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does Gin Ichimaru deserve to die?


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from the emotional point of view this guy deserved stay a bit longer( he even made a my girlfriend cry " booo - hooo , so sad ".) but if u guys think logically this guy was basically useless throughout the series , it's a good thing this garbage died ( or I would rather say kicked out by Mr. KUBO just for our better entertainment)

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Gin came across as too self-righteous, after I analyses the fact that he sacrificed himself to try and save soul society by himself Ive come to see him as an idiot if you summarize what he's done it almost seem idiotic. Now don't hate on me I also like this character but first of all he worked with aizen for YEARS how does he not tell any one if he took a chance to let other people know about aizen collaboration they might have stopped this whole business of arrancers. Second of all even if you argue that if any rumours started about gin talking about aizen behind his back, the frigging back story between gin and Matsumoto shows that he had someone he fully trust. Third even though he knows how powerful the hyogyoku is why did he leave it up to himself to use a last ditch move WHILE aizen was in his ultimate form! I digress it is a good show but there are discrepancies in gin's motives. I apologies for the spelling I'm writing with automatic spelling (frigging iPhone)

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Truth is I wish he didn't but, he deserved it. Sure his goal was pure, but in order for him to reach that goal he betrayed a lot of people

took the words right out of my mouth; some part wanted him to die for along time but when it finally came.... i didnt really want to believe it lol. for the character he was it stirred alot of emotions in me when he disided that Ichigo was ready... and then let go of his life T-T

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I don't think Gin should have to die. Yes, the way he went about trying to kill Aizen was horrible and a little evil and yes, I think he should be punished for it, but he was doing it for a good cause. If anyone deserves to die, it's the Central 46. Those people are evil.

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I don't think he deserved to die necessarily, but I think it would have been awkward to take him back to Soul Society after all he has done.

I actually really liked him as a character and his shikai, would like to see him again in some strange twist of fate later if at all possible.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gin, despite his good actions, also did very very heinous acts. As a result, when he died, he probably went to Hell.

I realize that Gin followed aizen and betrayed the soul society, but he did it all in an attempt to find a way to kill aizen. In a way gin's action are similar to those of naruto's danzo. he took actions that goes against morality, but it was all to keep the soul society and the women (rangiku) he cares for safe. just like danzo, whose actions may not have been popular but it was done to keep konoha safe.

Both died disgraced in some way but should they be viewed as bad people.

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Gin did it all to protect those he cared about.

Danzo from the Naruto series did not, he did it so he could eventually control Konoha.

Two different ambitions, and thus why I can sympathize with Gin and completely despise Danzo.

Going off that, Danzo's suboordinates are all loyal to him, even given his "blood-mist revival" training tactics. My guess is that he was using Kotoamatsukami in order to brainwash his men into following him just like he was implied to have mind-controlled the Daimyo and tried to do to Mifune. Gin's suboordinates liked him a lot, and it was stated that he acutally spent time with them and included them in some of his pranks, as well as his tendency to share the persimmons that he would grow and dry. Neither of them was quite a "good" man, but Gin was truer to himself.

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