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Second Quarterly Forum Superlatives!

Emotional Outlet

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Happy Sunday, guys. I have a sweet plastic bag lined trash can next to me in case I vomit.

While the first iteration of the superlatives has long since disappeared into the aether, my limited memory does allow for me to remember that they actually happened and the counting is, thus far, correct. It is a week late, but hopefully the disturbance you guys have been feeling in the force will rectify itself shortly.

Same as last time. Take the entry form below, fill it out with some usernames of people from around the forum. Couple things to keep in mind.

  • This is for fun! Have fun.
  • Feel free to edit the form--add and remove categories at your whim.
  • All members are eligible to enter and be named in any of the categories!
  • There's a reason there aren't a lot of distinctly mean-spirited categories. I won't acknowledge abusive entries, regardless if it's self-deprecating or meant to be humourous.
  • Try not to submit entries that have the same name in every spot. That's the kind of joke that gets old quick.
  • Be sure to get your entries in by Friday, 28 September, so I can have the results posted by the 30th. Nothing bad will happen if you submit your entries late, though.

All that said, here's this quarter's entry form stuck in a spoiler!

The Most Mostest






You're Such A...

"Class" Clown:



Party Animal:

Drama Queen/King:

Your Posts Are So...






You Are Totes...






You Have...

The weirdest taste in fashion:

So much swag:

Too much energy:

The best dance moves:

Way too many weapons in your household:

You Would SO Do That...

Sleep through the apocalypse:

Resort to cannibalism first:

Stage a coup:

Trip over nothing:

Lead a protest at the capital:

Are You Sure You're Not...

Secretly rich:

A supervillain:

Actually a typing cat:

The source of all rainbows:

The reincarnated soul of Genghis Khan:

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask in the thread or message me. If you have any suggestions for next quarter's superlatives, which will take place in December, go ahead and also post that here.

Edited by Emotional Outlet
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Ah so this is that disturbance in the force I was feeling last week, lol Im sure this one will be just a funny as the first one we did, can't wait to see the results!! Anyway time to fill the form out.

**Note I did change the colour of the form so I could read it just that little bit easier**

The Most Mostest


Perviest: Jobonline


Quietest: Hagi


You're Such A...

"Class" Clown:



Party Animal:

Drama Queen/King

Your Posts Are So...

Long: Dae314




Entertaining: Dan Den

You Are Totes...

Athletic: Leviathan

Helpful: Emotinal Outlet

Knowledgable: AngelOfDarkness

Awkward: Trend (in a good way....lol)

Intimidating: Koby (mored admin intimidating then personality wise)

You Have...

The weirdest taste in fashion: Gero50

So much swag: Renzourin

Too much energy: Dark_Angel13

The best dance moves: lolrawr

Way too many weapons in your household: playlamegetfame

You Would SO Do That...

Sleep through the apocalypse: Java

Resort to cannibalism first: Trend

Stage a coup: Hawkester

Trip over nothing: Koby

Lead a protest at the capital: Dae314

Are You Sure You're Not...

Secretly rich: AnimeCrazy

A supervillain: Anras Rune

Actually a typing cat: Nachu

The source of all rainbows: Sakura Rei

The reincarnated soul of Genghis Khan:

I will fill in the rest later, I just finished lunch and now have to go back to work.

Edited by J-Lord144
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Yay superlatives. Well these are a lot of choices. I'm still working on them so expect updates and changes, but here's what I have so far.

The Most Mostest


Perviest: seirachan - Dat avatar. Also who knows what she does with her boyfriend <.<...>.>


Quietest: HannahTheWriter - Wanted to be my friend, but she hasn't said anything to me yet lol.

Sleepiest: Hawkster - Just tired thinking about it.

You're Such A...

"Class" Clown:

Flirt: VeritatisCupitr - I can't find it, but he called my avatar cute lol.

Workaholic: lemmingllama - That fool keeps leaving and working too much!

Party Animal: Ang3lofDarkness - He'd be the DJ at da clubs.

Drama Queen/King: Nachu - Lol her sad status update.

Your Posts Are So... (This category is hard for some reason!)




Informative: Nemarious - Informs us all about gaming related events!


You Are Totes...


Helpful: tumblr_m9gct8HYvv1qzckow.gif Emotional Outlet

Knowledgable: RikuoAmero - Knows how to build computers and such.

Awkward: Metamorphosis - Aw I don't want to say why.

Intimidating: Koby - nuff said am I right guys?

You Have...

The weirdest taste in fashion: Toddler Naruto - Diapers lol.

So much swag: Anras Rune - Summer sale swag.

Too much energy: Dark_Angel13 - Not sure if too much energy, but he's ready to go. He's good to gooo.

The best dance moves: Dae314 - We can dance if we want to! We can leave your friends behind!

Way too many little weapons in your household: Zanco - He doesn't like guns. :P

You Would SO Do That...

Sleep through the apocalypse:

Resort to cannibalism first:

Stage a coup: AnimeCrazy - He came in as a good guy and then surprised everyone and turned evil!

Trip over nothing: Sakura Rei - I could see her tripping over a lady bud.

Lead a protest at the capital: playlamegetfame - Watch out Berlin.

Are You Sure You're Not...

Secretly rich: Poetictragedy - I think she is... She works a lot too so...

A supervillain: jobonline20 - I'm not just sure, I know. One of the main evil guys these days. Keeps the good at bay.

Actually a typing cat: corocoro - Neco coneco.

The source of all rainbows:

The reincarnated soul of Genghis Khan: Sakura Rei's baby... She doesn't know it yet...

Edited by lolrawr
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I'm sure he was totally hitting on you when he said your avatar was cute.


The Most Mostest

Funniest: lolrawr. It's right there in the name!

Perviest: Job

Weirdest: rand

Quietest: Elchzard is pretty quiet, yo.

Sleepiest: plgf always struck me as a sleepy guy.

You're Such A...

"Class" Clown: Ren

Flirt: Cale

Workaholic: Llama

Party Animal: J-Lord, based on the amount of drinks everyone wants to buy him.

Drama Queen/King: Memememememememe pick me!


Your Posts Are So...

Long: Bluenoser

Confusing: rand

Pithy: Mal

Informative: Nemarious

Entertaining: Nik

You Are Totes...

Athletic: Mute

Helpful: Job

Knowledgable: Java

Awkward: fruitparfait, but only because I'm imagining an actual parfait typing at a computer and I think that's awkward.

Intimidating: Is Koby never going to be able to shake off this title?

You Have...

The weirdest taste in fashion: I bet Zanco wears really weird stuff...!

So much swag: Loki

Too much energy: Rei, even when she's pregnant, haha.

The best dance moves: Always Apollo.

Way too many weapons in your household: I'm imagining Koby has an armoury.

You Would SO Do That...

Sleep through the apocalypse: Ren

Resort to cannibalism first: Llama would accept the necessity long before anyone else does, I bet.

Stage a coup: Rune. Probably also try to take over a small country.

Trip over nothing: Me. Hilarity always ensues.

Lead a protest at the capital: AoD

Are You Sure You're Not...

Secretly rich: lolrawr has now made me suspicious of Poe.

A supervillain: Rune

Actually a typing cat: Shazi

The source of all rainbows: Koby

The reincarnated soul of Genghis Khan: rand

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Most Mostest

Funniest: lolrawr. The name says it all!


Weirdest: ...hm...I pretty weird

Quietest: Renzourin

Sleepiest: Me

You're Such A...

"Class" Clown: Dark_Angel13


Workaholic: Llama

Party Animal: J-Lord

Drama Queen/King: EO


Your Posts Are So...

Long: EO

Confusing: Minkseru


Informative: EO

Entertaining: idl

You Are Totes...

Athletic: Mute

Helpful: Job

Knowledgable: EO

Awkward: Me

Intimidating: Koby

You Have...

The weirdest taste in fashion:

So much swag: Trend

Too much energy: Minkseru...sleeps like the dead but when he's awake he never sits still.

The best dance moves: Apollo

Way too many weapons in your household: Koby

You Would SO Do That...

Sleep through the apocalypse: Minkseru...he sleeps thru everything.

Resort to cannibalism first: Rune...keeps talking about eating babies. Just better stay away from my baby...I would kill on that one.

Stage a coup: lolrawr

Trip over nothing: Meself...I'm beyond clumsy.

Lead a protest at the capital: AoD

Are You Sure You're Not...

Secretly rich: Poe

A supervillain: Reptoholic

Actually a typing cat: Minkseru :3

The source of all rainbows: EO

The reincarnated soul of Genghis Khan:

Edited by Sakura Rei
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The Most Mostest


Perviest: Idl12


Quietest: Mute Point (Can't speak, but says a lot ^^)

Sleepiest: Sakura (The baby one.) during the day :P

You're Such A...

"Class" Clown: Apollo


Workaholic: Me!

Party Animal: Anras Rune

Drama Queen/King:

Your Posts Are So...

Long: Emotional Outlet





You Are Totes...

Athletic: Mute Point




Intimidating: Mute Point (If I didn't love her, she'd scare the #?*! out of me!)

You Have...

The weirdest taste in fashion:

So much swag:

Too much energy: Sakura Rei

The best dance moves: Apollo

Way too many weapons in your household:

You Would SO Do That...

Sleep through the apocalypse: Sakura (the baby again) If it happened during the day ^^)

Resort to cannibalism first: Anras Rune (If there was a baby nearby)

Stage a coup:

Trip over nothing:

Lead a protest at the capital:

Are You Sure You're Not...

Secretly rich:

A supervillain:

Actually a typing cat: Shazi

The source of all rainbows: Apollo

The reincarnated soul of Genghis Khan:

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You guys. I wish I was rich! D:

Working on this at work, will probably have to edit/finish it when I get home.

The Most Mostest

Funniest: Anras Rune

Perviest: idl

Weirdest: Kro

Quietest: Nachu~

Sleepiest: FullMetalRaven

You're Such A...

"Class" Clown: Ren

Flirt: idl again, I suppose.

Workaholic: EO

Party Animal: Nero D. Ace

Drama Queen/King: Uji

Your Posts Are So...

Long: BlueNoser


Pithy: Mal

Informative: EO

Entertaining: Shazi

You Are Totes...

Athletic: MutePoint

Helpful: EO

Knowledgable: Java


Intimidating: Koby, because who else?

You Have...

The weirdest taste in fashion:

So much swag: Eve

Too much energy: Sakura Rei

The best dance moves: Apollo

Way too many weapons in your household: Anras Rune

You Would SO Do That...

Sleep through the apocalypse: Eve

Resort to cannibalism first: Anras Rune. Oops, I nominated you for like everything.

Stage a coup: Ren

Trip over nothing: Shazi

Lead a protest at the capital: Kro

Are You Sure You're Not...

Secretly rich: Koby

A supervillain:

Actually a typing cat:

The source of all rainbows:

The reincarnated soul of Genghis Khan:

Edited by poetictragedy
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It'd be hilarious if Koby was secretly rich.

These are the final results unless someone wants to sneak in any more votes!


If you call yourself something, it's true--lolrawr is the funniest!

Job and idl will have to fight it out over who's the most perverted!

Rand, Rei, and Kro--some pretty weird people!

Hagi, HannahTheWriter, Elchzard, Ren, Mute, and Nachu--our quiet members!

Hawkester, PLGF, Rei and her baby, and FMR--you guys sleep too much!

Ren is our forum clown! All that trolling around statuses has caught up with him.

VeritatisCupitr, Cale, and idl--stop flirting so much!

Llama is our forum workaholic--isn't he on vacation right now?

Party at J-Lord's!

As your forum drama queen, I demand a crown and a weekly tribute of cute kitty pictures.

Bluenoser and I glaze over the eyes of many with our posts!

Rand and Mink--couple of confusing guys!

Mal has mastered the art of short and sweet!

Nemarious and I are here to keep you guys informed!

Dan Den, Nik, idl, and Shazi--guaranteed to make you chuckle!

Mute is far and above the most athletic!

I'm so helpful, guys.

Java is a pretty knowledgeable guy! He better be, he was an instructor for a few years!

Trend, Metamorphosis, fruitparfait, and Rei--awfully awkward!

Koby--silently intimidating the entire forum.

Gero50, Toddler Naruto, Zanco--what in the world are you guys wearing?

Ren, Rune, Loki, Trend, and Eve--watch out, the swag might blind you!

Rei is the most energetic member here! All that new baby energy!

Apollo continues to dazzle us with his dance moves!

Koby--maybe that huge arsenal of yours is why you're intimidating?

Bonus! Zanco has been nominated as the least armed member.

Java, Ren, Mink, baby Sakura, and Eve--wake up, the world is ending!

Rune is our resident cannibal! Hide your babies!

Hawkester, AnimeCrazy, Rune, lolrawr, and Ren--you guys aren't planning a coup right now, are you?

Watch your feet, Rei!

AoD may very well be protesting at the capital at this very moment!

Poe, we need to see your tax returns to make sure you aren't secretly rich!

Rune is definitely a supervillain. Hide your babies!

We have reason to believe Shazi is actually a typing cat. Meow!

Rei, Koby, Apollo, and I--supplying the forum with rainbows every day of the week!

Baby Sakura and Rand--someone is the reincarnated soul of Genghis Khan!



Funniest: lolrawr [2] | Rune

Perviest: Job [2] | Seira | idl [2]

Weirdest: Rand | Rei | Kro

Quietest: Hagi | HannahTheWriter | Elchzard | Ren | Mute | Nachu

Sleepiest: Hawkester | PLGF | Rei | Sakura | FMR

"Class" Clown: Ren [2] | Dark_Angel13 | Apollo

Flirt: VeritatisCupitr | Cale | idl

Workaholic: Llama [3] | Mal | EO

Party Animal: AoD | J-Lord [2] | Rune | Nero D. Ace

Drama Queen/King: Nachu | EO [2] | Loki

Long: Dae | Bluenoser [2] | EO [2]

Confusing: Rand | Mink

Pithy: Mal [2]

Informative: Nemarious [2] | EO [2]

Entertaining: Dan Den | Nik | idl | Shazi

Athletic: Leviathan | Mute [4]

Helpful: EO [3] | Job [2]

Knowledgable: AoD | Rikuo | Java [2] | EO

Awkward: Tend | Metamorphosis | fruitparfait | Rei

Intimidating: Koby [5] | Mute

The weirdest taste in fashion: Gero50 | Toddler Naruto | Zanco

So much swag: Ren | Rune | Loki | Trend | Eve

Too much energy: Dark_Angel13 [2] | Rei [3] | Mink

The best dance moves: lolrawr | Dae | Apollo [4]

Way too many weapons in your household: PLGF | Zanco [-1] | Koby [2] | Rune

Sleep through the apocalypse: Java | Ren | Mink | Sakura | Eve

Resort to cannibalism first: Trend | Llama | Rune [3]

Stage a coup: Hawkester | AnimeCrazy | Rune | lolrawr | Ren

Trip over nothing: Koby | Rei [2] | EO | Shazi

Lead a protest at the capital: Dae | PLGF | AoD [2] | Kro

Secretly rich: AnimeCrazy | Poe [3] | Koby

A supervillain: Rune [2] | Job } Reptoholic

Actually a typing cat: Nachu | corocoro | Shazi [2] | Mink

The source of all rainbows: Rei | Koby | EO | Apollo

The reincarnated soul of Genghis Khan: Sakura | Rand


Next quarter's superlatives will take place in December! In the meanwhile, I'll draft up another set of superlatives--now that I have a written copy, expect fewer repeats. If you have any suggestions or corrections (I have a huge headache--I might have missed something), go ahead and post them here.


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Kayp, here's next quarter's superlatives. I don't know what to put for the posts category?? I just used the same categories as last time because green is not a creative colour. Let me know if you guys have any ideas or want to make any changes. It's still a ways off, so there's time to tweak things.

The Most Mostest






You're Such A(n)...




Social Butterfly:


You Are So...






You Have...

Awesome shoes:

The weirdest ideas:

The hands of a model:

Psychic abilities:

An awesome accent:

You Would SO Do That...

Eat one food until you get sick of it forever:

Clone yourself for questionable reasons:

Wear mismatched socks:

Maintain a fake accent for several months:

Eat a ketchup sandwich:

Are You Sure You're Not...

An alien from another planet:

The REAL inventor of the Internet:

van Gogh's spirit animal:

Actually a vampire:

Forgetting something right now:

I'm about to head off to grab some dinner now, so expect edits later, haha.

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