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Random Talk.

Talena Mae

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OK! This thread is for random but every day talking.

I dont want to see people spamming to get their posts up and it have to be kept on the topics being spoken about.

normal forum rules apply here, if you dont know them there is the link: Forum Rules & Guidelines

To start it off lets talk about...


I have a nature one hanging in my lounge, it has most of the animals in Australia, the gross thing is that it also has a damn picture of a cricket!! (Crickets make me run into walls they are the enemy!!)

Do you have a calendar? if so what type is it? you you dislike anything about it?


Family pictures:

My mother was one for taking lots and lots of pictures while me and my siblings were growing up. I hate taking photos and i hate being in the photos more. What do you all think, What are your opinions on being in/taking photos?

*EDIT*I forgot to mention feel free it add a little more after the topic gets boring (ie "today I saw a bobtailed lizard crossing the road, it freaked me out cause I nearly stood on it, have you done something like that?")

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Ohh.. the calendar we currently have in the kitchen is about animals as well. I didn't care for any of the animals until last month ,September, it was this awesome picture of a lazy ass ferret lying down on a sofa or something lol It was cute and it reminded me of one of my best friend's lazy ass ferret xD

Photos: I didn't really mind getting my picture taken as a kid, but not anymore. I don't let people take pictures of me, but it's because of my nose lol I think I need surgery or something >.>

Also, not that anyone cares, but earlier I was talking to one of my friends on aim and he was going on and on about My Little Pony and I was getting annoyed at him. Later, when he asked me for ideas on Halloween costumes and he kept saying no to everything, I told him to dress up as a character from My Little Pony and he got mad at me and logged off lol That wasn't my intention. Oh well.

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we have a CFA calander in the dunny XD and a doctor who one in the lounge room, they're both pretty handy, though i dislike the doctor who one a little because it has monday at the start of the week instead of sunday which confuses the hell out of me.

as for photos, i hate being in them.... mainly because i've always had teeth problems.... maybe in a few more years when my teeth are finished i'll be much more happy to be in one

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Ohh.. the calendar we currently have in the kitchen is about animals as well. I didn't care for any of the animals until last month ,September, it was this awesome picture of a lazy ass ferret lying down on a sofa or something lol It was cute and it reminded me of one of my best friend's lazy ass ferret xD

Photos: I didn't really mind getting my picture taken as a kid, but not anymore. I don't let people take pictures of me, but it's because of my nose lol I think I need surgery or something >.>

Also, not that anyone cares, but earlier I was talking to one of my friends on aim and he was going on and on about My Little Pony and I was getting annoyed at him. Later, when he asked me for ideas on Halloween costumes and he kept saying no to everything, I told him to dress up as a character from My Little Pony and he got mad at me and logged off lol That wasn't my intention. Oh well.

A Ferret!!! How cute??? Are you able to get a pic (I know I know) of it? I would love to see it.

Shazi likes MLP I really can not stand that cartoon though XD LOL that would have been funny as though, "go as a MLP!!" XD I would have liked to be in that convo LOL!

we have a CFA calander in the dunny XD and a doctor who one in the lounge room, they're both pretty handy, though i dislike the doctor who one a little because it has monday at the start of the week instead of sunday which confuses the hell out of me.

as for photos, i hate being in them.... mainly because i've always had teeth problems.... maybe in a few more years when my teeth are finished i'll be much more happy to be in one

ROFL! It does the same ting to me Shazi. I will look at a "monday start" calander and go 'WTF?? Where is sunday? hey you! Your calendar has a typo!" I get so many strange looks xD

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Shazi likes MLP I really can not stand that cartoon though XD LOL that would have been funny as though, "go as a MLP!!" XD I would have liked to be in that convo LOL!

i do like MLP though i haven't watched an episode for a while... though my reasons behind liking it is WAY different to those of many of the trolls

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Sorry if it seemed like I was ragging you out sis, that was not my intention. I think it's cute that you like it ^.^

didn't sound like a ragging to me, just more pointing out that i like it =P like i was stating my reasons for liking it is not to be a troll ^_^

i can't help liking cute things XD

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I have a kitten calendar by the computer :P

My last actual family photo was taken at my high school graduation. Which I was actually asked to speak at by the class president, who blushed and apologized when he actually thought about what he was asking. It made me smile.

KITTIES >^_^< i love kitties

naww, he probably felt really bad just after he asked mute

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A Ferret!!! How cute??? Are you able to get a pic (I know I know) of it? I would love to see it.

Oh, it's absolutely adorable.. and I don't find many things adorable lol I'll see if I can get a picture of it later. It's 4 am right now so I need to go to bed xD

Shazi likes MLP I really can not stand that cartoon though XD LOL that would have been funny as though, "go as a MLP!!" XD I would have liked to be in that convo LOL!

Oh, it was a funny conversation, but I didn't really mean to offend him.. too much.

Yeah, but Shazi is.. oh shit, she's 19.. but, uh.. she's female! The show is apparently targeted towards young girls so it's close enough.. not to mention she doesn't bug me about it either lol

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Yeah, but Shazi is.. oh shit, she's 19.. but, uh.. she's female! The show is apparently targeted towards young girls so it's close enough.. not to mention she doesn't bug me about it either lol

I may be 19 but sometimes, i act like i'm 3, so yeah close enough.

i don't bug anyone about my love of MLP coz most of the time, no one wants to hear about it =P

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I hate having my photo taken ... however, I do love the memories <3. It's fun if not always pleasant to look back and see who and what you were. Here's a couple of my memories ...

This is one of me and my dearest dood when we were little I guess it isn't quite a family photo but he's close enough to family, this photo is very close to my heart and it goes everywhere I do.


This is one of my dad and half-sister juss before she wrecked her car and broke her nose,ribs, and ankle.


This is one of me and my dad taken 10 yrs ago ... I don't look much different now :/


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Regarding calendars...the old one we had in my office at work (its a shared office) was of a bunch of buff black men not wearing shirts cleaning the house with phrases like "I sweep the room...with a glance". I'm the only guy in my department, and I never once complained about it, yet Head Office told the manager to replace it with a calender full of landscape shots. *shrugs*

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Regarding calendars...the old one we had in my office at work (its a shared office) was of a bunch of buff black men not wearing shirts cleaning the house with phrases like "I sweep the room...with a glance". I'm the only guy in my department, and I never once complained about it, yet Head Office told the manager to replace it with a calender full of landscape shots. *shrugs*

ROFL! I would have liked the buff black guys to took at XD not that there is anything wrong with landscapes >.>

Shazi, You and Dart kept teasing me about MLP remember? XD

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Regarding calendars...the old one we had in my office at work (its a shared office) was of a bunch of buff black men not wearing shirts cleaning the house with phrases like "I sweep the room...with a glance". I'm the only guy in my department, and I never once complained about it, yet Head Office told the manager to replace it with a calender full of landscape shots. *shrugs*

Whats fun to do is draw in little imperfections on each picture about halfway through each month. Then the women in your office rage and if your good then they wonder if it was part of the picture in the first place. Lotsa fun

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I have a Super Juniors calendar that came with a photobook I ordered a while ago. It's actually really nice even though I don't like Korean boybands too much anymore.

In other news, I'm watching a show called Bizarre ER and there's a segment about a guy that nailed a nail literally through his finger and had to cut the nail out of the wall to get to the hospital. I have a feeling that I'm going to love this show, because it's the first time I've ever seen it.

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