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Talena Mae

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People think I'm evil because my last name sounds like evil.

I personally haven't had any experiences with ghosts, but they claimed the classroom was haunted when I was at DLI. It'd apparently close doors and make other little noises. I think it was just an ornery Sudanese teacher being really aggressive with his dots.

A benign ghost story! We went on a ghost walk in Annapolis around Halloween time in 2010. Afterwards, we went to a pub that we went by on the ghost walk that was supposed to be haunted by a woman who died because her bed fell from the second floor to the first or something crazy like that. Anyway, we were in a small group, just me, another girl, and two dudes. She goes to use the restroom and one of the guys takes out his Airman's coin or some other RMO and sets it on the table. He later tells us that he felt something cold settle on his knee right as he set the coin on the table. He was pretty sure it was the ghost of that girl chilling on his knee.

Another of my friend had a pretty serious encounter in a dream or something. I can't remember the details, but he was pretty freaked out by it.

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i had a freaky dream last night!

there was this spider with a gimpy leg. it looked like two of them were fused together or something, but it was really big and creepy, and it was chasing me. then one of my friends older sisters (who i don't like) started chasing me with it in her hand and i called for dart to help and he was ignoring me and sister chick threw the gimpy spider at me.

i freaked when i woke up and attacked dart for cuddles. he was thoroughly confused and still half asleep XD

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I am studying "Introduction to Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Writing"

Not that I really need an introduction, but as I always say when writing "it is better to start at the beginning."

Yes, I love my reading, I love my writing, and considering I got Credit (65%-78% or something like that) in my first assessment, I'm pleased.

I also have access to a published Author, and if the need be I can ask him if I ever get stuck on anything.

I dont think this next assessment will be "challenging" I think it is fun! I know nearly all the books i have in mind off by heart, so I just need to get my thoughts and feelings down in the 200 word limit (I have to stick to the word limit or I get deducted LOL)

That's great that you get to study and work with the things that you love! So many people go into fields that they do not even enjoy purely for the money/title/etc but I find that people are always much happier when they do the things that they enjoy.

It's great that you look at such a big assignment and see a fun activity rather than an arduous task. If only more people today had that kind of enthusiasm in their professions.

well if thats the case then i am an evil bitch coz i love cookies and steak and chocolate and all the yummy things!

Don't we all? :)

you can't be a bitch when you are evil

Hmmmm....logic error not detected by the compiler? Time for debugging :P

BTW Shazi who is dart?

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In response to EO's post about ghosts...

I joined a paranormal investigation group in about December. And I've only been on one night-time investigation, but it was so crazy! I saw a face in a doorway, felt breath on my neck and ear, clearly heard footsteps on a wooden floor, and was touched on my neck. It didn't have pressure like if a person were to put their hand on your shoulder, but it was tingly and cold. One of the other investigators was touched more solidly; she said it felt like an actual person. I think that would have freaked me right out.

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In response to EO's post about ghosts...

I joined a paranormal investigation group in about December. And I've only been on one night-time investigation, but it was so crazy! I saw a face in a doorway, felt breath on my neck and ear, clearly heard footsteps on a wooden floor, and was touched on my neck. It didn't have pressure like if a person were to put their hand on your shoulder, but it was tingly and cold. One of the other investigators was touched more solidly; she said it felt like an actual person. I think that would have freaked me right out.

Clearly you have been visited by a lama of the lemming variety :P

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