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Full Metal Alchemist

Guest Alchemist

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Guest Alchemist

Anyone watch/watched this anime/manga series. It's my personal favourite. The anime was a little too short, but it had awsome characters, story, and some comedy. I prefer the manga though, but the anime was good as well.

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  • 1 month later...

fullmetl alchemist was over 51 episodes long with a full length movie thrown in at the end, thats not exactly what i'd call short.. thats well over 1000 hours of anime.. i persnally love the series, so if anyone is truely clued up, you'll know where i get my username from, i'll give you a clue its from fullmetal alchemist.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This anime/manga really touched me, I loved it. It's really sad and yet it has it's funny momnets. And I downloaded the subbed version of the movie, haha it was amazing but very touching.

Never watched it but what is it like?

"Fullmetal Alchemist is a fantasy manga set in the early 20th century in a country called Amestris in an alternate-historical Earth with technology dating from early 20th century Europe. In this alternate world, the exaggerated science of alchemy is heavily used in conjunction with acretian soul wanderers, but takes on a further fantastic element not seen in real-life alchemy. Real-world alchemists attempted to transmute gold and diamonds from lesser metals. In the fictional world of the series, alchemy becomes the science of transmuting matter into different matter through the use of transmutation circles—based on real-world science, yet also magical, with seemingly infinite uses. Talented alchemists may apply to take a State Alchemist test to join the Amestris military's State Alchemists."

I stole the first paragraph, here is the rest:


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I have seen the full series (subbed) and the movie. It is one of the better anime out there. It's fairly unique in its storyline, the characters are interesting (although I couldn't stand the voices of a few of them), and the ending was sad yet very good.

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  • 7 months later...

One of my favorites, it really sinks in, and seems real somewhat. It didn't really have any plot holes that I noticed like a lot of others did. And the whole equivalent exchange thing was pretty nice imo.

I downloaded all 51 episodes plus the movie... =P

I own a couple volumes on dvd, and my sister owns the dvd of the movie.

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  • 3 months later...

President Minami tells ANN: Fullmetal Alchemist 2, Darker than BLACK 2 are "not decided yet".

In an interview, ANN asked Minami (Bones Studio President) about the possibility of a sequel to Fullmetal Alchemist or Darker than BLACK. Minami told ANN, "It hasn't been decided yet. We are interested in doing them. As original science-fiction works, they were extremely fascinating. With these kinds of dramatic story lines, I feel that there's a lot we could do potentially." The rest of the interview will be released on the ANN website after Anime Expo.

Souce: ANN

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