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[Xbox One] Killer Instinct - Season 2 Launch Trailer (New Fighters Teaser)


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Killer Instinct is a fighting game in the Killer Instinct series, developed by Double Helix Games, Iron Galaxy Studios and Rare under supervision. The game was announced during Microsoft's E3 2013 press event, and was released exclusively as a Launch Game for the Xbox One on November 22, 2013.



Latest Killer Instinct News:

15/10/14: Season 2 Launch Trailer (NEW FIGHTERS TEASED)





18/9/14: Maya Reveal Trailer


Maya Reveal Trailer (Plus new original character joining the fight):




New Trailer showing off the second character to be announced for season 2 (Not including cinder which is only teased at this time.) Plus like every other KI character show off trailer a little something extra at the end. Enjoy.



Update: KI Pre-Season 2 Update list coming end of September!




We all know that Killer Instinct is going to go through a change with the new developers Iron Galaxy at the helm and it seems we will see the first of that change near the end of next month with a update that will prep the game for Season 2. The game mechanics will be changed slightly to accommodate the near Air combat system some superstars will have. Also all the existing superstars are having little thinks tweaked or fully re-worked and new things added.


Full List below if you want to have a read, if your a KI Fan like me then you will want to stay up to date with the latest on the game so people online don't get the upper hand.


Killer Instinct Season 2 pre-season system & character updates

Great news! At PAX we're giving everyone a sneak-peek at the S2 early access build!

As part of the pre-season access for season 2 coming next month, we have a bunch of overall system and individual character updates for the season 1 cast. The changes below are derived from features we didn’t get to add in S1, ones motivated by data analysis, community feedback, and focus testing throughout the year, and finally aspects where we see opportunity to improve KI’s fundamental gameplay and keep it uniquely about two-way interaction at all times.

NOTE: Any or all of these changes are subject to change between now and when the update goes live on September 23rd. Even after release, we will continue to evaluate the changes as we add more content and characters to ensure everyone stays competitive, unique, and fun to play.

System Changes Summary Video by Maximilian -



  • Non-combo hits (pokes) and the 1st hit of combos now deal additional damage.
  • Shadow Meter gain rates have decreased 20% overall.
  • Shadow Enders now scale damage based on current Ender Level. 
  • Potential (white) damage decays slower than before.
  • New system extension: Air breakers & Air counter breakers
  • The breaker system has been expanded to cover Air to Air and Air to Ground interactions.
  • Additionally, all Counter Breaker attempts now will leave you vulnerable to punishment if you fail no matter what the situation or character.
  • After the 3rd non-chained move, combos that are not part of the Linker/Double ruleset are now breakable via Manual rules. This includes juggled manuals and non-projectile special moves.
  • Combo Breakers no longer cause a Hard Knockdown.
  • Juggled Shadow Enders are now subject to Opener-Ender breaker rules, but can cash out a juggled opponent.
  • Projectiles no longer darken the screen.
  • Removed the ability to Instinct Cancel during an Ender.
  • Removed the ability to perform Ultra Enders from the air.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the 4 frame Manual Breaker window from actually working.  As a result, you now have 4 additional frames to break Manuals.

New linker rules:
The rules for performing Manuals after Linkers are now consistent across the cast.

  • Doing a Light Linker gives you access to a difficult Light Manual.
  • Doing a Medium Linker gives you access to a difficult Medium Manual or slightly less difficult Light Manual.
  • Doing a Heavy Linker gives you access to a difficult Heavy Manual, less difficult Medium Manual, and even less difficult Light Manual.

Exceptions still exist but for the most part you can count on these rules for all characters.


  • Shadow Wind Kick travels 60% as far as before.
  • Heavy Wind Kick does not push back as far and is more negative on block.
  • Can no longer Counter Break from Opener - > Ender situations.

Updated Instinct:

  • Jago no longer heals automatically during instinct.
  • Jago now throws Double Endokukens during instinct.
  • During instinct, all Endokukens (Double, Enders, and Shadow) that hit the opponent heal Jago.
  • Jago maintains his frame advantages during instinct.


  • The final hit of Shadow Leaping Slash now recaptures an airborne opponent into a ground combo.
  • While the forward Dash is the same duration as before, Sabrewulf gets behind his opponent quicker now so that properly timed punish attempts are less likely to come out facing the wrong way.
  • One additional frame has been added after the Super Flash before Shadow Eclipse hits.
  • Backdash distance reduced.
  • Crouching Light Punch pushes the opponent back further.
  • Fixed a bug that let Sabrewulf cancel Crouching Medium Punch into his Heavy Chain during Hitstop, which also prevented Manual Breakers from firing correctly.

Updated Instinct:

  • In addition to its previous properties, while in Instinct Sabre now gains the ability to perform a Feral Cancel (HP+HK) which can cancel any grounded move back to neutral. This has a short cooldown on it but can be performed as much as you want during Instinct.


  • Medium and Light Hail now bounce along the ground instead of breaking when hitting the floor.
  • Shadow Cold Shoulder is slightly less negative on block.
  • Shadow Cold Shoulder will now combo from Ice Lance at maximum distance.
  • Shadow Puddle Punch is no longer throwable until after the first active frame.
  • Startup time on all jumping Kick attacks has increased slightly.
  • Shatter has a few additional frames of recovery.
  • Fixed a bug that let you cancel out of a Shadow Cold Shoulder early.
  • Fixed a bug that let Glacius perform an attack facing the wrong way after going under his opponent with a Cold Shoulder.

New Command Move: Liquidize

  • Press all three kicks (hold). Glacius melts into a puddle.
  • Can move left or right a bit while in liquid state.
  • This is a dodge move.  It is immune to projectiles on the way down, but vulnerable to everything else.


  • Light Sammamish has bit more vertical travel.
  • Skyfall is now considered a special move instead of a command normal.
  • Every character’s reaction to Back Throw is now identical in duration so that Thunder can manual properly.
  • The low crush effect of Ankle Slicer is more reliable now, and it is less negative on block.
  • Medium Sammamish now hits 2 frames earlier, in the same number of frames as Light Sammamish.
  • When performing a manual after back throw, Thunder automatically moves in a bit to ensure that the intended combo works against all characters.
  • Fixed all instances that caused Thunder to miss with Shadow Call of Earth following a Back Throw.
  • Opponents who are locked out can no longer tech out of Thunder’s Back Throw.

New command move: Call of Sky

  • Press all three punch buttons
  • Thunder calls a bolt of lightning from the sky that strikes at his opponent’s current location.
  • This move has very long startup and recovery, but hits quickly.


  • During instinct, using a jump cancel and then canceling into a normal or special during pre-jump frames used to ignore the combo system and skip doubles and linkers in favor of manuals or openers. It now obeys the normal ground combo rules.
  • It is no longer possible to avoid the special landing recovery from Web Cling by throwing a Widow’s Bite.
  • Removed the ability to place a Web Trap from Counter Breaker stance.
  • Web Trap’s hold is slightly shorter.
  • The cross-up hitbox on Jumping Heavy Kick has been reduced slightly.

New target combo:

  • Ground MP->HK or Close MP->HK, chains into launcher.

New Reversal: Shadow Web Cling

  • QCB+2P
  • This is useable only on the ground, but when used, Sadira is invulnerable until she hits the wall.


  • Shadow Ich Ni San now sends out a shockwave of energy columns.  Charge the move up by holding the buttons to fire additional towers of energy that travel further. The final charge level is not unblockable.
  • Danger Zone (Air Throw) causes a recapture when used outside of a combo.
  • Flick Flack’s low crush effect now lasts until the first active frame.
  • Standing Medium Punch and Standing Heavy Punch become active slightly faster and their hitboxes are a bit larger.
  • Shadow Cat (Knee Slide) has a larger hit area and slightly smaller vulnerable area.
  • Crouching Medium Punch animation has changed slightly and now hits low.

New Command Move: Grenade Toss

  • Back+HP throws the grenade. Hold HP longer to set a longer timer and throw it further.
  • The grenade does not explode on contact with the opponent, and is governed only by its timer.
  • Colliding with an opponent’s projectile will detonate it immediately.


Color and skull logic:
Spinal’s attacks have been color-coded to more clearly show what does what: Green attacks give you skulls, Blue attacks curse the opponent’s Shadow Meter, and Yellow attacks curse the opponent’s Instinct Meter.

  • Any time Spinal hits with a ghostly attack (green) he gains one skull.
  • Searing Skull (with skull stock) projectiles are now colored Blue.
  • Shadow Searing Skull’s projectile is now colored Yellow.

All of spinal's green attacks now reward one skull. That includes:

  • Hitting with Crouching HP
  • Hitting with any Spectral Manual
  • Searing Skull (no skull stock)
  • Spinal’s throw

Other changes:

  • Crouching Medium Kick no longer sweeps and is now cancelable.
  • Shadow Bone Shaker is now projectile immune.
  • Throw Range increased slightly.
  • Shadow Searing Skull applies its curse on the 1st hit instead of the 5th.
  • Divekick causes a Ground Bounce when hitting an airborne opponent.

New skull use option:

  • Spinal can now cancel all normal attacks (except c.HP and c.HK) into his run at the cost of 1 Skull.


Fulgore’s meter mechanics have been completely reworked to reward aggressive play with faster meter gain. As a result, he can no longer manually charge his meter and the charge command has been removed.

New reactor system:
Fulgore now gains reactor pips at a pace based on how fast his reactor spinner is turning.

  • The reactor always spins, so Fulgore is always gaining pips at a minimum rate at least.
  • A new energy bar has been added above the pip display to show you exactly when your next pip will appear based on the current spin rate.
  • Any of Fulgore’s physical attacks that make contact (hit or blocked) increase spin speed.
  • Auto Triples give a huge spin speed bonus.
  • Using energy systems (Energy Bolt, Plasmaport, or Eye Beam) reduces spin speed. 
  • Getting knocked down reduces spin speed.
  • If Fulgore does nothing, spin speed will decay over time, eventually returning to its minimum speed.
  • Activating Instinct Mode makes the reactor spin at maximum speed for the duration regardless of what Fulgore does or doesn’t do, or what happens to him.
  • Fulgore gains the walk forward speed buff after green pips are full, the walk back buff after yellow pips are full, and his dash buff at full pips.

Energy bolt:

Energy Bolt has been reworked.

  • Light, Medium, and Heavy inputs now all fire a single projectile, speed determined by the button used.
  • Tapping LP, MP, or HP while firing will spend 1 pip to fire an additional projectile at that button’s speed.
  • This can be done twice for a total of three projectiles traveling at various speeds on the screen.
  • You can still spend an additional pip during any of these to cancel into another special move.

Other changes:

  • Devastation (hype) Beam does considerably less damage, but is now available outside of Instinct Mode when Fulgore has full pips.
  • Plasmaport motion has been moved to QCB+K.
  • Auto Triples are now performed by pressing the button again instead of holding it down.
  • Medium Cyber Uppercut now hits twice, and Heavy hits three times.
  • All versions of Cyber Uppercut can be Shadow Cancelled into Air Shadow Eye Beam.
  • Air Shadow Eye Beam no longer hits low and damage has been reduced, but the hitboxes are taller and it now juggles.
  • Axis Smash (F+HP) is slightly less positive on hit and block.

We'll see all of you on September 23rd in early access or at PAX this weekend. Thanks for continuing with us on the journey as we evolve and grow Killer Instinct.




28/4/14: New KI Developer Iron Galaxy



Iron Galaxy Studio have recently taken over production of KI since Double Helix where bought by Amazon, but the studio had been involved with the project before.

Founder and CEO Dave Lang told USGamer both Iron Galaxy and Double Helix made “the final cut” from among multiple respondents when Microsoft put out a call for developers.

Unfortunately, the team was shorthanded due to its focus on Wreckateer, a Kinect title also funded by Microsoft, and couldn’t take the job.

“While it was disappointing at the time, if you take a look at where we were at that point versus the final game Double Helix was able to make, I firmly believe we would not have made as good of a game as Double Helix did – in terms of available resources, we simply weren’t there at that time,” Lang said.

Lang said he approached Double Helix to ask permission before taking over the project, because it’s “sort of like dating someone’s ex-girlfriend” or boyfriend.

The free-to-play Xbox One reboot of Killer Instinct was put together by Strider developer Double Helix Games, but Amazon snapped the studio up as part of its new interest in gaming.








I have played this game since it was first released (When the Xbox One debuted). I find this to be a really good fighting game though I may just find this a great game due to the limited titles currently on the next gen consoles.


Killer Instinct one Xbox One started off with one playable character and then you have to pay to get the rest. In reality it is a free game if you have xbox live, you start to buy it when you want more characters to play with. Being a fan of the KI series as I had KI on Nintendo 64 I bought the Season 1 big pack which give me all Season 1 characters, The first Killer Instinct and other special features.


Season 1 included: Jago, Orchid, Thunder, Saber Wulf, Glacius, Sadira, Spinal and Fulgore as playable characters. It also included Retro costumes for all characters but Sadira (at this current time)


Season 2 has been confirmed to be in the works by a new company as Double helix was bought out by Amazon. Iron Galaxy is the new developer in the KI series as confirmed by Microsoft Studios and they have hinted at returning characters such as Cinder, TJ Combo, Riptor and a few others.



At the start only recently has Killer Instinct let you play it's new Arcade mode which can be said to be the games story mode. You take any character to fight 5 random characters where at the end you face your characters rival and then the strongest character in the game (Fulgore). Though if you meet certain requirements after your rival fight you can VS a hidden Boss, though the requirement can be a little difficult if you find KI a hard game to play not to mention the Hidden Boss is Impossible to beat, unless your extremely skilled or have a great tactic to fall onto.



I love playing KI and look forward to Season 2. Have any of your on Kametsu played KI and what are your thoughts?

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KI was the main reason I bought the console.

Season two has already been confirmed to have the exact same release style as season one, six at the start and two later.


The game is so amazing with how pretty much any one can pick it up and do combos but then once you use the dojo and learn how to play you realize the game is pretty deep and there's a lot more than just mashing buttons.



Glacius main here.


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It is a very in-depth game and only to increase as time goes by and they add more to it. I look forward to Season 2, didn't know they where gonna do season 2 like they did season 1. Makes me wonder how far off is it till they start releasing stuff for season 2.


One thing I hope they do it allow you to choose stage music. And I don't mean put Jagos music on Fulgores level that would just be weird. What I hope is that they allow you to play classic tracks on the current levels and even add tracks from KI Gold edition, that had some great level tracks.

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i played and enjoyed the n64 one.

but not into fighters so.

looks cool tho


I too played and enjoyed the N64 version of this game, thus why I got the game (Even though it is pretty much free when you first get it.) I am not a fan of all fighting games though some do catch my interests.


Off Topic: What anime is you signature/Avatar from?

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Upotte!! (literally,spelled with exclamations}

its amazing,go watch it! xD


i used to enjoy fighters but nowadays i dont have anyone to play them with so ehh

i do like tekken tho because u can give them custom clothes


if i had gone xbox id likely have bought Ki

but not so into console gaming anymore

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Defiantly will check it out, will add it to my ever increasing list. I seem to add more anime to it then I can watch lol.


I enjoy fighter games as I have brother I can play against and friends who visit sometimes. Though I know where your coming from as when they don't want to play one of the fighting games I have but I do, it can be quite off putting knowing all you can do is vs computer players. Human players add more excitement to fighter games.

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yeah because u get to trash talk and whatnot xD

the joys of offline multiplayer :3


well its short,10 eps.

and every ep makes u want to watch the next one!


i did upload a scene collection,its much faster than watching the eps but ehh u miss out on lore of the characters per say.

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On Topic: I find it more fun to play offline opponents as online ones seem to really get under my nerves. I VSed this one guy online who got under my nerves. Now I should add that I don't think a lot know that there kinects act as a communicator for online games unless you turn that feature off (it is on by default), I have mine turned off. Now I like playing as Jago and got abused like I had never heard before because I played Jago. Jago was the free character for the game for a long time and people saw him as the weakest and most well noobish character due to everyone being able to get him.


But I got one back on him as I kicked ass with Jago and beat him pretty badly. Though I can't say I win all my online fights, I get my butt kicked most of the time lol, too many hardcore players out their.


Off Topic: Short Anime can be good and bad.

1) they don't go for to long thus dragging out and ruining the anime.

2) they aren't long enough thus making the craving for more unsatisfying lol.


I am a person who has to see everything to its fullest before I can enjoy short clips. You grow to know the anime and its characters more and if you watch clips first you feel like your missing something.

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It is a very in-depth game and only to increase as time goes by and they add more to it. I look forward to Season 2, didn't know they where gonna do season 2 like they did season 1. Makes me wonder how far off is it till they start releasing stuff for season 2.


One thing I hope they do it allow you to choose stage music. And I don't mean put Jagos music on Fulgores level that would just be weird. What I hope is that they allow you to play classic tracks on the current levels and even add tracks from KI Gold edition, that had some great level tracks.

Someone theorized that IG might have two characters done already. DH still has updates to release and they need to unlock the two hidden classic costumes.


I dunno if they want to bother with the music, matches only last 99 seconds as is.



Best fighting game on da xbox one right now.

No love for God Hand: Nut Punching Edition?


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I love the new Killer Instinct. I'm not the greatest online but I've been able to pull off 100+ ultra combos with jago (even though it's not that impressive), and I can do 50%+ combos without much trouble. My gamertag is lazarus923 if you ever want to play some time, however it's going to be awhile because my controller is broke...

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It is a very in-depth game and only to increase as time goes by and they add more to it. I look forward to Season 2, didn't know they where gonna do season 2 like they did season 1. Makes me wonder how far off is it till they start releasing stuff for season 2.


One thing I hope they do it allow you to choose stage music. And I don't mean put Jagos music on Fulgores level that would just be weird. What I hope is that they allow you to play classic tracks on the current levels and even add tracks from KI Gold edition, that had some great level tracks.

Someone theorized that IG might have two characters done already. DH still has updates to release and they need to unlock the two hidden classic costumes.


I dunno if they want to bother with the music, matches only last 99 seconds as is.




I though IG fully took over DH already and that they would be working where they left off which included the release of both classic costumes. Id say the last two classic costumes can't be far off as both have been leaked already (Found in game by accident by a few fans).


I can't wait to see where KI goes from here. I do love the new Hidden Boss fight, still yet to beat it as it is tough as. Have come close sometimes but not close enough lol.


I love the new Killer Instinct. I'm not the greatest online but I've been able to pull off 100+ ultra combos with jago (even though it's not that impressive), and I can do 50%+ combos without much trouble. My gamertag is lazarus923 if you ever want to play some time, however it's going to be awhile because my controller is broke...


I am about the same, I am good at the game buy not GOD like some other players lol. 100+ Ultra I find pretty cool, I think the highest I get to is like 97-99. That is without a constant re-filling shadow meter and Instinct bars. I am ok at Juggling, need to work on my Manuals a bit more too.

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I though IG fully took over DH already and that they would be working where they left off which included the release of both classic costumes. Id say the last two classic costumes can't be far off as both have been leaked already (Found in game by accident by a few fans).


I can't wait to see where KI goes from here. I do love the new Hidden Boss fight, still yet to beat it as it is tough as. Have come close sometimes but not close enough lol.

Na, DH is still working on it and I assume they'll announce when they're officially done.


He's pretty easy, just start off blocking and wait for him to get close and does the uppercut and then wait for him to land. Perform a grab and then just hold down crouch and mash light kick.


It doesn't matter if he gets chips damage on you or anything as long as your one grab did more damage.


In one of the streams they said the playable Shadow Jago is gonna have a different moveset form the boss one which is sad because doing those slide kicks would have been fun.

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I though IG fully took over DH already and that they would be working where they left off which included the release of both classic costumes. Id say the last two classic costumes can't be far off as both have been leaked already (Found in game by accident by a few fans).


I can't wait to see where KI goes from here. I do love the new Hidden Boss fight, still yet to beat it as it is tough as. Have come close sometimes but not close enough lol.

Na, DH is still working on it and I assume they'll announce when they're officially done.


He's pretty easy, just start off blocking and wait for him to get close and does the uppercut and then wait for him to land. Perform a grab and then just hold down crouch and mash light kick.


It doesn't matter if he gets chips damage on you or anything as long as your one grab did more damage.


In one of the streams they said the playable Shadow Jago is gonna have a different moveset form the boss one which is sad because doing those slide kicks would have been fun.



I guess a slow transition from DH to IG is better for that game anyway then just a straight out swap.


I'm gonna give him another go today, my original tactic was to low block from a distance he would usually Endokuken twice and then follow in with his leg slide attack. if position right you could grab him or if you had a shadow meter throw a shadow Endokuken at him then follow up with a Wind Kick and Laser Sword Juggle.


The only hard thing I find with him is that if he gets you and countering isn't your strong point it isn't with me, then he will most of the time do 50% damage which is the killer.


That's a shame, was hoping the Shadow Jago's move set would be updated to the boss one, but oh well I guess that may be overpowering him. They did say though they would change it so it's not like Jago's correct?





Just fought Shadow Jago again, major improvement but still cannot beat him lol. He doesn't do the uppercut enough to make blocking and waiting a good tactic although it is great to know and wait for it. Have gotten him so close to death before he gets lucky. His Instinct is a killer (Shadow Meter stealer), I think that is whats getting me in the end. Just need to work on a few more things and I should have him. A lot of people such as yourself say he is easy, seeing as I am struggling so much does that mean I suck haha.


I didn't think I was too bad at this game I know I am not a KI God. In time I will get Shadow Jago.

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Just fought Shadow Jago again, major improvement but still cannot beat him lol. He doesn't do the uppercut enough to make blocking and waiting a good tactic although it is great to know and wait for it. Have gotten him so close to death before he gets lucky. His Instinct is a killer (Shadow Meter stealer), I think that is whats getting me in the end. Just need to work on a few more things and I should have him. A lot of people such as yourself say he is easy, seeing as I am struggling so much does that mean I suck haha.


I didn't think I was too bad at this game I know I am not a KI God. In time I will get Shadow Jago.

First match I fought against him two days ago with Jago that trick worked. The real challenge for me was just getting to him because I suck with Jago. The AI gets better as you go up in matches and Thunder is already scary as shit to me. Luckily after losing against Sadira in match five I went in again and got both her and Thunder in the first two matches. Whatever reason Orchid gave me no trouble, she actually seemed like her difficulty reverted.

Then came the easiest part. He did the double Endouken while I blocked, then he did he uppercut, I did the grab and mashed A while I looked around my room for a minute and a half. I guess luck is a slight factor too.


I came close a few times legit with Glacius but that slide, he'd already be coming at me before I could finish the projectile input.

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Just fought Shadow Jago again, major improvement but still cannot beat him lol. He doesn't do the uppercut enough to make blocking and waiting a good tactic although it is great to know and wait for it. Have gotten him so close to death before he gets lucky. His Instinct is a killer (Shadow Meter stealer), I think that is whats getting me in the end. Just need to work on a few more things and I should have him. A lot of people such as yourself say he is easy, seeing as I am struggling so much does that mean I suck haha.


I didn't think I was too bad at this game I know I am not a KI God. In time I will get Shadow Jago.

First match I fought against him two days ago with Jago that trick worked. The real challenge for me was just getting to him because I suck with Jago. The AI gets better as you go up in matches and Thunder is already scary as shit to me. Luckily after losing against Sadira in match five I went in again and got both her and Thunder in the first two matches. Whatever reason Orchid gave me no trouble, she actually seemed like her difficulty reverted.

Then came the easiest part. He did the double Endouken while I blocked, then he did he uppercut, I did the grab and mashed A while I looked around my room for a minute and a half. I guess luck is a slight factor too.


I came close a few times legit with Glacius but that slide, he'd already be coming at me before I could finish the projectile input.



I could use a bit of your luck, I feel like I pour all my skill only to be defeated most of the time the hard way. The tactics you suggest work a treat with jago as I came very close to killing him 20% (Out of 43 matches) of the time which is better than my 1% (out of 55 matches) last time I tried. Yes, I have fought against him that many time lol.


I find that Jago's Shadow Endokuken will hit Shadow Jago 80% of the time if used correctly, so it is an easy follow up with a double round house and then a wind kick to do some extra damage. Grabbing at certain points also is a good move I have found a few other good grab points but not as useful as the tiger fury grab point. I do a lot of low blocking to as he doesn't do a lot of high attack moves, just the odd one or two that can do some real damage once he gets him combos in.



Getting to Shadow Jago is a little tense as I do it with Jago but I also play the best with Jago. Thunder I also find a pain but not as much as Orchid, if I had to rank then all from hardest to easiest and this is if they where all at slot 5 (for Jago, i'll pretend Orchid and Fulgore could got to slot 5)


Hardest (1): Orchid (Her Slide Kick and Instinct put her at the top of my list, kinda like Shadow Jago in a way lol.)

2): Fulgore (Maybe it is because he is the boss in most arcade battle but he is annoyingly tough.

3) Thunder (His power is to be feared)

4) Sadira (Almost was 3 because of her instinct)

5) Glacius (His ranged attack that get under your block puts him here)

6) Saberwulf (He's tough but the others have reasons why I fear them more)


As  stated I mainly play Jago as he was my main in KI Gold Edition on N64. Fulgore is fun to play, Spinal takes some getting use to, saberwulf feels basic but fast, glacius is another on that takes some getting use to, Sadira seems to be a good button masher player but when used skillfully is deadly. Orchid is another good one to play and when mastered can be annoying to everyone but you.


I pretty much only play KI on XB1, no other games on it at the moment tickle my fancy.

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  • 1 month later...

I have been able to beat shadow Jago twice now, once cheating and the other using all the skill I have and doing it the right way.


I see what you mean by light kicking, if your health is higher then his and you constantly lower kick you just wait out the time and Shadow Jago just freaks out countering you lower kick and a weird fashion.


The second time it took me roughly 7 goes once I got to him on Medium difficulty, it was close in the end, I almost screwed it up when I did a double roundhouse on him, which he WILL counter if he has a shadow bar (being shadow Jago 80% of the time he will). But I countered his counter attack and beat him while he was guarding. It wasn't a great ULTRA!!! victory but a victory none the less.



In other news I hear rumor that the second season for KI will have details at this years E3. If that is true I am looking forward to it!

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