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Thinking of Closing the Forums..


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1,000+ visitors each day, only about 4 members logging in, and yet we are doing good if we get even 1 post.

That is just lame, and it's just so dead here. Advertising doesn't help because new people wont join a dead forum. Only way for us to get new active members is for everyone who is already a member to start posting more often.

I don't want to hear "there is nothing to post to" because that is bullshit.. I've posted hundreds of topics that could use discussion but they go ignored. If you still can't find a thread to post in, create a new thread.

It's so dead here, I've about 80% decided to shutdown the forums and only run the site.

No sense in wasting me time and money on a forum that no one cares about.

I bet we wont even get a single post in this thread either.. >_>

So come on people.. all I ask is that you visit/login more, and try to post at least once per visit.

400 members, so lets say 100 of them visit throughout the day and make 1 post, that equals 100 posts. Plenty for others to post to.

We need your help, your criticism, your feedback, and your activity.

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I got your e-mail. I was really sad about hearing this place close, so I decided to take a visit.

I hope you don't have to close down the forum and after some person time and growing up, and just a busy life, I now have time to incorporate some online time again. [:

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I sent an email and like 30% of the members emails bounced back.. so I went through and deleted everyone with an invalid email address. Several of them where 100+ posters, but none had posted in about a year. They can all re-join if they want, but email validation was turned on a few months ago to stop spam-bots so they will have to register with a valid email address.Also I'm considering deleting every member who hasn't posted at least once in the past year. I already deleted all 0 posters a few months back (over 500 members).

I'm very surprised any of you actually posted here.. it's a real shocker.

I really don't want to close it... but if it remains as inactive as it has been, there isn't much reason to keep it open.

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I come around every once in awhile when Im not too busy with college. Infact, I'm working on an assignment right now and was just checking my email to see if the guy Im working on the project with replied and I got your email. :P I dont post too much, but if something interests me, I tend to make one.

Edit: I have to keep logging in to edit my posts or to make new ones, each time I want to make a new one it asks me to login, which is pretty strange. :/

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I come around every once in awhile when Im not too busy with college. Infact, I'm working on an assignment right now and was just checking my email to see if the guy Im working on the project with replied and I got your email. :P I dont post too much, but if something interests me, I tend to make one.

Edit: I have to keep logging in to edit my posts or to make new ones, each time I want to make a new one it asks me to login, which is pretty strange. :/

That is strange.. having to login each time you try to make a new post?

You sure there isn't something wrong with your cookies?

I'll check into it though.

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It seems to have fixed itself now, I think. Dont think it was something to do with my cookies but if it happens again I'll just run ccleaner and make sure.

Ironically enough my assignment is to produce a prototype website, which isnt going to badly considering how lazy I am. I've had the assignment for two months, and its due in the morning at 10am, which is in 8 hours. I started last night. :P

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It seems to have fixed itself now, I think. Dont think it was something to do with my cookies but if it happens again I'll just run ccleaner and make sure.

Ironically enough my assignment is to produce a prototype website, which isnt going to badly considering how lazy I am. I've had the assignment for two months, and its due in the morning at 10am, which is in 8 hours. I started last night. :P

I ran some Maintenance Updates, cleaned up the database, etc.. to fix anything messed up after all the alterations & deletions. That might have fixed it. Oh and speaking of that, Linoud are you still using http://e-revolution.forgottenmem.net ?

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Well Im not exactly using it lately no, but this projects making me get used to writing content. Im finding it pretty fun, so I'll potentially be using it in the near future but, no, not at current. Did you ever get around to reviewing it? It's just an empty shell at the moment with cutenews and a few pages of minor content.

Current Assignment is a website on a topic of my choosing, which was the Nintendo Consoles. Just finishing up, writing on the Wii at the moment. :P

Seems to be working fine now anyway, the login problem must've been fixed, Koby.

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Well Im not exactly using it lately no, but this projects making me get used to writing content. Im finding it pretty fun, so I'll potentially be using it in the near future but, no, not at current. Did you ever get around to reviewing it? It's just an empty shell at the moment with cutenews and a few pages of minor content.

Current Assignment is a website on a topic of my choosing, which was the Nintendo Consoles. Just finishing up, writing on the Wii at the moment. :P

Seems to be working fine now anyway, the login problem must've been fixed, Koby.

Okay just checking because I was clearing out the hosted sites which had been dropped.

But since you said you will still use it, that is good.

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how much does it cost to run this?

$10 per domain (3 domains) a year, then with the hosting about $350 a year. Then the vBulletin license for the forum was $160 for lifetime, however yearly membership access is $60, and I still need to pay to regain access so I can update the forum version.

So as you see, it's pretty costly. I do get help via donations (over $100 within last 6 weeks) on English Dub Kingdom ^_^ , and the Yahoo Adverts help with about $60 every 3 to 6 months.. :/

All in all, since I originally opened the site I've spent a little over $1,100.

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Hmm... Well, hello. Long time, no see. :)

Well... I'm really sorry about this. I mean... Okay, I don't exactly post here anymore, so I guess I would be part of the problem, but... I don't know. I would still hate to see FM buried.

To be completely honest, I'm just not that interested in gaming anymore... At least, not anything Final Fantasy related. I've also never really been into anime, and I've kind of stopped with the web-/graphic-design for the past year or so.

I guess this isn't the most helpful thread, but that's really why I stopped coming. That and a steady increase in life outside the 'net... People started getting cars and whatnot.

I do miss this place sometimes, though. I was just thinking about FM yesterday. Then I checked my e-mail just a while ago and saw your e-mail sitting there.

Anyway, I guess... I guess people just don't really want to post in a dead forum, you know? Even if one or two or even three people started posting more, it would still be pretty dead. In order to bring Kametsu back to life, I think you'd probably have to get a huge group of people to start actively posting again. Unfortunately, I don't think many of the older members here have that much time on their hands anymore. I know I don't.

I'm sorry to hear this, Koby. If there's anything you'd like me to help with, hit me on MSN sometime (I don't think you're on my new account; rum.is.for.burning@gmail.com). I'll talk to you later, man.

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Hmm... Well, hello. Long time, no see. :)

Well... I'm really sorry about this. I mean... Okay, I don't exactly post here anymore, so I guess I would be part of the problem, but... I don't know. I would still hate to see FM buried.

To be completely honest, I'm just not that interested in gaming anymore... At least, not anything Final Fantasy related. I've also never really been into anime, and I've kind of stopped with the web-/graphic-design for the past year or so.

I guess this isn't the most helpful thread, but that's really why I stopped coming. That and a steady increase in life outside the 'net... People started getting cars and whatnot.

I do miss this place sometimes, though. I was just thinking about FM yesterday. Then I checked my e-mail just a while ago and saw your e-mail sitting there.

Anyway, I guess... I guess people just don't really want to post in a dead forum, you know? Even if one or two or even three people started posting more, it would still be pretty dead. In order to bring Kametsu back to life, I think you'd probably have to get a huge group of people to start actively posting again. Unfortunately, I don't think many of the older members here have that much time on their hands anymore. I know I don't.

I'm sorry to hear this, Koby. If there's anything you'd like me to help with, hit me on MSN sometime (I don't think you're on my new account; rum.is.for.burning@gmail.com). I'll talk to you later, man.

We aren't really focused on any particular game really. It's sort of a "general" forum now.. though their is sub-forums for final fantasy in the gaming section.. and I'd like to think we focus on anime & gaming.. but really we don't. We offer Anime & Music downloads.. though the music is mostly for Anime & Video Game related music.. :/

I know that just a few wont matter, that is what I'm trying to say.. a few people don't make or break a community forum.. it's the community of people who do.. hence the words "community message board". The death of this place is because one by one members left, and then others left because the people they came here for were no longer visiting.. which then caused a chain reaction to the point of complete inactivity among the masses.

Which brings us to now.. we need to all try to come together and post at least once when we visit (I notice quite a few members visit, but they always leave without posting), if those who visit would make it a habit to at least post to something.. it would then give someone else something to reply to, and so on.. and with just one simple post from 01 to 20 people, this forum would be lively.

It's another point I'm trying to get across. We need NEW members as well. The problem is though, new visitors wont join or be as tempted to join unless they see some activity.. so while the current members are sitting back not posting, waiting on new people to join, they are the reason new ones don't join. So it's kind of contradicting. If you want new people to talk to and help the activity of the place, you must first try to be active yourselves.

But I can't seem to get anyone to post.. so it's like a losing battle.. and it feels like no one listens anyways. O.o


I don't use instant messengers really anymore, lol.. haven't logged onto msn in several months. I need to start logging in, but I'm always busy with something and when I do it's like 50+ people all try to talk to me. So it makes it hard to do anything much less talk and keep up with all the convos.

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Well I'm back... Yet again... A heck of a lot's happened here, like me moving over to Ireland, getting back into education and getting myself a job, maintaining a social life. :P And all of a sudden I get an e-mail from Koby! =O So I was like "Holy shit, I completely forgot about this place!" and came by to have a look. It was only recently I got the net set up at my new home, and things aren't TOO busy for me, despite having loads of college work to get done, and working at the hotel over the weekends. I have the time to be reasonably active again, so if it matters, I'll try my best to contribute to this forum. I guess I can advertise, but I'm not making any promises in bringing new members over. The majority of my online buddies don't bother much with forums anymore, or they're content to stick with what they're already on. And they'll be the sort who are honest and say they don't want to join another forum, or they'll be like "Yeah sure, I'll join", register, maybe post an introduction and then you'll never see them again.

But I can be active myself. Surely there'll be enough to keep me posting happy for a while, and I could bring in a few other topics, so aslong as there are others posting, I'll be happy. :P

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hey guys, i know that i may not be on that often but i do occasionally come on here just to read... i just dont have much to say on video games well A because im not good at them (ask amrehlu im kinda pathetic really lol) but i do have my fair share of animes although my resources for viewing are VERY limited...im interested in ive just kinda lost touch the internet... i randomly decided to check my e-mail today...and i got the e-mail and it was kinda depressed so ill do what i can to help out to keep this place up. i like reading other peoples conversings and the occasional arguement so ill see if i cant find something relevant to catch my interests. :)

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Most of the stuff here is only of slight interest to me, I am a D&D/Role-Playing tabletop lover and most the people here like a whole different breed of games, and I also play a lot of MMORPGs... I try to make topics to help people post, but no one ever posts in them... I will keep trying to help out to the best of my abilities, but it is hard because not many of the forums/topics are to my interest, and threads I make are of no interest to others...

P.S., He is pretty pathetic...

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I"ve been quite busy to be honest. Been working a lot, to pay for xmas presents.. have a competition for kendo coming up, so i've been training a lot as well, so i've been quite tired these days and i haven't been going on the net that often. My interest in gaming has kinda gone down too.


i'll see what i can do.

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