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Domain Renewals


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Alright well this time I got an email saying two of our domains expire within the next 90 days. So I renewed them both.

FORGOTTENMEM.NET - renewed for 3 more years.

SHADOWHEARTS.INFO - renewed for 1 more year.

Would have renewed SHADOWHEARTS.INFO for 3 years as well but couldn't afford to do so currently. So 1 year will suffice for now. In April one of my other domains GRANDIA-ONLINE.NET expires. I have it set to auto-renew in case I don't manage to renew it manually myself before then, but I hope to be able to renew it for 3 more years before that time. Our only other domain KAMETSU.COM doesn't expire till 2012 but when that time comes I'll probably renew it for a longer period of time as well so we don't have to worry about it.

I guess what I'm trying to say with this announcement is that it's just further prove I have no intentions of this forum disappearing anytime soon like all of my old friends and affiliates had done in the past.

Only thing is I need to get work started back up on these sites. Forgotten Memories last content update was two years ago, and while Shadow Hearts Infoholic only opened last year all the work to it was done before I opened it and I haven't managed to do anymore to it since then. Though in Shadow Hearts Infoholics case, the majority of the content is done, it just needs to be coded, it's the media that still needs to be done. In Forgotten Memories case, pretty much everything needs to be started over.

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I don't get why as I close other old and outdated news posts people seem to spam even older news that wasn't closed. Every day for the past week I have had to delete posts and close old news threads that get bumped. Seriously news from 2008 has no worth in 2011. ><

@von, stop spamming. I merged your posts together and demoted your account back.

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What? Some other forums have just dropped off? That's really kind of sad, I guess that even in this technology era, people still don't like to just communicate with each other and really find people that they have things in common with. That's just kind of sad.

And I know what it's like to renew the domains too, I had to do that this year as well. It's always fun.<sarcasm>

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