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[Trigger Warning] Phobias


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TRIGGER WARNING: Due to the nature of this discussion, triggering topics may be discussed. Users are encouraged to take care not to agitate others, and users who do have triggers are encouraged to tread carefully in-thread.








I know we all have our petty fears and suborn biases, but what about phobias? Now if you're wondering what a phobia is, then I'll let Webster tell you that one:


"an exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation"



Now that you know what a phobia is, I thought I'd tell you mine to start us off!

I have a phobia to bread and all things bread related, on a massive scale. I can eat some pastries and even stomach pizza to a certain extent but that's as far as it goes. I've had this fear my whole life and I've learned to live with it. Hell, I'd probably be obese if it wasn't there. But on the other hand it temps a lot of people to "test" the phobia or try to "cure" it when there's really nothing wrong. So one could say that it is a blessing and a curse. 

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Well my number one phobia (like a lot of people) is spiders.  I've always been scared of them for as long as I can remember.  When I was younger I would actually look up in all of the corners of the walls to make sure there were no spiders in the room.  I can't even kill the things.  If I have a stick or shoe I'd be too afraid that the thing would crawl up it and onto my arm.  I'm very grateful that when we moved to Nashville, we decided to get a bug exterminator.  I've seen hardly any spiders at all.  If there are any, I get my cat to kill them. She's my hero. :3


Now my next one I'm not really sure if it's a phobia or what.  When you have the definition I guess it is.  I hate puking.  If someone says they are sick and don't feel well I automatically assuming they feel nauseous.  If they are I try to avoid them at all costs.  Like I honestly wouldn't care if I was sick, but if there's puking involved then I can't have it.  Sometimes when I feel nauseous I start panicking (well not really panicking) that I'll throw up.  I think I worried about it so much as a kid that when I'd go to bed I would feel nauseous and I had to stay on my stomach for it to go away.


So yeah those are my two fears.  I fear nothing else RAWR!

Edited by lolrawr
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Well, I cant say that my greatest fear is really a phobia, since it is pretty rational. But I am deathly afraid of getting stuff in or around my eyes, or seeing other people put stuff in or around their eyes. Stuff like that scene from Terminator shake me to the core, and I always carefully place my glasses on when I need them since I am afraid of stabbing my eye. Just one of those weird little things, not exactly irrational but gagging when seeing people put contacts in isnt always great.

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I don't know if I have any legit medical phobias, but there's some stuff that makes me nervous or uneasy.


Believe it or not--public speaking, even in an online format like this. Probably more so, since I feel a greater responsibility to choose my words. Social interaction in general is pretty scary. I don't like making phone calls and will put them off for as long as possible. I get nervous approaching help desks and talking to people in person.


I don't like heights. I don't like small heights. I don't like being picked up. I don't like being told to jump from very high walls. (This was something I had to do in basic and I nearly cried. The fact that basic in general made me cry is largely relevant.)


I don't like stuff near my eyes either. I will never wear contacts. I don't like people going anywhere near my eyes.


I get nervous walking alone to the library. I don't like when people stop in their cars to talk to me and offer me rides.


Worms and slugs. Snails used to get a pass for having a shell, but ever since I read Uzumaki, no. No no no no no. (Snakes are okay, they are not slimy.)


There's probably other stuff, but that's all I can think of right now. I don't really fear anything to the point that it's crippled my ability to function in society or even this forum (obviously), but I get really anxious and have to separate myself from situations to calm down. I get these arrhythmias and, like, hyper awareness of my pulse to the point it's painful.

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Worms and slugs. Snails used to get a pass for having a shell, but ever since I read Uzumaki, no. No no no no no. (Snakes are okay, they are not slimy.)

Oh my god, I'm also so creeped out by snails since Uzamaki. I read it a long time ago because I thought it would be like Naruto, you know. "Uzumaki Naruto" -> "Uzumaki". Oh boy, was that a pleasant surprise.

I'm scared of heights, even with rails. Since I'm quite tall, my center of gravity usually sits above the rails so I feel they do absolutely nothing for me. I'm also scared of dropping things out of windows and stuff. If I'm in a car, and I'm holding a phone, and a window is down, oh my god! I tense up so bad. I can't even talk, I just clench the phone as hard as I can.

This is strange, but, I get really nervous public speaking ONLY when people I know are around. I'm quite good at public speaking to people I've never met before. I'm a bit scared of people in general though. Not that they'll kill me or anything, but I'm just scared about how they'll view me.

I used to be scared of spiders, but one time I saw a giant spider in my room, I decided to man up, and let it live there. LOL. So when I didn't die I figured though they're scary as hell, they won't usually kill you for no reason.

Also, damn Australia and their animals. get some less lethal animals pl0x.

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I don't have much that I fear...


My biggest phobia is (believe it or not) PEOPLE! I can fake feeling okay around people, but being around people is extremely scary to me.  It doesn't bother me talking to people online so much, but I sometimes find myself not wanting to respond to people.  I've had this fear for as long as I can remember.  Which is why I live like a hermit for the most part and only go out when I have to.  I absolutely hate gatherings and meeting new people...which is why I have been so reluctant to go to Mink's family Christmas.


My second and most recent phobia is being outside in the night.  I've had this for a 3 or 4 years.  I used to love taking nightly strolls coming home from work...but the last time I did I was attacked by the much bigger guys and given a concussion.  Ever since that it positively scares me to be out at night...especially only...I won't due it.


My last major phobia...hospitals. Only time I've gone to one was to give birth to my child.  Otherwise I won't get withing 50 feet of one.  Getting near one makes me nauseous.  More so if I'm particularly alert that day.  I have always been able to sense ghost.  I used to see and talk to them when I was little but as I grew older...I stopped being able to communicate...then stopped being able to see them.  I don't mind a couple of them being around me, but the hospital...has so very many spirits that it is overwhelming.


I also really fear the unknown...I don't like not know what is around me.  Ties into all my phobias it seems.  Which is why I won't go into a river, lake, or ocean...because I cannot see whats around me.


I don't mind but I don't like insects, dogs, and really small furries (such as rats, mice, gerbils, guinea pigs, and or animals about that size).  Thous I love little itty bitty kittens...so KAWAII.

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I have stupid phobias. 


Reverse fear of heights: Being afraid to look up when standing on a high open place. The fear I'm made fun of the most for.


Beach sharks: Being afraid of being attacked while swimming at the beach, but not while snorkeling or scuba diving. Also viciously ridiculed for this fear. Mostly due to my pathetic pyramid of protection strategy I insist on using when at the beach.


Specific spider phobia: Fear of only certain types of spiders. Daddy Long Legs, Brown Recluse, and Wolf Spiders. Almost all others are fine, and I actually like the furry little jumping spiders, they amuse me. Don't really get laughed at much for this one. Most people around here won't tolerate a Brown Recluse or Wolf Spider in their home due to them being venomous. I do get flack for freaking out when a Daddy Long Leg sneaks up on me though. 


I'm also anti-social, but it doesn't really have anything to do with fear. I just don't like being around people I haven't already vetted, they usually talk to much. 

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I actually like spiders since they keep other bugs out of the way. As it stands, I don't need the assistance of my eight legged pals as I have two cats who like to murder everything.

Oh my god, I'm also so creeped out by snails since Uzamaki. I read it a long time ago because I thought it would be like Naruto, you know. "Uzumaki Naruto" -> "Uzumaki". Oh boy, was that a pleasant surprise.



I'm a bit scared of people in general though. Not that they'll kill me or anything, but I'm just scared about how they'll view me.


Yeah, Uzumaki wrecked me on a lot of things. Basically everything by Junji Ito I've read has upended my mental balance. Because I tend to marathon read, and I did end up reading most of his work in the space of a few days, it was just horror upon horror in my head.


I'm fairly sensitive to how people view me, so I always try to be polite (which in my world means being really quiet and observing people until I figure out where in the social hierarchy I belong).


The vetting process is definitely a pain, though--I seem to accumulate acquaintances who are excessively competitive. And not even just in the context of sports, video games, or board games.


If I say my knee hurts, they start talking about how they had their foot ripped off by Slenderman. If I'm upset someone said something rude to me, they start talking about the time they were almost lynched by the Ku Klux Klan. If they ask me why I'm so angry at my mother, they talk about how they were locked up in a sex dungeon with no food or water by their uncle for the past twelve years and were only just released. If I find a news piece about someone being treated horrifically in the justice system, they start talking about how their mother's side of the family only just recently escaped the genocide-wracked country of Rwanda. On a boat. That was on fire. And there were millions of sharks (also on fire). And the sky was on fire.


Or if I relay an amusing story about how I made a goofy mistake or did something like drop an item or trip over my feet, they start talking about how that never happens to them. Or worse, start giving me advice on how to "avoid" such mistakes. "You shouldn't have been carrying so much! You should wake up earlier! Well, I could have told you that!"


/backflips into the sun /goodbye friends I am gone


When that happens I just kind of smile and nod. And then remind myself never to talk to them ever again.

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I don't think I have any actual phobias... All of my fears are completely logical, and tend to be based more on a healthy respect for the danger of something rather than an outright freeze up or run away fear.


I won't walk through dark alleys alone. I don't like spiders in the house. Large wild or angry animals are to be avoided whenever possible. Little things like that.

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my 2 phobia's are heights and small spaces like crawling through a small cramped tunnel in the dark,and i have yet to fly in a plane cause no one is getting my feet off mother earth,i have been absailing down a tall cliff but only cause i knew i was totally safe,the ropes hold tonnes of weight and i know the knots to tie.


spiders dont bother me at all,my oldest brother used to get huntsman spiders the size of dinner plates and put them on me when i was just waking up and i would wake up to find this giant spider crawling over my face,i was so scared i couldnt scream and i could see the fangs so clearly as the spider crawled up over my head,and the whole time my brother would be laughing his head off.with 3 older brothers you grow up not being affraid of much,cause they exploit everything.

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If I say my knee hurts, they start talking about how they had their foot ripped off by Slenderman. If I'm upset someone said something rude to me, they start talking about the time they were almost lynched by the Ku Klux Klan. If they ask me why I'm so angry at my mother, they talk about how they were locked up in a sex dungeon with no food or water by their uncle for the past twelve years and were only just released. If I find a news piece about someone being treated horrifically in the justice system, they start talking about how their mother's side of the family only just recently escaped the genocide-wracked country of Rwanda. On a boat. That was on fire. And there were millions of sharks (also on fire). And the sky was on fire. :money: :money:


Or if I relay an amusing story about how I made a goofy mistake or did something like drop an item or trip over my feet, they start talking about how that never happens to them. Or worse, start giving me advice on how to "avoid" such mistakes. "You shouldn't have been carrying so much! You should wake up earlier! Well, I could have told you that!"

:haha: :haha:



When that happens I just kind of smile and nod. And then remind myself never to talk to them ever again.


When that happens I just kind of smile and nod. And then remind myself never to talk to them ever again.


used to do that for nearly 6yrs, now because of that i just sit dumbfounded in interviews unable to answer the questons, now i should learn to talk again :embarrassed: :embarrassed:


i'm deathly afraid of cockroaches, ever since one came fliyng and settled between my buttocks while shitting. i was an innocent little boy then.

Edited by jobonline20
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Haha, I talk plenty, even outside of a virtual setting, but I'm fairly particular about who I'm with. My sense of humour is pretty null when I'm around strangers, but when I'm with friends I'm more likely to crack a few jokes.


Like it's fine if every once in a while a person derails a conversation to make it about themselves. If it happens all the time, though...


Cockroaches are weird. We had a lot of them in our apartment when I was a kid.


And I won't touch bugs because I'm afraid of squishing them with my meaty hands, haha. I also don't like bug bites or bugs pooping on me, so I get paranoid about letting them crawl on me, even if it's something like a ladybug or butterfly.

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I too have a phobia against spiders. The worst part: I take medication, right? Well the pharmacy here messed up and gave me the absolute wrong medication, which after only two doses, I started to hallucinate about spiders. Worse than that: I still have them. 


So reading or hearing about them messes me up good.

Edited by AxelVIII
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