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I'm Tifa. Who are you?


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yes I'm new here. Tifa isn't my favorite character but ppl say I look like her and everything. I'm never bored. I'm a girl. My real name is Leslie but don't use that name too often or I'll kick you in the spleen. :D Currently I'm playing FFXII but I'm stuck. I've joined other FF forums as well so I don't think I will need any help. Sometimes I'm really funny :P

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Hey Tifa, I'm Mujklob. Welcome to Forgotten Memories. Never bored? Ever? C'mon, you must have been bored at least once. Good luck on getting unstuck and have fun around the forum. I don't think we're so much of a Final Fantasy forum than we just are a general RPG or chat community. I recall we had a few members who despised the Final Fantasies. :-P

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I know a leslie. He's a guy.lol. THough not sure on the spelling.

Anywho, Hiya Leslie :P

And just a question, where IS the spleen? i've heard ppl mention it,but no idea about where or what it is.

Anywho, i'm currently playin ffxii as well! lol. well,, i'm kinda taking a break due to uni but i'll play every now and then. lol.

How do u find it?

i <3 it. :D

Anywho, I shall cya around here then. ;) *wink wink nudge nudge*.

And don't mind me, i am teh weirdest member on here. =D

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where IS the spleen?

The spleen is a organ in your body

Oh my gosh, that's so specific. That's like...

"So where is North Dakota?"

"Oh, it's on the continent of North America."

OH MY GOSH, THE SPECIFICITY KILLS ME. You're overloading my mind with this fascinating information. I might faint or weep. So many epiphanies in one day!

Hi Tifa. Welcome to FM. Histrionics are condoned and encouraged. Weep with me! If you ever want to be cool, you'll do it!

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EO, stop being so harsh. I know he hasn't been the best member on the forums, and has been quite irritating, but there's no need to be like this, seriously. I know it's not my place to say this, but hey. If the guy is being a bit stupid, just ignore him and leave the staff deal with it, don't go making fun. Things like that do affect how active a forum becomes. If people see that other members get flamed for pointing out something blatantly obvious, they won't want to join. I'm not trying to exert my authority over this, because I have none. I'm just making a point.

Anyways. Welcome to the forums, Tifa. Stick around and post some an' shizz!

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Lighten up? Fo' serious, I doubt I'm the biggest threat to FM's popularity. If I was, the place would've died when I joined ages ago. I'd do the same to anyone else and I've been picked on plenty for making stupid comments and mistakes of my own--it's not a big deal. If it hurt his feelings then I'll extend an apology, but I'm not changing my sense of humour because it's construed as malice.

Welcome again, Tifa. =P

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Lighten up? Fo' serious, I doubt I'm the biggest threat to FM's popularity. If I was, the place would've died when I joined ages ago. I'd do the same to anyone else and I've been picked on plenty for making stupid comments and mistakes of my own--it's not a big deal. If it hurt his feelings then I'll extend an apology, but I'm not changing my sense of humour because it's construed as malice.

Welcome again, Tifa. =P

Seconded. lol.

and i knew that the spleen was in the body. just WHERE and WHAT it is, is what i'm asking. - -;;

Anyway, without all this drama, it would make FM go under. lol. Drama is what fm lives off! =o

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