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Third Quarterly Forum Superlatives! [Results Fixed]

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Happy Saturday, everyone!

For everyone participating in NaNoWriMo, I hope things are going well and all cross the finish line on time. For those who went shopping yesterday, I hope you got some sweet swag and didn't suffer too many bruises. For those who celebrated Thanksgiving, I hope you're able to move now after a night of overeating and, for those who don't, I hope you had a good fourth Thursday of November.


I'm starting the thread a little early because of the upcoming winter holidays--I know some might have plans to travel, hang out with family, and the like. Things that generally don't involve hanging out online, haha.

If there are any who want to construct some small signature banners for people to wear once these are over, feel free to.

Also a reminder that the Secret Santa is still ongoing.

The "rules" are much the same.

  • This is for fun! Have fun.
  • Feel free to edit the form--add and remove categories at your whim.
  • All members are eligible to enter and be named in any of the categories.
  • Abusive entries won't be recognised, regardless if it's self-deprecating or meant to be humourous.
  • Do not submit entries with the same name in every spot.
  • Be sure to get your entries in by Saturday, 29 December, so I can have the results posted by the 30th. It's not quite the end of the month, but it's just in case anything comes up on New Year's Eve.

Without further ado, you'll find the superlatives beneath the spoiler.

The Most Mostest






You're Such A(n)...




Social Butterfly:


You Are So...






You Have...

Awesome shoes:

The weirdest ideas:

The hands of a model:

Psychic abilities:

An awesome accent:

You Would SO Do That...

Eat one food until you get sick of it forever:

Clone yourself for questionable reasons:

Wear mismatched socks:

Maintain a fake accent for several months:

Eat a ketchup sandwich:

Are You Sure You're Not...

An alien from another planet:

The REAL inventor of the Internet:

van Gogh's spirit animal:

Actually a vampire:

Forgetting something right now:

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or recommendations, feel free to post them and I'll do my best to address them.


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The Most Mostest

Awesome: Apollo

Responsible: Poe

Organised: EO

Trustworthy: hagi

Brave: The Welsh Paddy

You're Such A(n)...

Perfectionist: Loki

Idealist: playlamegetfame

Rebel: An IP BreAKDoWN

Social Butterfly: Shazi

Acrobat: ParasiteEve

You Are So...

Adventurous: Hawkester

Patient: Renzourin

Sarcastic: Meself

Impulsive: AnimeCrazy

Agreeable: Koby

You Have...

Awesome shoes: Irish

The weirdest ideas: lolrawr

The hands of a model: EvilDoomBunny

Psychic abilities: DeathTheKid

An awesome accent: coffeeNiK

You Would SO Do That...

Eat one food until you get sick of it forever: Arnas Rune

Clone yourself for questionable reasons: Dark_Angel13

Wear mismatched socks: Minkseru (you really do)

Maintain a fake accent for several months: Ang3lofDarkness

Eat a ketchup sandwich: Zanco

Are You Sure You're Not...

An alien from another planet: Minkseru

The REAL inventor of the Internet: Sicka

van Gogh's spirit animal: J-Lord

Actually a vampire: Myself...GIVE ME MY BLOOD NOW!!!

Forgetting something right now: Myself...umm...what was I doing...

What's sad...is the ones where I voted for myself is actually part of me. LOL

Edited by Dreamcastor
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*Disclaimer* If you get insulted, not my problem hahahaha, it's nothing serious *Disclaimer*

The Most Mostest

Awesome: lolrawr (he likes lolis so yeah..)

Responsible: Koby (No wait he got his girlfriend pregnant, jokes hahaha please don't take that seriously) Dae314 (knows stuff)

Organised: Emotional Outlet (runs the forum well)

Trustworthy: Emotional Outlet (does a good job of maintaining a good trust worthy atmosphere)

Brave: JohnFlower (started encoding Clannad for his first encode and using warpsharpening to make it look distorted, who cares right? Hahaha)

You're Such A(n)...

Perfectionist: MysterySword (likes getting his encodes perfect, though lazy)

Idealist: RikuoAmero (steals for the poor lol)

Rebel: Koby (you run a pirating forum, nuff said lmao)

Social Butterfly: lemminglama (he's dead (no not really), but used to be very active almost a spammer hahaha and easygoing)

Acrobat: Hawkester (has black cat for his avatar)

You Are So...

Adventurous: dudefromLT (posts too much NFSW wallpapers...)

Patient: kashem2 (can play many visual novels without rage quitting hahaha)

Sarcastic: Koby (*meh*)

Impulsive: shaqsalazar (encoding without much thought, seriously man your files are too damn big and bloated)

Agreeable: Bluenoser (writes so much that no one could be screwed reading it and we agrees to whatever he says)

You Have...

Awesome shoes: Java (yeah that's right I been spying on you)

The weirdest ideas: Zanco (does a lot of random things)

The hands of a model: Pra7ul (good at GFX)

Psychic abilities: All mods and admins (throws ban hammer at spammer before they know it!)

An awesome accent: Skylord (he's cool nuff said)

You Would SO Do That...

Eat one food until you get sick of it forever: Me (I eat too much rich, I'm Asian so whatever)

Clone yourself for questionable reasons: Dan Den (I can totally see you doing that hahaha)

Wear mismatched socks: Malyssa Rahl (yep yep)

Maintain a fake accent for several months: Koby (I'm sure he's mexican xD)

Eat a ketchup sandwich: J-Lord (likes red)

Are You Sure You're Not...

An alien from another planet: zolockit (you kitty sniffing nub!) *he likes it*

The REAL inventor of the Internet: An IP BreAKDoWN (Am I right or what?)

van Gogh's spirit animal: AnimeCrazy (*shrugs*)

Actually a vampire: Cain (that's a vampire name right? hahaha, he's good now days I converted him)

Forgetting something right now: Dreamcastor (you forgot I do have a fake accent, I fake asian accent to get out of trouble rofl)

Edited by Ang3lofDarkness
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The Most Mostest

Awesome: Dan Den

Responsible: Poetic

Organised: EO

Trustworthy: EO

Brave: Ang3lofDarkness (some of the stuff he says and gets away with ;) )

You're Such A(n)...

Perfectionist: J-Lord (I may not seem it but believe me I am)

Idealist: Hagi

Rebel: Renzourin

Social Butterfly: Dreamcastor

Acrobat: Anras Rune

You Are So...

Adventurous: AnimeCrazy

Patient: Koby (he'd have to been to put up with some of us at times lol)

Sarcastic: Dae314

Impulsive: Shazi

Agreeable: Dark_Angel13

You Have...

Awesome shoes: Dark_Angel13

The weirdest ideas: Trend

The hands of a model: shaqsalazar

Psychic abilities: RazorDan

An awesome accent: Lemmingllama

You Would SO Do That...

Eat one food until you get sick of it forever: Apollo

Clone yourself for questionable reasons: Bleachigo

Wear mismatched socks: Jobonline

Maintain a fake accent for several months: Sicka

Eat a ketchup sandwich: Trend

Are You Sure You're Not...

An alien from another planet: Zanco

The REAL inventor of the Internet: Java

van Gogh's spirit animal: playlamegetfame

Actually a vampire: AoD

Forgetting something right now: DrumRoll

---Edit---- Changed some answers as I thought of better ones.

Edited by J-Lord
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it's been a while since i was properly involved in the goings on here so why not get this show on the road!

The Most Mostest

Awesome: Poe

Responsible: Koby

Organised: EO

Trustworthy: Ren

Brave: Mute (muchos respect for you =D)

You're Such A(n)...

Perfectionist: EO



Social Butterfly:


You Are So...






You Have...

Awesome shoes: Koby

The weirdest ideas: Rune

The hands of a model: MUTEY ALL THE WAY, them typing hands

Psychic abilities: Mutey, come from being silent i bet too hehe

An awesome accent: <.< i don't know, i haven't heard many of you speak

You Would SO Do That...

Eat one food until you get sick of it forever: Me

Clone yourself for questionable reasons: Idl

Wear mismatched socks: Mal

Maintain a fake accent for several months: Mute, she can pull them off flawlessly with her talking computer =D

Eat a ketchup sandwich:

Are You Sure You're Not...

An alien from another planet:

The REAL inventor of the Internet: KOBY I'M LOOKING AT YOU HERE!

van Gogh's spirit animal:

Actually a vampire: J-Lord

Forgetting something right now: EO

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I'm always forgetting stuff. I'm the anti-multitasker. If you tell me to do one thing, I will very likely immediately forget whatever else I was doing.

And no worries about finishing the form all in one go--I'll tally up the votes close to the end of December, so there's a while yet before anyone has to panic, haha.

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The Most Mostest

Awesome: koby

Responsible: E.O


Trustworthy: J

Brave: Lama

You're Such A(n)...

Perfectionist: Dreamcastor



Social Butterfly: fluttershy (shazi)


You Are So...


Patient: Everyone who has read through bluenoser's posts

Sarcastic: Mae (currently not here)


Agreeable: Hawkester

You Have...

Awesome shoes: Apollo... for those dance moves

The weirdest ideas: Animecrazy

The hands of a model: Bluenoser

Psychic abilities: lol

An awesome accent: AOD

You Would SO Do That...

Eat one food until you get sick of it forever: Zanco

Clone yourself for questionable reasons: Myself

Wear mismatched socks:

Maintain a fake accent for several months: AOD

Eat a ketchup sandwich:

Are You Sure You're Not...

An alien from another planet:

The REAL inventor of the Internet:

van Gogh's spirit animal:

Actually a vampire:

Forgetting something right now: Lama... forgot about this forum

Edited by jobonline20
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Definitely still working on this. I'm at work right now, so I can't really focus.

EDIT: Okay, is now done. (Though I kind of just started putting people in wherever, whoops.)

The Most Mostest

Awesome: Dark_Angel13

Responsible: EO

Organised: Java

Trustworthy: Ren

Brave: Indy

You're Such A(n)...

Perfectionist: Fullmetalraven

Idealist: BlueNoser

Rebel: Anras Rune

Social Butterfly: Dreamcastor

Acrobat: Parasite Eve

You Are So...

Adventurous: idl12

Patient: Apollo

Sarcastic: Loki

Impulsive: jobonline20

Agreeable: The Welsh Paddy

You Have...

Awesome shoes: Koby

The weirdest ideas: idl12

The hands of a model: Seraph

Psychic abilities: MutePoint

An awesome accent: Anras Rune.

You Would SO Do That...

Eat one food until you get sick of it forever: Koby

Clone yourself for questionable reasons: Talena Mae

Wear mismatched socks: Shazi

Maintain a fake accent for several months: Anras Rune (Your accent may be awesome, but it's also fake.)

Eat a ketchup sandwich: Oblivia

Are You Sure You're Not...

An alien from another planet: lolrawr

The REAL inventor of the Internet: AnIPBreakdown

van Gogh's spirit animal: Shazi

Actually a vampire: RikouAmero

Forgetting something right now: ME

Edited by poetictragedy
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I don't reallys know many peeps on heres, but I can do a littles bit.

The Most Mostest

Awesome: Koby!!!

Responsible: Poe and EO

Organised: EO

Trustworthy: Shazi

Brave: Koby

You're Such A(n)...

Perfectionist: Loki

Idealist: Poe

Rebel: Anras Rune

Social Butterfly: Dreamcastor and EO


You Are So...

Adventurous: EO

Patient: Renzourin

Sarcastic: Myselfs

Impulsive: PLGF


You Have...

Awesome shoes:

The weirdest ideas: lolrawr

The hands of a model:

Psychic abilities:

An awesome accent: AoD

You Would SO Do That...

Eat one food until you get sick of it forever: Arnas Rune

Clone yourself for questionable reasons:

Wear mismatched socks:

Maintain a fake accent for several months: Minkseru

Eat a ketchup sandwich:

Are You Sure You're Not...

An alien from another planet: Anras Rune

The REAL inventor of the Internet: Koby

van Gogh's spirit animal: PLGF

Actually a vampire: Apparentlies Dreamcastor...it does say unders her picture shes a Vampuric Snow Queen.

Forgetting something right now: Dreamcastor couldn't even remembers whats she was doings. LOLs

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I don't reallys know many peeps on heres, but I can do a littles bit.

Haha, don't worry about that.

One of the things I want to accomplish with the superlatives is to get people to think a little more about the people they share the forum with. When I came back after a long hiatus, I noticed a lot of posts--even in lengthy threads--seemed to exist in a vacuum, completely unaware of the posts other people have made. Part of it seems to have been inspired by the advent of the downloads, bringing about people who just post for the sake of getting downloads. This is just my attempt at engendering and fostering the idea of community.

If nothing else, it's fun to accuse people of eating ketchup sandwiches and wearing mismatched socks.

Here's my contribution.

The Most Mostest

Awesome: Koby, for sticking with this place forever, haha.

Responsible: Ren.

Organised: Dae.

Trustworthy: Poe.

Brave: Mute.

You're Such A(n)...

Perfectionist: PLGF.

Idealist: Drumroll.

Rebel: Also Drumroll.

Social Butterfly: lolrawr.

Acrobat: I bet Mae does backflips all the time.

You Are So...

Adventurous: Apollo.

Patient: Poe.

Sarcastic: AoD.

Impulsive: idl.

Agreeable: Dreamcastor.

You Have...

Awesome shoes: I bet Mal has some sweet footwear.

The weirdest ideas: Zanco.

The hands of a model: Bluenoser.

Psychic abilities: Shazi.

An awesome accent: Rune.

You Would SO Do That...

Eat one food until you get sick of it forever: Java. He already has!

Clone yourself for questionable reasons: idl.

Wear mismatched socks: Zanco.

Maintain a fake accent for several months: Rune.

Eat a ketchup sandwich: job.

Are You Sure You're Not...

An alien from another planet: Yoko.

The REAL inventor of the Internet: IP.

van Gogh's spirit animal: Mute.

Actually a vampire: Dark_Angel.

Forgetting something right now: Me! I need to move the laundry.

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Lol. Ironically I did maintain an accent for two months, but that was a bet. Anyhoo, here is my entry I suppose...

The Most Mostest


Responsible: Poe

Organised: EO

Trustworthy: Dan or Nero I suppose


You're Such A(n)...


Idealist: Drumroll, if his cynicism could be classed as idealism

Rebel: Zen

Social Butterfly: Idl, in all the wrong ways...


You Are So...


Patient: EO

Sarcastic: Drum

Impulsive: ME!!

Agreeable: Apollo

You Have...

Awesome shoes: Definitely Apollo

The weirdest ideas: Can I say me here? To date no one has outshone me in the crazy shit department

The hands of a model: LOL WTF?

Psychic abilities: Mute, she will be thee future!!

An awesome accent: This is a hard one...

You Would SO Do That...

Eat one food until you get sick of it forever:

Clone yourself for questionable reasons: Mae, or Idl...the horror...

Wear mismatched socks: Eve

Maintain a fake accent for several months: Poe, more specifically an english accent, probably the Doctor's one...lol

Eat a ketchup sandwich: Me! Love the things!

Are You Sure You're Not...

An alien from another planet: I think this about a few people here...>.>

The REAL inventor of the Internet:

van Gogh's spirit animal: Shazi

Actually a vampire: Mae

Forgetting something right now: Dan

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I was planning on waiting until like a week before they were due just to bump this if it became dead. Theeeeen I figured why not get it off my chest.

The Most Mostest

Awesome: VeritatisCupitr – So awesome.

Responsible: Dreamcastor – Being able to maintain a life other than her own.

Organised: Sicka – Organize all the uploads yo.

Trustworthy: Ang3lofDarkness – Trust him to take the path less taken.

Brave: Anras Runes – Yeah I couldn’t live in an area with millions of spiders.

You're Such A(n)...

Perfectionist: Dark_Angel13 – I had to make sure I had ALL of the spots just right. You were my last one I needed.

Idealist: Bluenoser – The idea is to make the idea work.

Rebel: Hawkester – You should rebel against your rebelliousness.

Social Butterfly: Emo Outlet – Social experiment.

Acrobat: The Welsh Paddy – Flipping through a 3D hoop.

You Are So...

Adventurous: Toddler Naruto – “Playful Explorer”

Patient: Ang3lofDarkness – We’re in it to win it for the good of mankind.

Sarcastic: Koby – Am I being sarcastic? The world will never know!

Impulsive: Dreamcastor – Must…Be…First…To…Make…Sig…

Agreeable: Snowflake101 – Never wants to offend! She’s been good this year.

You Have...

Awesome shoes: Breathless – Judgement Lucifer.

The weirdest ideas: Emotional Outlet – Superwhat? Who comes up with these things… #smh

The hands of a model: poetictragedy – Model poppin bottles.

Psychic abilities: Apollo – Always knows when I need luck.

An awesome accent: Myrodis19 – The accent… Of loooove. It gets all the ladies apparently.

You Would SO Do That...

Eat one food until you get sick of it forever: Dae314 – Eat ahi poke all dae everydae.

Clone yourself for questionable reasons: jobonline20 – He thinks he can make another evil clone. Unbeknownst to him two negatives make a positive!

Wear mismatched socks: Minkseru – Don’t worry bro; only your wife notices.

Maintain a fake accent for several months: Cain- If by accent you mean “evil”. Now he speaks normally. :>

Eat a ketchup sandwich: Seraph – Don’t forget the pickles!

Are You Sure You're Not...

An alien from another planet: Lokie – u wu

The REAL inventor of the Internet: An IP BreAKDoWN – Little known fact.

van Gogh's spirit animal: Sakura – Little-er fact.

Actually a vampire: Zanco - A SECRET VAMPIRE! He always says “Praise the sun”. To make people think he’s not a vampire!

Forgetting something right now: lemmingllama - Que paso? Come back!

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Great now I have to rack my memory :( Work, memory, I command you to work

On another note: I saw my name 3 times :D

The Most Mostest

Awesome: Dae314 (Giving me that fight in Epic Forum RPG Battle)

Responsible: jobonline20

Organised: EmotionalOutlet (Go Super Mod!)

Trustworthy: EmotionalOutlet (Wait I can never know what you are going to do next :P) AnimeCrazy

Brave: Koby

You're Such A(n)...

Perfectionist: Me (When I'm playing games)



Social Butterfly: EmotionalOutlet


You Are So...


Patient: lolrawr

Sarcastic: Ang3lOfDarkness

Impulsive: AnimeCrazy

Agreeable: Zanco

You Have...

Awesome shoes: Dae314 :P

The weirdest ideas: EmotionalOutlet

The hands of a model: <-Who wants a stalker?

Psychic abilities: Mute

An awesome accent: Ang3lOfDarkness

You Would SO Do That...

Eat one food until you get sick of it forever: Me

Clone yourself for questionable reasons: EmotionalOutlet

Wear mismatched socks:

Maintain a fake accent for several months:

Eat a ketchup sandwich: Dae314

Are You Sure You're Not...

An alien from another planet: saminyt (Somehow finished Sword Art Online anime last month)

The REAL inventor of the Internet: Koby

van Gogh's spirit animal: PlayLameGetFame

Actually a vampire: lolrawr (You always seem to be posting in Good vs Evil)

Forgetting something right now: llama (I agree with job)

Edited by Hawkester
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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm gomen for being late with the results. I'll have it up today after I get back from the library!

And the results are in~ Sorry for not being too personable with the results right now. Things are at home are sapping my ability to be super chipper, haha. I'll have the numbers posted later today. Let me know if you notice any discrepancies or if I accidentally skipped anyone's entries.

The next round of superlatives will be a series of tiebreakers from this round and the previous (the first ones were eaten in the forum move), because we seem to have a lot of those.

Awesome: Koby

Responsible: Poe

Organised: EO

Trustworthy: TIE -- EO, Ren

Brave: TIE -- Mute, Koby

Perfectionist: Loki

Idealist: TIE -- Bluenoser, Drumroll

Rebel: Rune

Social Butterfly: TIE -- Dreamcastor, EO

Acrobat: Eve

Adventurous: TIE -- Hawk, LT, AnimeCrazy, Apollo, Toddler Naruto, idl, EO

Patient: Ren

Sarcastic: TIE -- Koby, AoD

Impulsive: AnimeCrazy

Agreeable: TIE -- Koby, Bluenoser, Dark_Angel13, Dreamcastor, Snowflake, Paddy, Hawk, Apollo, Zanco

Awesome shoes: TIE -- Koby, Apollo

The weirdest ideas: TIE -- lolrawr, Zanco, Rune, EO

The hands of a model: Bluenoser

Psychic abilities: Mute

An awesome accent: AoD

Eat one food until you get sick of it forever: Rune

Clone yourself for questionable reasons: idl

Wear mismatched socks: TIE -- Minkseru, Mal

Maintain a fake accent for several months: TIE -- AoD, Rune

Eat a ketchup sandwich: TIE -- Zanco, J-Lord, Trend, job, Seraph, Oblivia, Rune, Dae

An alien from another planet: TIE -- Minkseru, zolockit, Zanco, Yoko, Loki, lolrawr, saminyt

The REAL inventor of the Internet: IP

van Gogh's spirit animal: plgf

Actually a vampire: Dreamcastor

Forgetting something right now: TIE -- Dreamcastor, Llama

Edited by Emotional Outlet
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Wow that's a lot of ties!

I should have um... Voted for myself a few times to fix these problems... ¬‿¬

Anyway... I only double checked the ones I got votes for lol.

Koby should be the most awesome since he got 3 votes.

The weirdest idea is a tie between Zanco and I with 2 votes.

Mute should have the physic abilities with 4 votes.

Renzourin should be patient with 2 votes.

You forgot to add Rune and saminyt to the Tie in Aliens.

Dreamcastor should be a vampire with 2 votes.

Oh dear... All these can't be wrong. :|

Did I do something wrong or are you adding votes from previous ones in here? Eh idk...

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Maybe. I'll take a look and add them up again. I started on it earlier this month and only left off Poe's votes, so I thought that was the only one I needed to add, but maybe there are other edited votes.

EDIT: Okay, it looks like I forgot to tally all of the incomplete entries, so I'll edit my post again in a few once I finish adding their votes.

It should look a little better now. Here's my spreadsheet for anyone who wants to doublecheck the numbers. Thanks for the catch, lolrawr~

Edited by Emotional Outlet
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