond-mate to pass on.

“You know full well she did better at the testing then any out there! Why else would we parade you thus?” Yelled Stewart loudly in reply, “Everyone knows Mariam is a poor healer, you knew you were out there to find the best in the new healers. You found her; Jessica was the only one to heal you with a crowd full of healers, she is your potential bond-mate now get out and show her to your rooms!”

Booming footsteps approached the door and Jessica stood as the door opened and Scott stormed out, slamming the door and breaking the glass. Without a word he stalked away his broad shoulders showing his tension, Jessica had to run to keep pace with him and soon her legs were burning. Jessica followed him down a side hallway and to the back of the complex, he slammed open the door and made his way through the barracks. Doors opened and the whispers started, Jessica passing each door was blushing deeper and deeper. Luckily, she had her eyes on Scott; he stopped so suddenly that if she was not watching she would have made a fool of herself in front of the whole barracks by the look of things now. She took a small step to the side to see what stopped Scott; her eyes grew large at the sight of a very angry looking Mariam blocking the way.

“So this is your new potential bond-mate?” Mariam asked sneering, “looks like she wouldn't hold up in a good fight.” Scott looked down at her, “So the little healer had no other so you got stuck with her?”

Scott said nothing but he firmly pushed her to one side and continued as if there was no interruption. Jessica looked over her shoulder as she passed Mariam, the look on her face was pure hatred, Jessica shivered. glancing back to watch were Scott turned left down another hall and stopped at a door, and turned slowly to face her he said two words before opening the door for her, 'tomorrow, early' before he pushed her through and closed the door. Jessica looked around the room surprised to find it larger then the one she came from, and what was even more shocking to her was the fact that all her belongings were already in the room. Jessica wondered around her new room and spotted a brown package on the bed, a smile creeping across her face for the first time since she spoke to her friends. She ripped into it until she exposed her new staff, hands trembling slightly Jessica picked it up.

It was a light blue, she gasped thinking back to the tournament Scott’s armour and sheathe where the same light blue. Jessica got up and opened her cupboard, and dropped to her knees; everything was blue. Reaching over she slammed the doors shut, standing quickly she went to the wardrobe behind her. She yanked open the doors and cried out in relief, this wardrobe was full of different coloured uniforms and normal clothes.

A creak behind her warned Jessica that someone was in the room with her, turning she watched Scott walk fully into her room.

“C-can I help you?” she asked a little unsure of what he was going there. Scott continued to advance on Jessica as she backed away, confused of his intentions. Scott stopped in the middle of the room and looked around, then spoke.

“We leave in ten and travel light, be ready.” He then turned and walked out of the room.

Jessica rushed over to the other wardrobe and changed into one of the blue uniforms that were hanging in there. It was the same as the pink one she just took off, only lighter and clean. Finding a nap-sack in the bottom, she placed one more set in the bag and a change of under-clothes, grabbing the staffs that still lay on the bed she ran out of her room. Scott was waiting for her, and not for the first time she was struck by how tall he was. He eyed her up and down and gave a slight nod, then led the way down the hall. Stepping lightly Jessica followed him back down the hall and into the Marshals office. He was sitting at his desk, his greying head bent over a stack of papers. Looking up at their approach, his brown eyes hardened, the lines of age deepened on his face.

“Scott sorry to call you away so soon, I know you had plans to start training tomorrow.” He then looked at Jessica, “I know you can do this Jessica, if I thought you could not then I would not have chosen Scott.” Clearing his throat, he continued talking to the both of them. “We have received word from our friends to the north; they have a problem of sorts and request our assistance. It seems that there is a little unrest and some of the tribes are attacking the troops. You both are there to calm the situation by whatever means you must, we have received half the payment now and the other half will be given to you upon completion of your services.” He took a deep breath, “May the Gods of Victory and Health watch over you both.” Jessica and Scott bowed and left the office and walked quickly to the courtyard where a tall stallion and her mare were waiting. Reaching the horse, Jessica gave her a pet and opened the saddlebag she stopped shocked. A money bag was sitting inside, it had her families' colours, her head snapped up and she looked around. Spotting her father leaning against the far wall he smiled and waived, he lifted his hand in greeting then called out:

“Scott you had better look after my daughter, to me she is worth ten of you.”

“And what if I don't?” Scott called out his reply.

“You will have me to answer too, and both of us know who will win.” With a flick of his wrist a disk shot out slicing off a good chunk of Scott’s hair at the side, Scott stood unflinching. “Travel safe, may the Gods protect you.” With that, he disappeared into the night.

“Come let us be off,” Scott stated mounting his horse “it’s a long ride so we must make haste.”

Jessica gasped, that was it, cast haste on the horses, Scott and herself, that should surely help them. She pushed her belongings into the saddlebag, faced Scott’s horse, and with a twirl of her staff cast her spell over it. The horse snorted, Jessica then moved to her mare doing the same again. Jessica then mounted her and noticed the look on Scott’s face.

“You’re the first to cast Quick Step on a horse you know.” Jessica blushed, “It is a good idea it will make travel easier, just remember to heal them now. You’re not as stupid as you look, no wonder you’re the top of the class.”

Unsure whether to be pleased or offended Jessica said nothing and set her eyes to the road holding tight to her staff, she asked the horse to gallop and complying, the horse moved so fast it felt as if they were flying. Holding tight to the reins, she tried to shake her hair from her eyes but the wind from the horses kept it so she could not open them no more than slits. Looking at Scott, who was riding just a few paces ahead of her, seemed to have no problem holding or keeping his eyes open. Glancing around at the passing scenery, she realised that she had never gone this far from the city gates, which were no longer visible to her eyes.

After several hours of hard riding, she felt her horse slow down to a trot and then stop altogether. Looking down at the brown speckled mare, she patted her mane feeling the creature breathe heavy underneath her. Scott dismounted and led the creature to a low growing branch and tied the stallion's reins to it. Jessica going to follow his lead almost fell over because her legs were so stiff from riding so much longer than she was used to. Shakily, she tied her mare to the branch and rubbed its nose gently.

“Scott…” Jessica began to talk, but was swiftly interrupted.

“Get some wood for a fire and do not stray from the horses. There are beasts out here that are willing to make a meal out of both of us and some horses.” Scott ordered, unlinking his sword and moving off the road and towards the forest.

“And where are you going then?” Jessica asked annoyed at being interrupted.

“SILENCE!” Scott whispered fiercely and scanned the underbrush, Jessica silenced at his fierceness. She watched him stand perfectly still, then as quickly as a flamingo after a fish, he had gored a small furry creature. It had fierce yellow eyes, with long fangs and looked something like a mutated dog with green fur. Looking closer she noticed that it had no pupils and its saliva seemed to burn holes into the ground.

“That's a Voltar. I have never seen one before except in our books!” she said earnestly, getting closer but leaped back with a small scream as it started thrashing about on Scott's sword. Rotating his sword, Scott flipped the creature over and slammed his blade down, cutting the creature's spine in half. He pulled his blade out and wiped the blood on its fur. Jessica watched horrified at the coolness in which he took a life that could not be revived, “Why Scott...?”

Not responding, Scott began picking up wood for a fire, leaving the corpse where it lay. Its own acid began eating it away slowly, exposing its eternal organs as they fell to the ground. She wanted to bury the poor creature, but one look from Scott told her it would not be wise so she went to the horses to get the saddlebags. Returning with them, Jessica sat down next to Scott who was trying to get a fire from some smouldering grass. Several times, she tried to say something to him, but something about the way he was holding himself made it seem like it was not a good time.

Sighing, she pulled out a night's worth of rations and pulled out the travel pots to cook. The fire, now merrily burning in the centre of a ring of stones, Jessica put a few strips of meat on a pan and began reheating the jerky while preparing some fruit for dinner as well. Humming softly to herself, she watched Scott roll out their bedrolls and angled them towards the fire so their eyes were not blinded by the flames. Saddened a little, Jessica realised that was not being allowed to sleep next to him, only slightly near him. Taking some bread, she placed the meat inside of it, gave Scott his dinner, and began eating herself.

After they had finished eating Jessica began taking off her more uncomfortable pieces of clothes for bed, while Scott took off his boots and sword then climbed in; shield, daggers and all. Once all the metal pieces of her outfit were removed, she climbed into her bedroll keeping her staff nearby. Rolling over, she thought this would be more exciting, but so far it's been boring and horrible. Were all the stories of great and exciting battles and adventures told have boring bits that no one talks about?

Looking over, she discovered he was already a sleep. Shocked that he was asleep on this uncomfortable ground and without setting a watch, Jessica sat up and fumed, swearing she would keep guard all night. She fell asleep only a few minutes after that declaration.

The next morning, she woke up to the smell of wood burning and took a moment to realise that she was in the middle of nowhere. Standing up to stretch, she saw that Scott was not around at all. Grabbing her staff, she ran over to the horse and found both of them still there.

Turning around, she walked slowly back to camp to find Scott was still not there, when a loud shriek came from behind her. Turning around, she saw Scott run by, holding his pants up with one hand and a sword in the other. Feeling the shock wear off, Jessica ran to follow pulling up her healing spells to mind. When she arrived, whatever was there was gone and so was one of the horses. Her mare that was the only gift her father ever gave her was gone. She wanted to scream in rage but the sight of her partner, his sword bathed in bathed in blood with blood all down him and glowing in a deep purple that was almost black brought her back to reality. Getting ready to cast her healing spells on him, she paused seeing the blood that was covering him all over get absorbed. His wounds began to close and heal over as if they were never there and the blood that was on him and his sword was gone.

“Damn bugs...” was all Scott muttered as he walked past her and back towards the camp fire. Re-slinging his sword, Scott pulled his pants up and redid his belt, “Damn near impossible to kill without wings.”

“My mare is gone, what are we going to do?” Jessica wondered in a fuss as she re-strapped on her armour pieces. “I mean, all of my supplies were on her. Moreover, where were you? I was looking every where for you!”

Scott looked at her with unreadable eyes and replied, “You don't need it.”

“What do you mean I don't need it? All of my clothes were in there! Not to mention all the ingredients I need to make potions in case I am too tired to heal us and half our food!” Jessica screamed at his lack of caring.

Looking back at her, he blinked only once and continued to stare as if waiting for her to finish, slightly unnerving her. “Furthermore, what was that you just did?” She demanded in a slight panic.

Sighing more to himself than anything else, he told her, “It is an attack called Vampirism. It is a highly forbidden technique of power that allows a Mercenary to steal the life force to heal himself through the shedding on an enemy's blood. No matter if the enemy is human or not. To be killed through this technique means no chance of revival because it literally steals the soul of another and uses it to heal the wielder.”

Gaping at him at him in wonder as to why anyone would want to use such a gruesome technique, she began to wonder if being partnered with him was not a good thing as everyone rumoured it to be. Not wanting to be to near him, she ate her breakfast hastily, packed the remainder of her things inside of her bag, and repacked Scott's bag as he got his stallion ready to go. Reorganising everything so it did all fit into the saddlebags, Scott then mounted the warhorse and held out his hand to Jessica. Looking at him nervously, she took his hand and felt herself hauled bodily onto the rump of the stallion. Scooting closer to him, she placed her arms on his shoulders. He made no notion that he even noticed as he guided the beast out onto the road again and heading north at a fast trot.

Along the way Jessica started to realise that the only reason Scott used a forbidden technique was because she had been slow to react. If only she had been quicker remembering her spells he would not have to do that again. Jessica sat up straighter she had it! Jessica reached behind her and pulled out her staff from the nearest bag. Concentrating she cast Quick Step on the horse, followed by Heal. For the next hour of travel, Jessica anticipated the horse’s needs and before Scott slowed the horse down to take a break, Jessica knew when he needed help. She cast a quick glance at Scott, hoping he was as easy to read as the horse. The next fight he was in she would be watching him like he was he own child, his movements would be Jessica's key just like the first match she saw him in. His eye was twitching, and instinctively she had used the healing spell.

Smarting still by her hesitation, Jessica pulled her wandering attention back to the present. Scanning their surroundings with all the senses, Jessica let out a hiss as something sinister brushed her mind. Leaning forward she whispered into Scott’s' ear,

“We are being followed; it is to the south-east of us, and moving fast.” Scott nodded and she continued, “My staff will be enough to kill it, as it will find us more interesting than the horse it will jump to attack.”

“If it does, you swing around and knock it out. Then a quick jab down should kill it.” Scott’s' quiet voice affirmed.

The snapping of a twig told them the creature was close, Scott slowed the horse down covertly reaching for his weapon. Jessica flexed her fingers around the staff, and then silently counted to five. Hearing a rustle, she held her breath and counted back from ten, as she reached zero, Jessica lightly jumped up and balancing on the horse spun around so she was a blur of movement. Hearing the solid 'think' of the staff connecting with its target, she continued to follow through with her swing. Lightning quick Jessica jumped off the horse and with her weight drove the rounded end into the stunned victim.

Jessica stepped back from the broken mass, unable to tell what the creature was with its head caved in the way it was. Jessica stared as what was left of its mouth opened then suddenly she was pulled to the left and into Scott’s' arms.

“W-what?” looking up at him she noticed his gaze was on the ground, looking at his object of attention she shuddered. “What is THAT?”

Scott took out his dagger and swiftly impaled the red leech like thing before turning back to her. “It is called a Stealth Bug; while an animal is sleeping these things make their way inside to the brain. Once there they implant themselves, giving this little thing a bigger body to play with.” Scott let her go and backed away a few steps. “You would have been completely taken over if it had gotten hold of you; you see the little stingers on the underside of its body? They contain a numbing agent so you would not have felt anything as it borrowed into you, now if you would grab my gloves I will milk this thing. It may come in handy in the near future.”

Edited by Emotional Outlet
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