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Talena Mae

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I think Java would have a heart attack if I used beer on my hair, haha. But I guess if I won't drink it...


I have heard about using a mixture of egg yolks and lemon juice; I've been considering it.

What I'm more scared of is doing the oil cleansing. I've heard mixed reviews on it--which makes sense because everyone's skin is different and they all live in different places. Some people have done it for several months and years with few issues and they don't break out as often. Some did it for a while before they started breaking out something fierce after a month or so. I don't wear any make up so if it goes awry, I'm going to be so sad, haha.

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Haha, I don't have any problems with shampoo and conditioner. It's mostly for the same reasons I stopped using deodorant--primarily to see if I can do it, and secondarily because it's cheaper. At a distant third it's supposed to be better for the environment and for my own health, but hippie though I may be, they weren't deciding factors for me.

People who have quit shampoo have said it's done wonders for their hair because it's not overproducing oils any more. It looks nicer, it has more volume, it feels nicer. So if I can get all that and not have to wash my hair every day, I think it's a win. Basically shampoo tends to strip all the oils away from your head and your scalp freaks out and starts overproducing because you're messing with the balance or whatever. Like people who used to never be able to skip a day of showering without their hair becoming an oil slick have found themselves able to go days without washing their hair after doing some variation of eschewing traditional shampoo, whether it's going completely without (somehow????) or using an alternative like SLS and paraben-free natural shampoos or homemade recipes like the baking soda mixtures and egg washes.

I'm not going completely without washing my hair, and probably won't do it purposely for a while barring any unusual circumstances.

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I almost never wash my hair, mostly because I don't care but now that I've come to the U.S. there's been a lot of criticism towards me. Towards my hygiene in general, really. I don't clean out my ears, brush my teeth, or even shower every day. Mostly because you don't need to, and some of those chemicals that people shove in their bodies have so many possible side effects that I don't even want it near me. I'd rather smoke pesticide than put all that shit, in on, or around my body and eating fast food. ... To be honest, I'd live out in the forest if it wasn't illegal to do so in most areas.

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You should at least floss, haha. I use the toothpick flossers because trying to figure out how to use regular threaded floss makes me feel stupid and I just end up with spit all over my fingers like a baby.


As long as you don't smell like a trash heap, skipping showers isn't the end of the world, but you do accumulate grime through the day even if you aren't actively sweating profusely 24/7. Unless you, like, regularly beat yourself against some river rocks to fight the dirt, I don't think you can really get away from having some sort of cleaning regiment, no matter how basic it is.

Anyway, day four (I think???) of the baking soda/ACV rinse routine. Hair hasn't completely given up on me--later in the day it started feeling a little oily, but not slick, if that makes sense. I skipped using face wash because I started the OCM tonight and got some of the baking soda/ACV on my face. Ended up drying my skin out a bit, but not horribly so--cleared up after a couple hours.

As far as the OCM, I did straight EVOO because that's all I have. Don't know yet if I need the castor oil. It felt interesting, though. Not like I was doing anything disgusting or dirty--it really did feel like I was cleaning my face. It's a little tingly.

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Well it's not like I completely neglect my body. I do brush my teeth and what not, just not as much as the average American, yet I still get shit for doing so. Eh- I shouldn't care, I don't really like any one at my school, all they care about is sex, drugs, and leaving their parents house "for good".

When you talk about your hair I feel the same as when my trigonometry teacher spoke... It's mind bobbling. ... Like rocket science!


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I liked trigonometry. My teacher's first name was Stacy and he was the burliest bald man with a manly mustache in the universe.

Yeah, it's just one of those things. Like I said, as long as you don't smell like a trash heap or aren't able to scrape off visible layers of dirt, you should be okay. I remember once when I was in elementary school, maybe second or third grade, I decided i wanted to skip one day of showering, so my mother brushed my hair and put it in a clip. I mentioned it offhand to one of my classmates and she immediately recoiled in fear, like I was covered in slugs or something.

One time this kid--again, second or third grade--asked to use the restroom and the teacher said no. He asked to use the restroom every morning and I guess the teacher was tired of it or thought he was doing something weird. Anyway, the inevitable happens and he wets himself. So he starts crying and we have to line up to leave. Immediately everyone starts going, "GROOOOOSSSS" and even people from across the room were like "EWWWW STINKY". I was the lone voice who said, "It doesn't smell."

Anyway, I guess my point is kids are stupid. I cut my own hair one time and lopped off at least six inches, so it's not like I was a child genius or anything.

Edited by Emotional Outlet
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Braith is a little brat. I get that she's upset because her mother apparently doesn't care about her and her dad goes away for work (even though I never see him leave, but it's not like I spend all day in Whiterun), but her logic that threatening to bloody someone's nose and taking his money will somehow result in him wanting to kiss her is almost psychotic.

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I know what your talkin' about. I had a couple of buds like that in middle school or so, and I ended up teaching one of them a damn good lesson after trying to threaten then bribe me over some thing I "saw". Witch I didn't even see by the way, I was just walking with my head phones on past the back of the school to head to the food court. I kinda feel sorry for him though, just because I'm the one that did it to him. I really don't like fighting, but if you find a way to get me mad then good luck. (It's really hard by the way, I'm a really tollerant kid.)

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Oh my god, I think I know who is encouraging my roommate's girlfriend's condescending and rude attitude. We had dinner with them and a couple of their friends and one of them acted a lot like her. Just really friggin' condescending about everything. And no, if I don't know you, don't call me "darling". Jesus. The other friend was a lot better.

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Adventures in basement modification.

Shortly after deciding that we should make part of the basement into a game room, we decided that there was too much unused space down there. So, naturally we plan to do something about that.

The first adventure was in gathering the proper supplies and tools. A good friend let us borrow his table saw and chop saw. We have two good cordless drills, add in assorted pliers and stuff, and we've got tools covered. Materials were another fairly simple matter. Another friend had some wood paneling in their basement that wasn't being used. All we had to do was dig it out. A quick trip to Home Depot, and a few $20 bills later, and we had all of the 2X4s we needed, as well as the electrical stuff.

Next came the tricky part. Cutting materials. We'd planned to start with the paneling, because all of it needed the same amount taken off. So we set up the table saw, and went to plug it in.. Surprise surprise, we have the wrong outlet for the power cord on it. So I snapped a picture of the outlet, and packed up the cord for another trip to home depot. Once there, I explained what I needed, and showed them the picture of the outlet. What I wanted was a short cord that would plug into that outlet, and enough wiring stuff to make an extension cord appropriate for a 220 connection. What they lead me to was the dryer cords, which were all the wrong one. They have slanted prongs, I needed straight prongs. I explained this again, they went on about all of the cords they have, which, no matter how much they talked, were still the wrong one.

So finally I went to Lowes instead. They also lead me to the dryer cords, but with a surprise twist. They actually had a straight pronged cord! I snatched up my prize before some random miscreant with the same problem could show up and take it out from under me, and then went to find the other side of the problem. I still needed the other end plug. They told me they didn't have one in stock, but they called around to a couple of RV dealers, and found exactly what I needed. So with one part in hand, and a location punched into my handy GPS app, I raced off to find the other half of my treasure.

I arrived just in time to see them locking the place up for the night.. /sadface on. But was told that I could come back in the morning and they'd have my cord ready and waiting, and that they would even swap out the prong end for me with the one I'd just bought at no extra charge. /yay!

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