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Does anyone watch this series, its still airing in Japan and is on episode 17 and the series has a total of 26 episodes.

A Claymore is half human, half demon (youma), there a total of 47 claymores and their number tells their strength. The higher the number the stronger they are. The story is about one Claymore who picks up a boy who lost his family to a demon and begins to travel with the Claymore. For more information go to wikipedia. Here is the link:


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Pretty useless description. D:

It's a good anime, if you like Bleach or Death Note, chances are you'll like this.

Animation quality is pretty awesome. It's done by the same studio as Death Note and Devil May Cry. B| I've seen most of the episodes and was thinking about making a topic on it, but it slipped my mind. XD

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 years later...

My God I just got done watching Claymore. First off

I cannot believe how they ended it. It really is annoying that this show was made about 3 years ago and no new episodes came out because they have left it so open ended with so much potential for at least 2 more seasons. I mean how did the organization become what it is today? What were their real intentions on sending not even their strongest Claymores to the North? What will happen to the 3 that parted ways and Clare and Raki? What about the Silver King Isley and Priscilla? etc. etc. etc.

Has anyone else watched this series and is frustrated the way they kept it as open as they did? Also does anyone have any news of any new seasons in the making or coming in the future?

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It was done that way because it caught up to the manga.

Also they didn't send the strongest because they sent only them expecting them to fail and be killed. It was pretty much a death sentence because they knew what those Claymore's had been doing/plotting.

I also agree they should pick this back up... unfortunately I don't think they will. I might eventually pick up the manga to get the rest of the story.. although I don't really care for manga. There is a couple other series I'd probably pick up the manga for the same reasons as Claymore.

I really liked Claymore anyways.

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It was done that way because it caught up to the manga.

Also they didn't send the strongest because they sent only them expecting them to fail and be killed. It was pretty much a death sentence because they knew what those Claymore's had been doing/plotting.

I also agree they should pick this back up... unfortunately I don't think they will. I might eventually pick up the manga to get the rest of the story.. although I don't really care for manga. There is a couple other series I'd probably pick up the manga for the same reasons as Claymore.

I really liked Claymore anyways.

Yeah I really don't care much for manga either. And Claymore really was a good anime too. Until I felt maybe the last 3 episodes, got a little thrown off course. But this is really the first anime I have watched that has left a story so unfinished. I am just disappointed in the ending so much.

Also another thing that was weird is that they never even showed the new number one or two in the organization that I recall. You would think especially because the other Claymores mentioned them and showed their symbols you would at least get to see them. I too doubt they will make any new anime to add. It's good to know that someone shares my frustration on the matter.

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  • 4 months later...

Ok, not a bad show...well not the worse I've seen. After watching the ending I began to feel as if it was rushed. I couldn't help feel like there was more to be had and questions to be answered that weren't. After wards I decided to hit the net and see if there were others who shared my sentiments. To my surprise there were, tones of people felt the same way and wanted madhouse to make a sequel. Personally, after seeing how the Manga's gone well over 100 now...I see no reason for them to not make another season.

Any hoot, my only reason for posting this is to get this off my chest, I actually have a different way the show could have ended.

"Since Raki is pleading to Clare to not kill Priscilla, lets have it to where Priscilla is pretending to cry and in turn sicks her in tire hand through Raki stomach. After wards Priscilla flies back into the sky while Clare is holding Raki in her arms. He reaches up wards an places his hand softly on her cheek and tells her the same thing Theresa told Clare when she was a child, "To live and grow old as a human." Soon after Raki dies in her arms, causing her to transform into something completely different, a Goddess.

She ends up killing both Priscilla and Essly with little ease, thus, after the fight...Clare uses her powers to revive Raki. Every one says there good bye's and goes there separate ways." Like how they showed at the end of Claymore.

Any hoot, love it hate it, I don't care to much, this is just my idea that I felt I should share with you all!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The battles in these episodes just appear to be an extended, drawn out apart, or some filler till we get to the great stuff.

Whereas the battle rages on, the tedium is properly broken up with a number of scene shifts. After going missing for nearly the whole lot of volume four!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I watched Claymore and am thinking about reading the manga. Has anybody else read some? How does it compare? I am a big anime fan (tough in England sometimes) and want to start reading manga. Any guidance on a good one to start with or one you have read and enjoyed?

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  • 2 months later...

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