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Allowing Students to wear casual clothes to school?


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Well I think the biggest advantage of having a uniform is saving the students time when getting ready for school in the morning. Without having to waste time deciding what to wear, the students can get in a few more minutes of sleep. I think if you have ever been a student you would agree that school is a lot easier to endure if you're well-rested.

Of course, most students dislike uniforms because they are often not as comfortable or attractive as casual clothing. They also allow for less self expression. Unfortunately, some students ideas of self expression include distracting and sometimes indecent clothing, so the teachers have less to worry about in that regard if the students wear uniforms.

However, I think the main reason schools make their students wear uniforms is to eliminate the emotional challenges resulting from students being unable or unwilling to dress in a way that is socially acceptable. Personally, I think uniforms do not fulfill this purpose at all. I attended a school where uniforms were required, and students still judged each other's attire by comparing jewelry, hairstyles, and even the length of their skirts and shirt sleeves. Kids will always find ways to put other kids down, even if all their uniforms were identical, I can assure you some students would still be teased, just not about their clothing.

In conclusion, I think the best approach to the school clothing dilemma is a good compromise. Let the students dress casually, but have a strictly enforced set of boundaries.

For example : no ripped jeans, shirts with offensive messages printed on them, clothing that does not cover the area from the lower chest to lower thighs, etc.

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I'm no longer in school, but when I was, our school did not have uniforms. They talked about it before, did a vote, and it was rejected by a huge amount of parent's and stuff. Thank god. I'd hate uniforms, and I doubt they'd fit everyone the same and comfortable.

Our dress code though was somewhat strict anyways. Skirts had to be finger length long.. Meaning if you put your hands down to your side, your skirt had to be longer than your hand, which in some cases was still very short, lol. Shirts couldn't have anything bad written on it, or displaying anything about gangs or drugs, etc.. Clothes couldn't be really holey or anything either. You couldn't die your hair un-natural colors either.

I never had problems with the dress code though as I always seemed to fit it just fine. I wear somewhat baggy clothes. I like my shirts very loose fitting and long if possible, so I buy a size or two above what I actually need.. and my pants are usually always "South Pole". xD

I use to wear a whole lot of silver necklaces till one day I was playing football and forgot to take em off and someone tackled me by grabbing them.. and they broke.. so I never got them fixed and just quit wearing any jewelry. My left ear was pierced when I was a baby.. but once I got old enough to have a say so (around 3rd grade or 11 years old).. I quit wearing ear rings too.

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There is no uniform-code where I live, so I can wear whatever I want to the univer.

But... the society here doesn't accept many things which are rather spread around the world.

For instance, ear-rings on a boy is a taboo, for sure. Same goes for piercing, died hair. I even struggled for my mid-long hair for the most part of my life.

Girls also are supposed to dress decently, otherwise they might be considered whores(!) in the society.

It's all sick, but that's the way it is around here. So uniforms isn't the most terrible thing, is it?

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I went to a school where uniforms were compulsory, and they were so ugly (yellow and purple! What the hell??). My friend went to a school where the uniform was green and brown (they looked like ugly ugly trees!). Yes, uniforms are definitely not pretty, nor comfortable, but I still strongly favour them over free dress. We used to have a 'free dress day' every term. We could basically wear whatever we wanted, as long as it was appropriate. Everyone would just b*tch about what others were wearing. Lots of fighting and crying. It was a very cruel day for some.

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I went to a school where uniforms were compulsory, and they were so ugly (yellow and purple! What the hell??). My friend went to a school where the uniform was green and brown (they looked like ugly ugly trees!). Yes, uniforms are definitely not pretty, nor comfortable, but I still strongly favour them over free dress. We used to have a 'free dress day' every term. We could basically wear whatever we wanted, as long as it was appropriate. Everyone would just b*tch about what others were wearing. Lots of fighting and crying. It was a very cruel day for some.

People who bitch about others' clothes, will surely just bitch about smth else if they dont have the opportunity to do so. Uniform isn't a solution.

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People who bitch about others' clothes, will surely just bitch about smth else if they dont have the opportunity to do so. Uniform isn't a solution.

I very much agree with you. The next day after free dress, they would find somthing else to bully people about. But uniforms did keep the peace a little bit.

I can't deny that free dress is awesome, but I just 'personally' prefer the uniform - the main reason being that it's easy! It's like Sensui said - in the morning, all you have to do is put your uniform on. Otherwise, I would have spend ages trying to decide what to wear lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I believe that even if they were to get rid of uniforms in our school there would still be mountains of prejudice, since the code among the "in" crowd is that if you are overweight, you're the worst excuse for a human being in the world no matter what clothes you wear, which I find to be a bit strange among us males and they will probably keep hammering at you're nerves until you finally go Kratos on one of them as is the case with me. So at the end of the day, If you wear whatever you want to school, the prejudice will be on the brand of clothes you wear and on the size of clothes and if you wear a uniform, it will just be on the size, either way, it is a losing scenario for those of us not "fly" enough to care about those things, or for those of us who can't do a pull up, which, in my opinion, defeats the entire purpose of attending school in the first place, it's hard enough as it is, just imagine doing it with no motivation.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Interesting discussion I was in a public school and we had uniforms and that would never change because most of the people can’t afford a lot of casual clothing. For instance if they made it that one could wear casual clothes to school then one will be able to see who are the poorer people and that will just lead to mocking and ridicule.(even worse than normally)

Anyway I kind of got kicked out of school and went to a private school where I could wear casual clothes, must say I really enjoy it comparing to uniforms.

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In the area where I grew up there were two highschools, the public one and the Catholic one. I consequently went to the Catholic one - in which we were required to wear uniforms. They were simple, plaid skirts, grey pants, white dress shirts/school golf shirts/sweatshirts/cardigans. Oh, and stupid black shoes. Our skirts were blue, so it wasn't awful to look at persay. Later on in highschool I moved out of the city and went to a larger public school, they had no real dress code to speak of. So I've experienced both.

My opinion on uniforms;

PROS: No 'deciding what to wear' so I saved some time. There was really only one time a year you had to buy new school clothes instead of shopping every couple of weeks for trendy clothes. Gave the school a more, 'professional' feel. You could easily recognize who was a student, and who wasn't.

CONS: Uniform needed to be ironed daily, and if you couldn't afford to buy a few of them with the hefty price tag, you were stuck rewashing every night. The kilts were really long when you bought 'em, so you had to get them hemmed...more $$$. (Kilts were $70 a piece.) Didn't fix the indecency problem, girls still wore shirts with boobs falling out, skirts with panties showing...boys wore inappropriate shirts underneath their white dress shirts/golf shirts...could be seen through. If you were missing even a PART of the uniform, you got sent home. No real originality besides hair styles and socks. Kids were still teased for the way they dressed, so it didn't solve THAT issue either.

My opinion on NO uniforms;

PROS: More individuality, everyone shows their own style. You're free to wear what you please, if you felt like wearing jeans and a t-shirt it was okay. In the winter you didn't have to worry about changing when you got to school. (Girls wore kilts...a little cold to wear kilts in the winter.)

CONS: Inappropriate clothing runs rampant, too short, too sexy, too skimpy, too vulgar. (I admit, I had a skanky skirt or two back in the day!) Some kids couldn't afford 'nice' clothing, they were teased and looked down upon. I found I spent a lot more money on clothing when I went to public school... had to keep up appearances!

So anyway really....uniforms didn't really change much for me. Kids are still teased, they still do inappropriate things...clothing didn't seem to dictate behavior.

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