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Suggestions: Gaming Section Sub-Categories


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I'd like to hear your suggestions on the Gaming section sub-forums and what we could change to make it more beneficial.

We originally added a Grandia sub-forum because of my site: http://grandia-online.net

As well as a Shadow Hearts sub-forum because of my site: http://shadowhearts.info

and a Kingdom Hearts sub-forum because of another of my sites, which I closed down.

As for Final Fantasy, well that was because of Forgotten Memories, which this forum used to be at one point as well.

However, no one really comes to this forum from those sites anymore. The Shadow Hearts series has died because the division responsible for it was fired from Aruze Corp years ago. Grandia hasn't had much interest since Grandia 3, except for the MMO called Grandia Online, which has been in the making for like 8 years and nothing new announced about it in a couple years. As for Final Fantasy, in my eyes, Square Enix has killed the franchise. Also there really isn't much talk going on there aside from a few topics which mostly get meaningless replies. Lastly, Kingdom Hearts, a series that keeps getting hand-held games, but no new console games. A main numbered title hasn't came out in years.

I feel we'd be better suited if we got rid of all of those sub-forums and possibly added something different in it's place. Any ideas? Should we add specific games, or simply divide the Gaming section into categories based solely on genre? Or do you have an entirely new idea?

I'd kind of like to see a new sub-forum simply for games in which Kametsu members play together, but if we go the genre root, this could possibly be condensed into a single topic listing that links to topics in the genre sub-forums to those games instead of the need of an entirely separate sub-forum.

I just figured we should begin cleaning up and re-organizing the forum by changing out sections or doing away with sections that get very little use out of them. So please share your ideas here as to how you'd like to see the gaming section.

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having gotten into minecraft myself recently i will admit that there is a massive fanbase for minecraft and we should probably host a sub forum for that, as that will likely accrue quite a bit of interest especially if we acquire and put up a lot of information like wiki links and such so that we become a kind of one all information hub for hte game, that sub forum could also serve the point of helping others find people to play with as well

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Also you could split things into like PC/Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft you know what I mean.

The majority of games are not console exclusive though.

Then, a lot of long running series of games might be exclusives, but are on various consoles, which would lead to splitting up into all the different sections. An example is Final Fantasy. It has games on numerous consoles, hand-helds, PC, and even mobile phones.

Which is one of the reasons I kind of think genre splitting would be better:

Action & Adventure, FPS, Roleplay, MMO, Strategy, etc...

or something if people know what genres to include (the more popular ones at least, and everything else could fall into the general).

Or perhaps some entirely new/different idea I haven't thought of.

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Also you could split things into like PC/Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft you know what I mean.

The majority of games are not console exclusive though.

Then, a lot of long running series of games might be exclusives, but are on various consoles, which would lead to splitting up into all the different sections. An example is Final Fantasy. It has games on numerous consoles, hand-helds, PC, and even mobile phones.

Which is one of the reasons I kind of think genre splitting would be better:

Action & Adventure, FPS, Roleplay, MMO, Strategy, etc...

or something if people know what genres to include (the more popular ones at least, and everything else could fall into the general).

Or perhaps some entirely new/different idea I haven't thought of.

Yea, sub categories as genres would be good. Twould make navigating the section much easier to do. Also, a My Two Cents style sub fora would be good to include to get those opinion threads out of the way. Or maybe not, meh.

Maybe you could put a Kametsu Gamers section or something? I mean, the TFN group on here had Kametsu players playing quite a bit, so a sub fora for that could mean a possible revival. it would also make it easier to advertise Kametsu gaming to all if it had its own dedicated section. I don't know if that made sense, just woke up, but I hope you know what I mean!

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I'll suggest a few based on how popular some games are from my point of view. Not just my faves but from what Ive seen lately.


Elder Scrolls

POKEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Exclamation overuse because me loves Pokemon)


Or if there are multiple games and you wanted just a few subs:

Nintendo, SEGA, etc.

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Nice Shadow Hearts site...Covenant is one of my favourite games of all time.....why is so much of it's content scored out/dead?

As for dealing with gaming on this site, unless you're going to offer links to content, then for the time being i don't see why you couldn't just abolish sub sections altogether and group everything under a single Gaming section. Grouping by game can quickly become either cluttered or dead (depending on activity), whereas grouping by platform or company, whilst better if you are offering content, spreads things out too much.

Personally, as someone familiar with the running of a game site, i'd go with a single section until you see patterns developing.

Edited by xist
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I'll suggest a few based on how popular some games are from my point of view. Not just my faves but from what Ive seen lately.


Elder Scrolls

POKEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Exclamation overuse because me loves Pokemon)


Or if there are multiple games and you wanted just a few subs:

Nintendo, SEGA, etc.

Have to agree with the Minecraft and Elder Scrolls suggestions, both are wonderful games. Pokemon is also an okay series, not one of my favs though. A lot of people also play fps like games, Black ops, mw3 etc etc, so perhaps something on that would be well, a sort of fps section or w.e you'd want to call it

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I don't know if swapping out the subfora for different games wouldn't result in the same disuse, despite the current overwhelming popularity of certain series. They tend to eventually end, become retooled into something else, or just fade in popularity. Especially since this is more of a general discussion forum, I rather like the idea of having game genres as subfora vice actual games and leaving the main Gaming Realm subforum for general gaming stuff like E3, gaming magazines disappearing, company and console news, and the like.

FPS would definitely have to be one of the subfora. For RPG type games, you have a lot of wiggle room because there's so many different types--MMORPGs, tactical RPGs, JRPGs. Action & Adventure would be good--platformers, fighting games, horror/survival games, even arcade/flash games. Strategy would be good too--RTS, tower defence type games, Civilisation type games... I just don't know if that one would be as large as the other three, though.

If you do retool the subfora, let me know and I'll definitely help sort out the threads. It'd be easy to tell if we need to add another subforum or merge a lesser used one into an Other subforum while sorting out the threads anyway.

Edited by Emotional Outlet
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Well, I certainly wouldn't to see the gaming section disappear - not like we're really discussing that - as the majority of my input on the forum is in that section.

I'm planning on doing more and more of my coverage of the trade events (E3, Gamescom, TGS, GDC) so I think that would certainly be helpful as the whole point of the threads I make is to give people a central point as to the games and announcements at those events. As cleaning up is basically what we're talking about (without trying to sound too big-headed :P) I think my threads do help with that.

I'd be happy to do them as a sort of Kametsu service, rather than somewhat independently as I am now, if you feel that would give them more weight or something. Y'know, to stop people creating more threads that essentially disseminate the same information.

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I know Guild Wars is a big thing. Especially, since Guild Wars 2 is coming out in just a few days. I'm not a gamer myself. The only game that I even remotely get hardcore about it Sims 3 and its expansions. I'm not good at any other games. Sims 3 is what I know I can play, so I like to play it alot. The only reason I know anything about Guild Wars 2 is that Minkseru plays it, as well as almost all of his buddies. In fact, Guild Wars 2 comes out the day before his birthday ironically.

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I'd like to see more clan, tournament or anything like that related. Perhaps try to start a kametsu clan on a free browser game- to get itself established- something everyone can play.

dunno, just throwing ideas to the wall here:D

Well we already have a kametsu clan and have had something similar for almost a year and a half. But I have to agree, as I said beforehand, getting members of the forum to connect together like that would be awesome. So a subsection (and a little support from staff >.>) would help our gaming cause!

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