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HIRING: Request Section Moderator


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We're looking for one to three people who'd be willing to moderate the Request board, keep it clean of duplicate requests (merge threads when needed), make sure members follow the request guidelines, and mark threads filled / close threads when they're no longer needed.


As it currently stands, the Request section is a pretty big mess. There is often never action taken to signify whether a request is filled or not and thus the board becomes cluttered and it's difficult to navigate which requests are still open/unfilled so they often remain that way.


We hope to correct this by hiring a few people willing to actively maintain things and sort it out as the current staff man/woman-power tends to be leaning towards the larger scale and unable to maintain such things.


If you're interested in the job and willing to handle the responsibility without abusing it, please either drop a comment in this thread or PM me and I'll get in touch when we make a decision for who to place in the position.

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Personally I'd love to help out and clean up the muck that gets littered on this site. While I don't think I'll get chosen due to a few misdeeds of the past, I'd at least like to talk to you about it and see where it goes.


Plus, I think you'll need need someone with experience in organizing threads and whatnot.

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I would like to apply. As far as tedious stuff goes, leave it to me. I'm getting tired of people not knowing how to make proper requests too. As a member, I've filed numerous reports to help the administrative staff identify improperly made request threads as well as behavioral problems regarding other members. I'll do my best to help out if chosen; I have an abundance of free time, and I think helping out the community as a staff member is a productive way of spending it. Plus, I'd say I'm pretty well versed on Kametsu's site guidelines and protocol too.


Additionally, I am also highly proficient in English, which is an element that I am confident that you are looking for in staff members as well.

Edited by Inverti
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@Koby Please do not make it policy to close request topics, except in exceptional cases. Tagging them with "Filled" (or "Cancelled") is vastly preferable, because closing them encourages additional request topics on the same show - or even worse, request posts in the resulting Content Distro topics!


Even if a request is completed a higher quality version of the show might become available, the show might get renewed, there might be additional material to request, etc. Also it prevents editing posts afterwards, e.g. in case of embarrassing mistakes.

Edited by mcmxcixmm
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7 minutes ago, mcmxcixmm said:

@Koby Please do not make it policy to close request topics, except in exceptional cases. Tagging them with "Filled" (or "Cancelled") is vastly preferable, because closing them encourages additional request topics on the same show - or even worse, request posts in the resulting Content Distro topics!

MCM, if you read the original post again carefully:


...mark threads filled / close threads when they're no longer needed

Notice the slash? That means completed request threads should either be marked as fulfilled OR closed. It's up to the mod to determine which option is preferable. Also, members that continuously post the same request are likely to get whacked with a warning (if not a ban) along with their threads being deleted. Spamming has never been allowed on Kametsu.  

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12 hours ago, mcmxcixmm said:

@Koby Please do not make it policy to close request topics, except in exceptional cases. Tagging them with "Filled" (or "Cancelled") is vastly preferable, because closing them encourages additional request topics on the same show - or even worse, request posts in the resulting Content Distro topics!


Even if a request is completed a higher quality version of the show might become available, the show might get renewed, there might be additional material to request, etc. Also it prevents editing posts afterwards, e.g. in case of embarrassing mistakes.

I somewhat agree here.


May I suggest urging the use to rename the thread with the "[Closed]" tag in addition to "[Req]" I see frequently.

eg. "[Req] Steins;Gate 0..."  to  "[Closed] [Req] Steins;Gate 0..." or something.

However, this too poses an issue, as the moderators/OP will have to go back and forth b/t  the "open" and "closed" status if and when it happens (i don't expect it to be too frequent)


I believe, the priority should be de-duping the request treads, and having people follow a proper format/template while making a request.

I don't have knowledge of IPS, so not certain, but is it possible to have sections of forums to load a default template whenever some is creating a new tread, without any additional paid/high-maintenance plugins. We use similar concept at work, and I must say it does wonders. If you want I can draft a template; I believe I am good at that kind of stuff.



16 hours ago, Koby said:

and mark threads filled / close threads when they're no longer needed.

I am not sure what you mean by mark here. Do we have any such mechanism yet?

The only thing I can think of are Title and Tags. But both have limitations.


As of now we have ~5750 threads, so I believe it is going to warrant a lot of time and effort, but is absolutely doable.




Also, I have a, maybe silly, doubt.

How do we determine that a request has been completed. I'll explain a bit:

One of our motive is de-duping request, which I am assuming will be on the basis of the show, not the quality/source/etc.

So, let's say there is a new request for "Fate/Stay Nigh" by person A.

"A" simply wants a 1080 dual audio release, no other preferences.

Next day "B" top-ups the request with their own little demand, they want a 720p release with UBW subs.

Then, "C" posts a 1080p source, so the original request has been fulfilled, but not all request on that thread.


1. How tolerant are we to the custom demands

2. In case the difference in demands is huge and more than acceptable, when do we consider them fulfilled. Also, should they always be clubbed together (diff versions/releases/dubs of the same show)



Oh, I am tired, and my keyboard is broken, making it almost impossible to type. I'll stop here, before someone gets frustrated with such lengthy post and kick me out.

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I would be down with it I have been around here for awhile. I do run my own forum elsewhere so I pretty much know the road and such. but yea I would like to clean that section up for sure because I know there's some request I would like to have but I cant even for the life of me begin to go through all that and know what and what not been done.

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23 hours ago, Inverti said:

MCM, if you read the original post again carefully:

Notice the slash? That means completed request threads should either be marked as fulfilled OR closed. It's up to the mod to determine which option is preferable. Also, members that continuously post the same request are likely to get whacked with a warning (if not a ban) along with their threads being deleted. Spamming has never been allowed on Kametsu.  

I think you misunderstood my post. You didn't quote the second half of it, which helps explain what I meant in the first half.

Please read it again.

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Clearly a post like this was a bad idea as everyone is discussing how to mod the subforum rather than actually offering to help the forum or simply disrespecting one another. Please just PM Koby if you would like to assist the staff with helping to moderate the request forum. Offer ideas, if you'd like, there at helping to tidy it up. Making your posts to the public is only allowing other criticize it and potentially start fights. Perhaps my reply started it and I do sincerely apologize as it was not my intent to sound negative.


Thank you to those who offered. I'm sure Koby will contact people if he wants to inquire about it further.

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