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Random Talk.

Talena Mae

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I would. Most lables shouldn't even excist and I'm actually starting to believe my consperacy theory about the government and lables. Just for the sake of having an explenation for it all besides, "Every thing needs label" ideology of this country.

OH! And God forbid you're different in this country! People will judge you just because they can! I mean I thought it was bad in Puerto Rico, but the U.S. makes us look like saints. (Tecnically we are owned by the U.S. but unlike most states and provencis, we have the right to secced.) But it's not my place to judge. ; ]

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It's awful, haha. There are blogs I really like I never see because they're buried by more prolific posters. I feel bad because I cut out all the food blogs I was following--they were so good.


But basically if I couldn't figure out why I was following them, I clicked the wee button. It was easy for some since they were deactivated, had moved, were abandoned, or otherwise hadn't updated in a few months and I was already familiar with the entire archive.

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Oh man guys. I'm baaaack.


(Das me on the dance floor^^^)

Well first off they had to pat search me. I guess they thought we had bombs or something lol. Then the actual place. Wasn't what I thought it would be. I thought it would be like a square room and be very dark with flashing lights. It was actually a nice little night club. Our group had our own section to chill once we got tired from dancing or whatever. I'm sad to say I spent A LOT of time on the couch. Everyone was drinking except me (I just don't drink) so everybody was getting crazy and stuff and I was all calm and collected. One girl even said I was too serious lol. I did dance though. Danced with a few people, dancing in a circle, etc... I really had no clue what I was doing. A mixture of different Latin dances I think. I would see other people doing things and I tried to imitate it. I would end up looking like a robot though ha. Oh yah, then the ride back home. Of course since I didn't drink, I had to be the designated driver. My group was pretty rowdy, but it was mostly girls so it wasn't that bad. We were going to go out and eat something at a taco shack, then Steak and Shake, but everyone was too drunk to make things happen so I dropped off my group at their cars and we went home.

All in all my first clubbing experience wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Not sure if I'll do it again because I'm not really the clubbing type, but if my friends really want me to go again I might consider it.

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Are you a real life anime, lolrawr

But yeah, I mean that sounds normal. If you're not the type to lose yourself in that kind of thing, you're going to be on the sideline. And, depending on the drunk, they can be incredibly useless if they're too far gone.

A lot of drinks taste horrible to me (because I can taste the alcohol, no matter what all the other seasoned drinkers around me say--"OH IT TASTES JUST LIKE JUICE" "LIES IT TASTES LIKE RUBBING ALCOHOL ARE YOU DEAD INSIDE") so I can understand not drinking, whatever your reason is. It also sounds like they didn't have another DD planned in case you decided to get schmammered, so all the better.

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Yeah I'll always be there as the ever helpful sideline defensive coordinator. Might not get in the game, but I know that I helped the players win the game (wait did I just make a football parallel? I need more sleep!) Seriously lol only 2/3 hours of sleep.

Yeah I was one DD, and there were two others. They were all real cool at the beginning asking if I wanted to and that I didn't have to. Meanwhile the voice inside of me was like psh if you guys are wasted there's no way I'm letting you guys drive lol.

Also I forgot to say, thanks to everyone for the tips and stuff. And Zanco I did dance with someone who was married (well not sure if married/boyfriend). (:<

Edited by lolrawr
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Lolrawr dances like a 2D anime girl on the dance floor... lolrawr looks like a 2D anime girl on the dance floor... lolrawr acts like a 2D anime girl on the dance floor... dang what club did you go to that changes the dancing people into 2D anime characters? Are you sure you weren't drinking? Someone must've slipped some hallucinogenics to you or something...

Glad you had fun turning into a 2D anime girl though. Going to a non-Latino club will definitely be different ^^.

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RE alcohol: I can't stand hard liquor at all. Even if it's mixed in a drink. My body is just like N O P E and it burns like a motherfucker the entire time.

in other news, a friend of mine and i are rping on skype and we're trying to see how ridiculous we can make the rp before one of us bows out. i'm not even close to buckling :|

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