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No activity without you..!


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One person cannot make a forum, nor keep it active, it takes a community to make or break a community forum. A forum is also known as a "community message board", without a community of active members there is really no message board or forum per say.

That is why expecting this forum to be or become active without you posting is foolish stupidity. If you want this forum to survive it is up to you, and for you to post. It's simple as that. Sorry to be blunt about it, but no other approach seems to be working.

If you don't want us to perish then post, don't just lurk or visit sometimes, you need to post. I'm about to make almost everything non-viewable by guests so that you must register to see our content. I'm also considering deleting all members who haven't posted within two weeks, doesn't matter if your postcount is over 1,000 or w/e.. no use in wasted space, so I'll delete you regardless.

As you can see I'm fed up and tired of spending countless hours working on this place and doing everything I can when NO ONE, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE CARES. It's very disappointing.

Now I'm not expecting hundreds of posts from anyone, all I'm asking is at least try to make a couple posts each time you visit, and by doing so you will be contributing to the activity of the forum. If you have any friends you haven't told about us, please do so. If you visit other forums, add a link to us in your signature, advertise us in other forums advertise boards. Every little bit helps.


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well i just got my job and ill be working mon-fri for a few hours. and i need to get a new screen for my laptop since it fell off my bed and shattered. so its going to be hard for me to be here for awhile. unless i steal my brothers computer haha. but hey koby, ill be around this is the only forum i go to anyways. so ill help out anyway i can.

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Thousands of lurkers, no one joins, and the current members don't post. =P

Server Stats say the forum gets 800 unique visits a day.

Forgotten Memories gets (low hits right now) 2,000 a day.

Grandia Online gets (really low right now) 80 a day.

Kametsu gets around 300 a day.

English-Dub Kingdom gets about 750 a day.

Of course these are just rounded averages... but with those statistics... Nearly 4,000 visitors (really low, usually about 7,000) visiting the network between all the sites.. you would really expect the place to be pretty active.. or at least decently alive.. but we are on the brink of death..

Forgotten Memories hits are falling, Grandia Online hits are falling.

Kametsu and English Dub Kingdom hits are constantly GROWING..

but I'm guessing the people just visit the first page and leave on the forum, etc...

because they sure don't seem to join.. O.o

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I work with a lot of forums and also deal with the numbers from the people who "visit" as apposed to actually respond. I know the frustrations you feel cause I live by my numbers at the radio. I have some 50 ppl in a hour on the station but might only get 1 post to the guest book in a week.

What helps a lot with my understanding of the numbers and what I might be doing right or wrong is to look at the link backs. Google runs a free service that will chart that for you, their Analytic tool is easy to use and accurate (plus totally free). I think one of the best ways to weed out you members who are really gone is via a mass email and look at your errors of who's address are not good anymore. Now just in my experience I would not erase your history of members, I would change there status to inactive or w/e is built into the system. Your history that made your site is the people who visted and yes maybe only posted here only once even. Your draw is the information also and if you close of all your threads to just registered people then you might really set up the "feeling" of the open forum as closed. Personally I joined this one for its character alone that came across at first look.

I hope I am not sounded really long winded but I would hate to see anything happen to you guys. I have seen another great way to bring in people to a forums with a page at the MySpace that kinda puts out what your about and then links back to place people can visit. Very easy to setup and with a few key words you can get into the search of a lot of people. You want community but you need some exposure I think to bring in new topics. If I can help any please send me message. I am like I said across a new of boards with my radio station and I hope I helped a little.

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Thousands of lurkers, no one joins, and the current members don't post. =P

Server Stats say the forum gets 800 unique visits a day.

Forgotten Memories gets (low hits right now) 2,000 a day.

Grandia Online gets (really low right now) 80 a day.

Kametsu gets around 300 a day.

English-Dub Kingdom gets about 750 a day.

Of course these are just rounded averages... but with those statistics... Nearly 4,000 visitors (really low, usually about 7,000) visiting the network between all the sites.. you would really expect the place to be pretty active.. or at least decently alive.. but we are on the brink of death..

Forgotten Memories hits are falling, Grandia Online hits are falling.

Kametsu and English Dub Kingdom hits are constantly GROWING..

but I'm guessing the people just visit the first page and leave on the forum, etc...

because they sure don't seem to join.. O.o

It gets 2000 unique? On topsites it barely goes over 300... I've had sites but the difference on topsites and site stats never had such a long margin... or maybe Oritsuru has a problem with their count?

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Well, I am definitely at fault of being an unreliable member. I liked our old community. But, that's long gone now. I'll try to put some time into posting, I suppose. I won't guarantee much though, this forum doesn't seem to be able to hold my interests much anymore. >_>

But, maybe that's because of the long periods of dead time. We'll see.

Koby, may I ask you a favour of not to delete EO? She is incapable of reaching a computer at the moment, and thus, will not be able to post. Does seem a little unfair to delete her. >_>

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Well, I am definitely at fault of being an unreliable member. I liked our old community. But, that's long gone now. I'll try to put some time into posting, I suppose. I won't guarantee much though, this forum doesn't seem to be able to hold my interests much anymore. >_>

But, maybe that's because of the long periods of dead time. We'll see.

Koby, may I ask you a favour of not to delete EO? She is incapable of reaching a computer at the moment, and thus, will not be able to post. Does seem a little unfair to delete her. >_>

The fun thing is this post got your attention!

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Are you sure it is a fun thing? It could totally be an non-fun thing. Although, generally, non-fun things include quoting the person above you's complete post and replying to it. >_>

Not that I'm trying to be an ass or anything. Whee, boredom. Ahem.

Deleting several parts of a quote is a non-fun thing. So based on this, quoting it all is a fun thing. The fun thing is that fun and non-fun are subject to personal preference.

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One person cannot make a forum, nor keep it active, it takes a community to make or break a community forum. A forum is also known as a "community message board", without a community of active members there is really no message board or forum per say.

That is why expecting this forum to be or become active without you posting is foolish stupidity. If you want this forum to survive it is up to you, and for you to post. It's simple as that. Sorry to be blunt about it, but no other approach seems to be working.

If you don't want us to perish then post, don't just lurk or visit sometimes, you need to post. I'm about to make almost everything non-viewable by guests so that you must register to see our content. I'm also considering deleting all members who haven't posted within two weeks, doesn't matter if your postcount is over 1,000 or w/e.. no use in wasted space, so I'll delete you regardless.

As you can see I'm fed up and tired of spending countless hours working on this place and doing everything I can when NO ONE, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE CARES. It's very disappointing.

Now I'm not expecting hundreds of posts from anyone, all I'm asking is at least try to make a couple posts each time you visit, and by doing so you will be contributing to the activity of the forum. If you have any friends you haven't told about us, please do so. If you visit other forums, add a link to us in your signature, advertise us in other forums advertise boards. Every little bit helps.


i hope you get your activity koby maybe you need a rpg section as well as a adult section

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You know me.. I would be helping out, but as of late there has been a lot of huge changes in my life to where well.. I'll explain them to you elsewhere besides here.. just don't delete me as I do still plan to help.. just I need time and I've been having to pick up alot of pieces here in my life. I'm sorry if I had let you down.. I will try to not do so again but it's hard for me to talk right now with anyone when all I want is to be left alone for the time being.


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It gets 2000 unique? On topsites it barely goes over 300... I've had sites but the difference on topsites and site stats never had such a long margin... or maybe Oritsuru has a problem with their count?

Topsites rank unique hits differently... Jeremy (the creator of the topsite script most widely used) has even mentioned this. There is a way to change the script to count the same way the server stats do but he says it would make it easier for cheaters to cheat the script so he says not counting all hits = better than making it easier to cheat. Therefore ever since we have been joined in topsites they have always showed a very small portion of our real hits.

Like Mercury (a site I hosted for a friend), topsites say she gets 14 hits a day (very small amount), yet she had like 20 members logging in a day on her forum... O.o and server stats showed she was getting about 140 hits a day..

So yeah, topsite count is way off... :/ But oh well, nothing we can do.. for the most part the other members of the topsite are having big cuts in hits too (not as big as we seem to have, but still a cut).. so I guess it's alright.

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I can't call myself an expert on the past, present and future of this community but I can call myself an experienced user of forums - as I'm sure many of you can call yourself as well. If you're willing to what I think you can change to gain membership you might find a few answers.

  • I think you need to do some stuff to make your forum more attractive and communal. Most of the people in the world, nevermind the internet, are brought to products primarily by aesthetic attraction. If it looks good, they will be more likely to use the product.
    That being said, I think the forum layout can be changed to be a bit more striking and attractive. The current default one is so pale and the pastel colours, which may be flattering to the eyes, don't stand out or make a guest think that this is a 'elite' forum. If you are going to make another layout, try mixing colours and ideas - if a member has to look at it all of the time he is here it may as well be something stylish and sleek. The other layout you have named 'Satellite #' explains that.

  • The current smileys :dhh::beauty::confuse: I think are less then appealing. They remind me of those annoying ads you see where promising you free smileys and make a sound if you scrollover. Why don't you use more convential smileys like kruemelmonsteryn0.gif and maybe just the traditional yellow headed hmpf.gifwuut.png. A wide mix of smaller smileys would help. I do agree that the current ones are expressive, a good quality.

  • I'm not sure what you've been doing incentive wise, but give your current members something to make them stay. Maybe a 'Honoured Membership' with privilidges or if there is a currency on here, that.

  • You might want to make a stickied thread in the introduction area named 'How did you find us' with post cost enabled, gives you an idea of where where your traffic is coming from and gives the members a thread which they can all relate and a free post count.

  • Competitions, Forum Games, Puzzles.
    Sotw, 100 Page Project, The < ^ v game. Get them, advertise them on the front page, don't hide, flaunt it!
    Signiture/Avatar/Story/whatever of the week I find is very popular.

  • Go to other forums for inspiration, see what they are doing and see if you can apply it to your forum. Naruto Fan, http://forums.anizone.com and FFF are a few. Don't necessarily copy them, but I think it's foolish to be too smug to not accept ideas on already popular ideas.

  • Finally, look at what you want your target audience to be. People who usually stay active on forums are 16+ people. Accomodate for them, introduce an adult section or a next gen console (Wii, Xbox360, Ps3) sub forums in the gaming section. To be fair, I haven't looked at the forums in detail so you might have already, just be sure to know you want to please and do it.

Again, I don't mean to sound pushy or arrogant. Just thought you might want some ideas. kruemelmonsteryn0.gif

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