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Self Preservation?


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Would you have another die in order to save your own life?

This is a situation I guess so you know what I mean. You are at a split at train tracks. You are tied to one set of tracks and another person is tied to the other set. A train is coming. You are holding the lever that can reroute the train to the other set of tracks. Would you reroute the train to save yourself, knowing that you would kill the other person?

Another scenario just for fun. You are in a line at the front. There is a gunsman that just appeared and is about to shoot. If you duck, then you can dodge the bullet and escape. However, if you duck then the person behind you will be shot. Do you duck?

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Disturbing, yes. But not so much, considering the person-to-die is someone I don't know of. Well, definitely I'd pull the lever (in first case) and duck (in second case); though I'd not probably know whose standing behind me in the second case because all the ruckus would be too fast to even move my head to see who's behind or not, so I'd not exactly blame myself for the second case. I have too many things to achieve in life and well, I wanna live more. Still, if it's someone I love or something like that, I'd hesitate.

Good topic, by the way. I expect to see variation in opinions and maybe even fights. OH YEAHH!

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Disturbing, yes. But not so much, considering the person-to-die is someone I don't know of. Well, definitely I'd pull the lever (in first case) and duck (in second case); though I'd not probably know whose standing behind me in the second case because all the ruckus would be too fast to even move my head to see who's behind or not, so I'd not exactly blame myself for the second case. I have too many things to achieve in life and well, I wanna live more. Still, if it's someone I love or something like that, I'd hesitate.

Good topic, by the way. I expect to see variation in opinions and maybe even fights. OH YEAHH!

I agree, I would prefer to survive. Guess thats why alignment tests say that im Neutral Evil. and I love philosophy so ive been trying to make good topics on it. Devils advocate ftw!

And just a question. Would the guilt of having killed another by your actions be hard on you?

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Possibly. No one would truly know whether they would or not unless they've been put in a situation like that.

Now, it would also depend on why we were there, what I had done with my life, what the other person had done with their life, how old we both are, etc etc. If I had done something with my life and the other was a bum, obviously I would save myself. If I was a criminal lord and they were trying to save the planet, I may let them live. If we were put there by a crime lord for whatever reason, and there was a chance that whoever got out of this situation was going to be shot, I would choose myself to survive the trains, on the off chance that we wouldn't.

Guilt is the same thing. You never know until it happens, and how much or how little you feel depends on the situation. You may not feel guilt for killing a killer, but you would feel guilt for killing a lover.

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It depends toatally on the situation itself, I mean the person who you're gonna save(or dump) is someone close to you.

If other person is not close I'll surely switch the track to save myself. If the person is close and I got very less time(20-30secs), I'll just go ahead and probably save my self. If there is a long time to train to hit me (a minute or two), I'd think about it, I mean if I look in the other persons eye, I'd probably won't have the courage to switch the tracks.

In second situation you'll get very less time to duck, so it'd just be a reflex to duck and save myself.

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I would try my hardest to save everyone, the gun scenario theirs a chance in that one, maybe you can talk the gunsman down you know?

For the situation its either you or another dies. You cant save everyone just in the hypothetical situations. And if you tried to jump the gunsman or something then he'd probably just shoot you

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It is a conscious decision, not a reflex. Unless your reflex is to always save yourself no matter what

THat is human reflex, self preservation is human instinct in threatening situations.

I'd like to think I wouldn't... wouldn't kill the other person. It'd be easier in the first case scenario... it's harder to defeat the instinct to duck. Pulling the lever is more of a thought out action. :/

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

In the first, it depends on how much time there is... Because if there is time, and given the fact that I can move enough to pull the lever, I can move enough to free myself. And if I can't free myself, then surviving the train wouldn't make a difference because I'd still be trapped there. If there is no time, and it isn't someone I love, I could pull the lever. Especially if it was someone who I know deserved to die. And by that, I mean someone like a serial killer or rapist.

In the second scenario, your body ducks whether you want it to or not. Though I think what I would do if it were a conscious decision is this. I would move to the side, and take the bullet in a non-vital area. Unless I knew the person behind me deserved to die. In which case I would duck, and then continue to charge.

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