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News about COICA!!!


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There are renewed efforts by senator Leahy to reintroduce the COICA bill this year, which will allow to censor on demand any website the entertainment industry of the United States dislike. Practices like this are common in countries like Iran or China, the difference here is that the site they choose to target will be censored in the whole world.

Please take the time to visit DemandProgress to learn more about it and to contact your senator to raise your concerns.

DemandProgress on COICA


DemandProgress on domain seizures


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How is this even possible, they do not control the servers situated out side USA, its more or less bullying[Oh crap, what we have here again], I doubt it, its not viable in theory too, they can censor sites located within US, but not in the world.

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its for "National Security" at least that's what they say... Their whole argument is E-terrorism, and stupid shit like that. And what would happen is, they would take control of all IP Providers and censor and block sites they deemed a threat to the USA and have them shut down, either through negotiations or by threats. All sites that host anime, torrents, and stuff like this will be targets of the "Counter-Attack" and will be shut down until they pass certain requirements... They could even shutdown regular forum just because of one persons post... It's all stupid, but that is what happens when a senator or congress man downloads bad porn and gets a virus...

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I feel like the US would not be able to control EVERY SITE all over the world. That would be contested by almost every other country. What the proposal could do is allow the US to restrict internet access in and out of the country, so people in Australia, like you Zen, could be blocked from Kametsu. Or the government could just shutdown Kametsu if it wanted. Sites registered to countries other than the US wouldn't be direct affected.

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i dont think it is possible to shut down every site in the world...think of all the private servers that people own and such.

also if they have problems taking down sites like wikileaks and demonoid imagine hundreds of thousands of sites at a time...i dont really think this will come into play, but just in case...*readies the sniper rifle, calls Anonymous*

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i dont think it is possible to shut down every site in the world...think of all the private servers that people own and such.

also if they have problems taking down sites like wikileaks and demonoid imagine hundreds of thousands of sites at a time...i dont really think this will come into play, but just in case...*readies the sniper rifle, calls Anonymous*

They had no problem shutting down those sites. In fact they shut them down rather quickly. It's just there is a lot of people willing to support the cause and help host those sites on thousands of hosts across the world. Wikileaks has been taken down several times, but somebody else always pops up to host it. For a while it was only accessible via a series of IP Addresses.

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I say this, it won't pass. Unless it gets reduced in power, though i must say everyone does want to be our butt buddies. Sides congress is bunch of old farts lately. I severly doubt this will pass for other reasons as well, plus people can just bounce there address off every where to protect their site.

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