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Random Talk.

Talena Mae

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Why would you buy so much of them VolvoKing? You know that's costly, right.lol. I don't know what you guys are saying, but white chocolate macadamia nut cookies are the best.

My daughter was a Girl Scout. The more she sold the bigger prize she could win. From friends and family she would sell about 20 cases. I wasn't that bad her aunts would buy 2 or 3 cases.

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Ooooh Pie Apple.

I'm like supah tired right now. Last night I had an event with a club at school so I was out late.

Then the planets aligned and I had to take 3 exams today so I was up all night studying. I usually only have 2 classes on Fridays, but they decided that they would have my accounting tests on Fridays even though the class is a T/Th class. tumblr_m9gclc9w8C1qzckow.gif

Going to brain dump on anime lol. As you can see I'm behind as is from last Satdurpday. :P

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Aww, I hope your classes went well! Have fun letting off some steam.


Since we have super hard water and I got real tired of constantly shaking my "shampoo" only to have weird chunks of baking soda fall out and do nothing, I went ahead and followed the recommendations people gave. Basically boiled some water, dumped in some baking soda, and let it sit in a measuring cup. When I came back to it a while later, there was a bunch of floaty crystalline stuff on the surface of the water, not to mention it coated the measuring cup wherever the water was touching.

I had Java feel the water for me (because it's supposed to feel slimy) and he said it felt like gel, so I figured it was good enough. I poured the liquid into the shampoo bottle after skimming most of the floating crap and took a shower afterwards. It felt a lot different than the previous times I did it--like I could actually feel it coating my hair, so that was good. I also thought my hair felt cleaner after rinsing, but that could just as well be a placebo effect.

Normally after showering my hair smells like vinegar (I like smelling like a salad), but Java said I smelt more like baking soda??? Either way I smelt less like vinegar, so maybe it helped.

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This is waaaay late, but thank you for showing me nico nico douga and 音MAD videos.

The reason why this is so late is because I didn't actually look up the site and the videos till like... 3 days ago xD. For some reason I was overcome with a desire to watch that video you looped again. At which point I started poking around the description and found nico nico douga. Then I navigated the signup (my Japanese education FINALLY paid off there xD) and started trying to find MAD videos. At some point my roommate stepped in and showed me some of the ones he had found. Eventually I managed to figure out that MAD meant anything from the kind of stuff you had looped to plain old AMV's so I looked more closely at the tags and figured out that most of the videos that were like the one that you looped fell under a tag called 音MAD (oto MAD in romanji or sound MAD translated).

After I figured that out, I figured out how to find people's profile (the profile of the guy who made the video you looped specifically) and spent the better part of 3 or 4 hours watching 音MAD videos xD. It was a great night.

Thanks lolrawr xD.

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Yah Nico Nico is the best.

My first was this video. I somehow stumbled upon it and thought it was the coolest thing evah. I didn't know what it was though lol.


Then I came across

and found out that these were things were people made videos off a similar tune mixed with anime. I then found out they were MAD videos and they came from Nico.

Here are some other good series I like.

And of course the Treasure Shot like you saw.

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Did some cleaning around the apartment and watched a lot of Property Brothers. The cats are now officially less terrified of the vacuum and like to get in the way of my laundry folding. Gertie won't let me sit in my chair, so I'm sitting at the edge of my seat while she sleeps behind me.


I remember our family cat used to hide behind an armchair that was next to a wall whenever we vacueemed lol. I don't remember ever sitting in a dif spot for my cat though lol

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Graglahuhababalehhah! ... I've been hospitalized due to the pains I've been having. I'm dying guys. ... I'm not gonna make it... Tell Lemming... I lied when I said that I didn't beleave you weren't a ghost.... Bleh! ... I'm just fuckin around about the dying. -sigh- The hospital really is boring. ... I shall spend the rest of my consiouse momments posting on the forums! ... I don't want to stop writing now... Hmmm... Nico Nico... Blah giddy Bleh!

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One time on Pesterchum when I allowed random messages, one person messaged me about how they were in the hospital and really bored, and they got upset that I wasn't acting like their personal jester and failed to entertain them sufficiently. They proceeded to say some offensive things about people who end up in the mental ward and generally acted like a petulant child, despite my attempts to cheer them up because they also were complaining that they felt useless. They then whined that they never leave chat first and I had to make dinner, so I saved them the emotional turmoil of attempting to rid themselves of such a boring person (me) and exited the chat.

The end.

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I don't think I can join the irc on my iPod. If I can, then feel free to direct me to this magical chat of wonders.

Hah. E.O... Fuck, your stories are always so... Write an auto biography, please?

That actually sounds like a pretty satisfying job. ... How would it work if you'd do it online? That's one of life's many mysteries....

I'm going into surgery tomorrow, by the way. I'm pretty scared. X P

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