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What did you dream about recently?


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I dreamed last night about painting my room cause I have to do that today. In my dream my mom had covered my room walls with ugly wallpaper. So while she wasn't looking I tore it all down and went to paint my room. Keeping the bottom half cause it was different and looked good with the blue I was painting. She came in and started yelling at me about it then backed off saying whatever. I don't remember the rest of the dream. Turned into something else completely different traveling around with other people.

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Another dream about having lots of babies. They wouldn't all fit in the pram so I had to throw some out so only two were left which just about fit.

All this dreaming is starting to annoy me. I wish I could stop dreaming about babies.

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Another dream about having lots of babies. They wouldn't all fit in the pram so I had to throw some out so only two were left which just about fit.

All this dreaming is starting to annoy me. I wish I could stop dreaming about babies.

Lol I think you need to maybe watch a movie before bed or listen to some music. Maybe you'll get different dreams then, I normally do....Though majority of my dreams are very messed up and twisted...So maybe this isn't the best approach to it lol

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Randomness. I have sooo many dreams in one night every night lately. Anything from neighbors, family, being online, my child, the cats to fantasy things that cannot happen in reality. I am thinking it be little Sakura that is inside me giving me the most random dreams.

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Last Night, I dreamt of.. nothing.

doesnt everyone else just sleep and have no dreams?

I have not had a dream in over 9 months now :\ this worries me a lot.


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had a wierd dream about tesla and einstein meeting up as zombies and creating a space/hover ship like something out of the matrix... twas pretty damn cool until they wanted to have a game of strip poker with a convent of old nuns... their logic being they were all "fresh as daisies". things went downhill from there...

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The last dream i had was about me jumping from platform to platform I dono why but in my dream i woke up opened my door and i just started jumping on platforms

made no sense to me but when im dreaming i never ask my self why am i here or wtf am i doing, i just do what i have to do.

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Well, I told Java about it as soon as I rolled my butt out of bed, but I'll try to recreate what I said.

In my dream, we just bought a house and some sort of home renovation team from HGTV was in our house tearing stuff up and moving things around. A window in the closet was installed and the host was like, "You can just open this window, reach through, and place your purse on the counter while you're getting ready!"

After they left, I was talking to my roommates (whoever they were) and asking them about whether they noticed anything paranormal happening in the house. They said they did, so I asked if they wanted to move again (because apparently this recent move was from a place that was also haunted) or if they wanted to just buy a bunch of good luck charms. Moving again seemed to be out of the question, so we started looking into various charms we could put around the place to keep the ghosts at bay.

To the side of the house was this huge expanse, and while exploring it with the group, I noticed various graves and dead flowers scattered throughout the area. I asked if those flowers were meant to deter ghosts (obviously they were), so it fell on me to revive these plants even though in real life I have constantly expressed a lack of interest in maintaining a garden because I really, really hate worms.

We went back inside and found a dollhouse in the kitchen. There was a little button near it, so someone pressed and the dolls in the upstairs bedroom began moving around. There was a dog doll flopping around, apparently chasing something in the bedroom. Someone noticed, though, that its movements seemed to match landmarks in the kitchen, so we got the idea that whatever was happening with the dog actually happened in the kitchen. Or was going to happen in the kitchen--we weren't sure.

The question was answered not long after, though, when some crazy animal came flying through the kitchen and this huge dog came barreling in, chasing after it. We jumped up onto the furniture to keep out of the way because apparently the animal couldn't hurt us as long as we weren't touching the ground.

Then I woke up. Yay.

Edited by Emotional Outlet
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I dreamt that I was alone in a creepy hospital that was filled with zombies and these weird monsters who kept trying to eat my face but whenever I'd knock them away and look for them they'd just vanish, it ended with me opening the door to go outside...After spending the past week in a hospital I can see why I'm getting this sort of messed up dream.

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I had a dream I was fighting some sort of evil demon boss who wanted me to cut off my right leg to prove my allegiance to him. I didn't, but I kept the handkerchief that was supposed to signify that I would, so he let me go?

And then there was a scene change and I was in a classroom watching a movie. I was sitting at my desk and there were people floating about because they didn't have seats. We all got up for some reason to go to the bathroom (together??) and when I came back, some girl was sitting in my seat.

Me: Why are you in my seat?

Her: Because there aren't any other chairs.

Me: You misunderstand. That's MY desk. Why are you here?

Her: I don't want to fight.

Me: If you don't want to fight, I suggest you get on up out of my damn chair.

And I grabbed her collar, but then I woke up. Why.

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