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New Dark Theme titled 'Carbon' Added


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Ehren finally dished out one of the themes I was waiting on him to put out. Hope you all enjoy Carbon now.


Let me know if there is anything in particular you'd like to see altered.


Also if you have any background suggestions for the background selections on Uniform or Carbon; feel free to submit them.

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On 1/5/2016 at 7:00 PM, Deth93 said:

Looks good to me as well. Default one had a bit too transparent boxes.

This one will do for now. ^^


As for backgrounds, anything particular in mind for background?

Or it could be random pick, fitting the theme only?

A nice pattern background would be fine or something anime, gaming, or comicbook related.


Also I'm going to see about offering different color variations of Carbon besides the Blue so if anyone has any color suggestions feel free to offer up suggestions.

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Carbon has been renamed to Carbon Blue and I've now added a custom 'Carbon Pink' to the theme line-up. I'll be adding Carbon Red at some point and probably a purple and a green. Unsure what all colors would be sought after so speak up.


Expect our old theme 'Brave' to make a reappearance soon as Ehren is putting the final touches on it.


I'll eventually get around to modifying all the themes and adding our logo/banner and footers, etc...

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